Российская локализация для v18

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Korobkov 2025-01-17 20:45:47 +03:00
parent e07335deaa
commit 2c894fe74b
200 changed files with 13131 additions and 0 deletions

l10n_ru_act_rev/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Российская локализация - Акт сверки
name: l10n_ru_act_rev
## Описание
Добавление печатной формы акт сверки из контактов, с помощью которой можно легко отслеживать дебеторские и кредиторские проводки с клиентами.
### Для печати:
1. Выбираем меню Контакты - карточку конкретного партнера - Действия - "Печать акт сверки";
2. В визарде выбираем:
2.1. Компанию (для которой нужна сверка с выбранным контактом);
2.2. Период сверки;
2.3. Цель (один из режимом: все проведенные проводки или все проводки, включая черновики);
3. Кнопка "Печать"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from . import models
from . import report
from . import wizard
from . import controllers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': "Российская локализация - Акт сверки",
'summary': """
Добавление отчета акт сверки""",
'description': """
Добавление формы акт сверки, находящегося в контактах, с помощью которого можно легко отслеживать дебеторские и кредиторские проводки с клиентами.
Для печати:
1. Выбираем меню Контакты - конкретного партнера - Действия - "Печать акт сверки";
2. В визарде выбираем:
2.1. Компанию (для которой нужна сверка с выбранным контактом);
2.2. Период сверки;
2.3. Цель (один из режимом: все проведенные проводки или все проводки, включая черновики);
3. Кнопка "Печать"
'author': "MK.Lab",
'website': "https://www.inf-centre.ru/",
'category': 'Uncategorized',
'version': '0.1',
# any module necessary for this one to work correctly
"depends": ["account", "portal", "website", 'contacts', "l10n_ru_doc", 'l10n_ru_contract', 'l10n_ru_base'],
"data": [
"installable": True,
"application": True,
"auto_install": False,
# only loaded in demonstration mode
'demo': [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import controllers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
from datetime import datetime, date
import werkzeug
class ActRevise(http.Controller):
@http.route(['/my/act_revise/<string:act>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def print_report(self):
partner = request.env.user.partner_id.parent_id.id
partner_name = request.env.user.partner_id.parent_id.name
if not partner:
partner = request.env.user.partner_id.id
partner_name = request.env.user.partner_id.name
company = request.env.user.company_id.id
# company_name = request.env.user.company_id.name
# today = date.today()
# d1 = today.strftime("%d.%m.%y")
# new_url=str('AC ' + company +' - ' + partner + ' ' + d1)
# if request.httprequest.full_path == '/my/act_revise/a?':
# return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/my/act_revise/%s' % new_url)
wizard_data = {
"target_move": "posted",
"hide_account_at_0": True,
"foreign_currency": True,
"company_id": company,
"partner_ids": [partner],
"show_cost_center": True,
"centralize": True
wizard_record = request.env['general.ledger.act_revise.wizard'].sudo().create(wizard_data)
action_read = request.env.ref('l10n_ru_act_rev.action_general_ledger_wizard').sudo().read()
if action_read:
action = action_read[0]
action['res_id'] = wizard_record.id
action['context'] = dict(request.env.context)
return request.redirect('/web#action=' + str(action['id']) + '&id=' + str(wizard_record.id) + '&view_type=form')
return request.make_response("Error: Action not found.",[('Content-Type', 'text/plain')],400)
# @http.route(['/my/act_revise/<string:act>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
# def print_report(self):
# partner = request.env.user.partner_id.parent_id.id
# partner_name = request.env.user.partner_id.parent_id.name
# if not partner:
# partner = request.env.user.partner_id.id
# partner_name = request.env.user.partner_id.name
# company = request.env.user.company_id.id
# company_name = request.env.user.company_id.name
# today = date.today()
# d1 = today.strftime("%d.%m.%y")
# # new_url = str('Акт Сверки ' + d1 + ' ' + company_name + '_' + partner_name)
# # new_url=str('AC ' + company +' - ' + partner + ' ' + d1)
# # if request.httprequest.full_path == '/my/act_revise/a?':
# # return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/my/act_revise/%s' % new_url)
# wizard_data = {"target_move": "posted",
# "hide_account_at_0": True,
# "foreign_currency": True,
# #"show_analytic_tags": True,
# "company_id": company,
# "partner_ids": [partner],
# #"show_partner_details": True,
# "show_cost_center": True,
# "centralize": True}
# t = request.env['general.ledger.act_revise.wizard'].sudo().create(wizard_data)
# data = t._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# name = t.get_report_filename()
# report_name = name.encode('cp1251')
# pdf, _ = request.env['ir.actions.report']._render_qweb_pdf(
# 'act_revise.action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb', res_ids=t.id, data=data)
# pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf)), ]
# return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)
@http.route(['/my/act_revise_contact/<string:act>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def print_report_contact(self, date_to, date_from, target_move, company, partner):
partner_id = int(partner) or 'default_partner_value'
company_id = int(company)
wizard_data = {"date_to": date_to,
"date_from": date_from,
"target_move": target_move,
"hide_account_at_0": True,
"foreign_currency": True,
#"show_analytic_tags": True,
"company_id": company_id,
"partner_ids": [partner_id],
#"show_partner_details": True,
"show_cost_center": True,
"centralize": True}
t = request.env['general.ledger.act_revise.wizard'].sudo().create(wizard_data)
data = t._prepare_report_general_ledger()
pdf, _ = request.env['ir.actions.report']._render_qweb_pdf(
'l10n_ru_act_rev.action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb', res_ids=t.id, data=data)
pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf)), ]
return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<record id="object0" model="act_revise.act_revise">
<field name="name">Object 0</field>
<field name="value">0</field>
<record id="object1" model="act_revise.act_revise">
<field name="name">Object 1</field>
<field name="value">10</field>
<record id="object2" model="act_revise.act_revise">
<field name="name">Object 2</field>
<field name="value">20</field>
<record id="object3" model="act_revise.act_revise">
<field name="name">Object 3</field>
<field name="value">30</field>
<record id="object4" model="act_revise.act_revise">
<field name="name">Object 4</field>
<field name="value">40</field>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from . import account_account
from . import ir_actions_report

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
from odoo import fields, models, _
class AccountAccount(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.account"
centralized = fields.Boolean(_("Централизованно"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from odoo import api, models
class IrActionsReport(models.Model):
_inherit = "ir.actions.report"
def _prepare_account_financial_report_context(self, data):
lang = data and data.get("account_financial_report_lang") or ""
return dict(self.env.context or {}, lang=lang) if lang else False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from . import general_ledger

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template id="l10n_ru_act_rev.general_ledger">
<t t-call="l10n_ru_act_rev.html_container">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<t t-call="l10n_ru_act_rev.internal_layout">
<t t-call="l10n_ru_act_rev.report_general_ledger_base" />
<template id="l10n_ru_act_rev.report_general_ledger_base">
<t t-set="foreign_currency" t-value="foreign_currency" />
<t t-set="filter_partner_ids" t-value="filter_partner_ids" />
<div class="page">
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<t t-set="lines" t-value='[]' />
<t t-set="total_debit_init_all" t-value='0.0'/>
<t t-set="total_credit_init_all" t-value='0.0'/>
<t t-foreach="general_ledger" t-as="account">
<t t-if="'list_grouped' in account">
<t t-foreach="account['list_grouped']" t-as="group_item">
t-value="[('account_id', '=', account['id']),('date', '&lt;', date_from)]"
t-value="[('partner_id', '=', group_item['id'])]"
t-if="'partners' in account"
<t t-set="misc_grouped_domain" t-value="[]" t-else="" />
<t t-set="debit_domain" t-value="[('debit', '&lt;&gt;', 0)]" />
<t t-set="total_debit_init" t-value="group_item['init_bal']['debit']" />
<t t-set="total_debit_init_all" t-value='total_debit_init_all+total_debit_init'/>
<t t-set="credit_domain" t-value="[('credit', '&lt;&gt;', 0)]" />
<t t-set="total_credit_init" t-value="group_item['init_bal']['credit']" />
<t t-set="total_credit_init_all" t-value='total_credit_init_all+total_credit_init'/>
<t t-set="lines" t-value='lines+group_item["move_lines"]' />
<t t-set="lines" t-value='o.sorted_lines(lines)'/>
<t t-set="total_debit" t-value='0.0' />
<t t-set="total_credit" t-value='0.0' />
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<COL WIDTH="14%"/>
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<COL WIDTH="14%"/>
<COL WIDTH="12%"/>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0t">Акт сверки</td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8">взаимных расчетов за период: <t t-esc="o.get_data_format(date_from) or ''"/> - <t t-esc="o.get_data_format(date_to) or ''"/></td>
<t t-set="pid" t-value="o.partner_ids[0].parent_id or o.partner_ids[0]"/>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8">между: <t t-esc="company_name"/> и <t t-esc="pid.name"/></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8"><t t-if="o.get_contract()">по договору №<t t-esc="o.get_contract().name"/> от <t t-esc="o.get_contract().date_start"/></t></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0j">Мы, нижеподписавшиеся, <t t-esc="company_name"/> с одной стороны, и <t t-esc="pid.name"/>, с другой стороны, составили данный акт сверки в том, что, состояние взаимных расчетов по данным учета следующее:</td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lbox">По данным <t t-esc="company_name"/>, руб</td>
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lbox">По данным <t t-esc="pid.name"/>, руб</td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Дата</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Документ</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Дебет</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Кредит</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Дата</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Документ</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Дебет</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox">Кредит</td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
t-value="[('account_id', '=', account['id']),('date', '&lt;', date_from)]"
t-value="[('partner_id', '=', group_item['id'])]"
t-if="'partners' in account"
<t t-set="misc_grouped_domain" t-value="[]" t-else="" />
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbox">Сальдо начальное</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"><span t-esc="'%0.2f'%(total_debit_init_all)"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"><span t-esc="'%0.2f'%(total_credit_init_all)"/></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbox">Сальдо начальное</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0" t-foreach="lines" t-as="line">
<t t-set="total_debit" t-value="total_debit+line['debit']" />
<t t-set="total_credit" t-value="total_credit+line['credit']" />
<td CLASS="R0cbox"><t t-esc="o.get_data_format(line['date']) or ''"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0lbox"><t t-raw="line['entry']"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(line['debit'])"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(line['credit'])"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0lbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbox"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbbox">Обороты за период</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(total_debit)"/>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(total_credit)"/>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbbox">Обороты за период</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbbox">Сальдо конечное</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(total_debit_init_all+total_debit)"/></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"><t t-raw="'%0.2f'%(total_credit_init_all+total_credit)"/></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbbox">Сальдо конечное</td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"></td>
<td CLASS="R0cbbox"></td>
<t t-set="total_balance_fin" t-value='(total_debit_init_all+total_debit)-(total_credit_init_all+total_credit)'/>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0l">По данным <t t-esc="company_name"/></td>
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0l">По данным <t t-esc="pid.name"/></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lb">на <t t-esc="o.get_data_format(date_to) or ''"/> задолженность в пользу <t t-if="total_balance_fin>=0"><t t-esc="company_name"/></t><t t-else=""><t t-esc="pid.name"/></t> <t t-esc="'%0.2f'%(abs(total_balance_fin))"/> руб. (<t t-esc="o.rubles(abs(total_balance_fin)) or ''"/>)"
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lb">на <t t-esc="o.get_data_format(date_to) or ''"/> задолженность в пользу <t t-if="total_balance_fin>=0"><t t-esc="company_name"/></t><t t-else=""><t t-esc="pid.name"/></t> <t t-esc="'%0.2f'%(abs(total_balance_fin))"/> руб. (<t t-esc="o.rubles(abs(total_balance_fin)) or ''"/>)"
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0l">От <t t-esc="company_name"/></td>
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0l">От <t t-esc="pid.name"/></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lb"><t t-esc="o.company_id.chief_id.function or ''"/></td>
<td colspan="4" CLASS="R0lb">Директор</td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="8" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0fas"><SPAN><t t-raw="o.company_id.print_facsimile and o.img(o.company_id.chief_id.facsimile) or ''"/></SPAN></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lb"><t t-esc="o.initials(o.company_id.chief_id.name) or ''"/></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<tr CLASS="R0">
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbt">М.П.</td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0print"><SPAN><t t-raw="o.company_id.print_stamp and (o.company_id.print_anywhere or context.get('mark_invoice_as_sent', False)) and o.img(o.company_id.stamp) or ''"/></SPAN></td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lbt">М.П.</td>
<td colspan="2" CLASS="R0lb"></td>
<!-- <report-->
<!-- id="action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb"-->
<!-- model="general.ledger.report.wizard"-->
<!-- string="Акт сверки"-->
<!-- report_type="qweb-pdf"-->
<!-- menu="False"-->
<!-- name="act_revise.general_ledger"-->
<!-- file="act_revise.general_ledger"-->
<!-- print_report_name=" 'Акт сверки - %s' %s (object.get_report_filename()) or ''"-->
<!-- />-->
<record id="action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb" model="ir.actions.report">
<field name="name">Акт сверки</field>
<field name="model">general.ledger.act_revise.wizard</field>
<field name="report_type">qweb-pdf</field>
<field name="report_name">l10n_ru_act_rev.general_ledger</field>
<field name="report_file">l10n_ru_act_rev.general_ledger</field>
<field name="print_report_name">'Акт сверки - %s' % (object.get_report_filename() or '')</field>
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="model_general_ledger_act_revise_wizard"/>
<record id="report_qweb_paperformat" model="report.paperformat">
<field name="name">Account financial report qweb paperformat</field>
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<field name="format">custom</field>
<field name="page_height">297</field>
<field name="page_width">210</field>
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<field name="margin_top">12</field>
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<field name="header_spacing">10</field>
<field name="dpi">110</field>
<record id="action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb" model="ir.actions.report">
<field name="paperformat_id" ref="report_qweb_paperformat" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template id="l10n_ru_act_rev.html_container">
<t t-set="body_classname" t-value="'container'" />
<t t-call="web.report_layout">
<t t-out="0" />
<template id="l10n_ru_act_rev.internal_layout">
<div class="article o_account_financial_reports_page">
<t t-out="0" />
<div class="footer">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 custom_footer">
t-esc="context_timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')"
<div class="col-6 text-right custom_footer">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="list-inline-item">
<span class="page" />
<li class="list-inline-item">/</li>
<li class="list-inline-item">
<span class="topage" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 id name model_id:id group_id:id perm_read perm_write perm_create perm_unlink
2 access_general_ledger_act_revise_wizard general.ledger.act_revise.wizard model_general_ledger_act_revise_wizard base.group_user 1 1 1 1
3 access_general_ledger_act_revise_wizard_portal general.ledger.act_revise.wizard.portal model_general_ledger_act_revise_wizard base.group_portal 1 1 1 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<record id="view_account_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.account.form.inherit</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_account_form" />
<field name="model">account.account</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="deprecated" position="after">
<field name="centralized" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="portal_my_home_act_revise" name="Portal My Home : act revise" inherit_id="portal.portal_my_home" priority="40">
<xpath expr="//div[hasclass('o_portal_docs')]" position="inside">
<a t-attf-href="/my/act_revise/a">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-md o_website_form_send">Печатать акт сверки</button>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template id="report_general_ledger">
<div class="o_act_revise_page">
<t t-call="l10n_ru_act_rev.report_buttons" />
<t t-call="l10n_ru_act_rev.report_general_ledger_base" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from . import abstract_wizard
from . import general_ledger_wizard

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from odoo import models, fields
class AbstractWizard(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "act_revise.abstract_wizard"
_description = "Abstract Wizard"
def _get_partner_ids_domain(self):
return [
("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
("company_id", "=", False),
("parent_id", "=", False),
("is_company", "=", True),
def _default_partners(self):
context = self.env.context
if context.get("active_ids") and context.get("active_model") == "res.partner":
partners = self.env["res.partner"].browse(context["active_ids"])
corp_partners = partners.filtered("parent_id")
partners -= corp_partners
partners |= corp_partners.mapped("commercial_partner_id")
return partners.ids
company_id = fields.Many2one(
default=lambda self: self.env.company.id,
def button_export_pdf(self):
report_type = "qweb-pdf"
return self._export(report_type)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
import logging
import time
from ast import literal_eval
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.tools import date_utils,pycompat
from pytils import dt,numeral
from datetime import datetime, date
import re
import urllib
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class GeneralLedgerReportWizard(models.TransientModel):
"""General ledger report wizard."""
_name = "general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"
_description = "General Ledger Report Wizard"
_inherit = "act_revise.abstract_wizard"
# date_range_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="date.range", string="Date range")
date_from = fields.Date(string="Начало даты", required=True, default=lambda self: self._init_date_from())
date_to = fields.Date(string="Конец даты", required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
fy_start_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_fy_start_date")
target_move = fields.Selection(
[("posted", "Все проведенные проводки"), ("all", "Все проводки")],
string="Цель операции",
account_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.account", string=_("Filter accounts")
centralize = fields.Boolean(string=_("Activate centralization"), default=True)
hide_account_at_0 = fields.Boolean(
string=_("Hide account ending balance at 0"),
help=_("Use this filter to hide an account or a partner "
"with an ending balance at 0. "
"If partners are filtered, "
"debits and credits totals will not match the trial balance."),
receivable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
payable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
string=_("Filter partners"),
default=lambda self: self._default_partners(),
account_journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.journal", string=_("Filter journals")
cost_center_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.analytic.account", string=_("Filter cost centers")
not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Boolean(readonly=True)
foreign_currency = fields.Boolean(
string=_("Show foreign currency"),
help=_("Display foreign currency for move lines, unless "
"account currency is not setup through chart of accounts "
"will display initial and final balance in that currency."),
default=lambda self: self._default_foreign_currency(),
account_code_from = fields.Many2one(
help="Starting account in a range",
account_code_to = fields.Many2one(
help="Ending account in a range",
grouped_by = fields.Selection(
selection=[("", "None"), ("partners", "Partners"), ("taxes", "Taxes")],
show_cost_center = fields.Boolean(
string="Show Analytic Account",
domain = fields.Char(
string="Journal Items Domain",
help="This domain will be used to select specific domain for Journal " "Items",
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# else:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# return {
# 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# self.company_id.id, partner),
# 'target': 'new',
# }
def _get_account_move_lines_domain(self):
domain = literal_eval(self.domain) if self.domain else []
return domain
@api.onchange("account_code_from", "account_code_to")
def on_change_account_range(self):
if (
and self.account_code_from.code.isdigit()
and self.account_code_to
and self.account_code_to.code.isdigit()
start_range = self.account_code_from.code
end_range = self.account_code_to.code
self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(
[("code", ">=", start_range), ("code", "<=", end_range)]
if self.company_id:
self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
lambda a: a.company_ids == self.company_id
def _init_date_from(self):
"""set start date to begin of current year if fiscal year running"""
today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
company = self.company_id or self.env.company
last_fsc_month = company.fiscalyear_last_month
last_fsc_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day
if (
today.month < int(last_fsc_month)
or today.month == int(last_fsc_month)
and today.day <= last_fsc_day
return time.strftime("%Y-01-01")
return False
def _default_foreign_currency(self):
return self.env.user.has_group("base.group_multi_currency")
def _compute_fy_start_date(self):
for wiz in self:
if wiz.date_from:
date_from, date_to = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(
wiz.fy_start_date = date_from
wiz.fy_start_date = False
def onchange_company_id(self):
"""Handle company change."""
count = self.env["account.account"].search_count(
("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
("company_ids", "=", self.company_id.id),
self.not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = count != 1
# if (
# self.company_id
# and self.date_range_id.company_id
# and self.date_range_id.company_id != self.company_id
# ):
# self.date_range_id = False
if self.company_id and self.account_journal_ids:
self.account_journal_ids = self.account_journal_ids.filtered(
lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
if self.company_id and self.partner_ids:
self.partner_ids = self.partner_ids.filtered(
lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
if self.company_id and self.account_ids:
if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
lambda a: a.company_ids == self.company_id
if self.company_id and self.cost_center_ids:
self.cost_center_ids = self.cost_center_ids.filtered(
lambda c: c.company_id == self.company_id
res = {
"domain": {
"account_ids": [],
"partner_ids": [],
"account_journal_ids": [],
"cost_center_ids": [],
# "date_range_id": [],
if not self.company_id:
return res
res["domain"]["account_ids"] += [("company_ids", "=", self.company_id.id)]
res["domain"]["account_journal_ids"] += [
("company_ids", "=", self.company_id.id)
res["domain"]["partner_ids"] += self._get_partner_ids_domain()
res["domain"]["cost_center_ids"] += [
("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# res["domain"]["date_range_id"] += [
# "|",
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# ("company_id", "=", False),
# ]
return res
# @api.onchange("date_range_id")
# def onchange_date_range_id(self):
# """Handle date range change."""
# if self.date_range_id:
# self.date_from = self.date_range_id.date_start
# self.date_to = self.date_range_id.date_end
# @api.constrains("company_id", "date_range_id")
# def _check_company_id_date_range_id(self):
# for rec in self.sudo():
# if (
# rec.company_id
# and rec.date_range_id.company_id
# and rec.company_id != rec.date_range_id.company_id
# ):
# raise ValidationError(
# _(
# "The Company in the General Ledger Report Wizard and in "
# "Date Range must be the same."
# )
# )
@api.onchange("receivable_accounts_only", "payable_accounts_only")
def onchange_type_accounts_only(self):
"""Handle receivable/payable accounts only change."""
if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
domain = [("company_ids", "=", self.company_id.id)]
if self.receivable_accounts_only and self.payable_accounts_only:
domain += [
("account_type", "in", ("asset_receivable", "liability_payable"))
elif self.receivable_accounts_only:
domain += [("account_type", "=", "asset_receivable")]
elif self.payable_accounts_only:
domain += [("account_type", "=", "liability_payable")]
self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(domain)
self.account_ids = None
def onchange_partner_ids(self):
"""Handle partners change."""
if self.partner_ids:
self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = True
self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = False
def _compute_unaffected_earnings_account(self):
for record in self:
record.unaffected_earnings_account = self.env["account.account"].search(
("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
("company_ids", "=", record.company_id.id),
unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Many2one(
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report_name = "act_revise.general_ledger"
# return (
# self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# .search(
# [("report_name", "=", report_name), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# limit=1,
# )
# .report_action(self, data=data)
# )
def _print_report(self, report_type):
data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
[("report_name", "=", "l10n_ru_act_rev.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
account_data = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().search([
('partner_id', '=', partner),
('account_id.account_type', 'in', ('liability_payable', 'asset_receivable')),
('account_id.non_trade', '=', False),
('date', '<=', self.date_to),
('date', '>=', self.date_from)
if self.target_move == 'posted' and not account_data.filtered(lambda p: p.parent_state == 'posted') or not account_data:
raise UserError(f'Проводок для формирования акта по введенным условиям не найдено.')
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
self.company_id.id, partner),
'target': 'new',
def _prepare_report_general_ledger(self):
return {
"wizard_id": self.id,
"date_from": self.date_from,
"date_to": self.date_to,
"only_posted_moves": self.target_move == "posted",
"hide_account_at_0": self.hide_account_at_0,
"foreign_currency": self.foreign_currency,
"company_id": self.company_id.id,
"account_ids": self.account_ids.ids,
"partner_ids": self.partner_ids.ids,
"grouped_by": self.grouped_by,
"cost_center_ids": self.cost_center_ids.ids,
"show_cost_center": self.show_cost_center,
"journal_ids": self.account_journal_ids.ids,
"centralize": self.centralize,
"fy_start_date": self.fy_start_date,
"unaffected_earnings_account": self.unaffected_earnings_account.id,
"account_financial_report_lang": self.env.lang,
"domain": self._get_account_move_lines_domain(),
def _export(self, report_type):
"""Default export is PDF."""
return self._print_report(report_type)
def _get_atr_from_dict(self, obj_id, data, key):
return data[obj_id][key]
except KeyError:
return data[str(obj_id)][key]
def numer(self, name):
if name:
numeration = re.findall('\d+$', name)
if numeration: return numeration[0]
return name
def get_data_format(self, date):
if date and date != 'False':
return dt.ru_strftime(u'%d.%m.%Y г.', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d"), inflected=True)
return ''
def initials(self, fio):
if fio:
return (fio.split()[0] + ' ' + ''.join([fio[0:1] + '.' for fio in fio.split()[1:]])).strip()
return ''
def rubles(self, sum):
"Transform sum number in rubles to text"
text_rubles = numeral.rubles(int(sum))
copeck = round((sum - int(sum)) * 100)
text_copeck = numeral.choose_plural(int(copeck), (u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек"))
return ("%s %02d %s") % (text_rubles, copeck, text_copeck)
def img(self, img, type='png', width=0, height=0):
if width:
width = "width='%spx'" % (width)
width = " "
if height:
height = "height='%spx'" % (height)
height = " "
toreturn = "<img %s %s src='data:image/%s;base64,%s' />" % (
return toreturn
def get_contract(self):
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
contract = self.env['partner.contract.customer'].search(
[('partner_id', '=', partner), ('state', '=', 'signed')], limit=1)
if contract:
return contract
def get_function_partner(self, partner):
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
if director.function:
return director.function or 'отсутствует'
def get_name_partner(self, partner):
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
return director.name or 'отсутствует'
def get_report_filename(self):
today = date.today()
d1 = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.name)
p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].name)
# return 'Акт Сверки '+ d1 + ' ' + self.company_id.name+'_'+p
return str(self.company_id.id) + ' - ' + ' ' + d1
def sorted_lines(self, list):
list = sorted(list, key=lambda k: k.get('date'), reverse=False)
return list
# import time
# from ast import literal_eval
# from odoo import _, api, fields, models
# from odoo.tools import date_utils,pycompat
# from pytils import dt,numeral
# from datetime import datetime, date
# import re
# import urllib
# class GeneralLedgerReportWizard(models.TransientModel):
# """General ledger report wizard."""
# _name = "general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"
# _description = "General Ledger Report Wizard"
# _inherit = "act_revise.abstract_wizard"
# # date_range_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="date.range", string="Date range")
# date_from = fields.Date(string="Начало даты", required=True, default=lambda self: self._init_date_from())
# date_to = fields.Date(string="Конец даты", required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
# fy_start_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_fy_start_date")
# target_move = fields.Selection(
# [("posted", "Все проведенные проводки"), ("all", "Все проводки")],
# string="Цель операции",
# required=True,
# default="posted",
# )
# account_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.account", string=_("Filter accounts")
# )
# centralize = fields.Boolean(string=_("Activate centralization"), default=True)
# hide_account_at_0 = fields.Boolean(
# string=_("Hide account ending balance at 0"),
# help=_("Use this filter to hide an account or a partner "
# "with an ending balance at 0. "
# "If partners are filtered, "
# "debits and credits totals will not match the trial balance."),
# )
# receivable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
# payable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
# partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="res.partner",
# string=_("Filter partners"),
# default=lambda self: self._default_partners(),
# )
# account_journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.journal", string=_("Filter journals")
# )
# cost_center_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.analytic.account", string=_("Filter cost centers")
# )
# not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Boolean(readonly=True)
# foreign_currency = fields.Boolean(
# string=_("Show foreign currency"),
# help=_("Display foreign currency for move lines, unless "
# "account currency is not setup through chart of accounts "
# "will display initial and final balance in that currency."),
# default=lambda self: self._default_foreign_currency(),
# )
# account_code_from = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# help="Starting account in a range",
# )
# account_code_to = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# help="Ending account in a range",
# )
# grouped_by = fields.Selection(
# selection=[("", "None"), ("partners", "Partners"), ("taxes", "Taxes")],
# default="partners",
# )
# show_cost_center = fields.Boolean(
# string="Show Analytic Account",
# default=True,
# )
# domain = fields.Char(
# string="Journal Items Domain",
# default=[],
# help="This domain will be used to select specific domain for Journal " "Items",
# )
# # def _print_report(self, report_type):
# # self.ensure_one()
# # data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# # report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# # [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# # if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# # partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# # else:
# # partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# # return {
# # 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# # 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# # urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# # self.company_id.id, partner),
# # 'target': 'new',
# # }
# def _get_account_move_lines_domain(self):
# domain = literal_eval(self.domain) if self.domain else []
# return domain
# @api.onchange("account_code_from", "account_code_to")
# def on_change_account_range(self):
# if (
# self.account_code_from
# and self.account_code_from.code.isdigit()
# and self.account_code_to
# and self.account_code_to.code.isdigit()
# ):
# start_range = self.account_code_from.code
# end_range = self.account_code_to.code
# self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(
# [("code", ">=", start_range), ("code", "<=", end_range)]
# )
# if self.company_id:
# self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
# lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# def _init_date_from(self):
# """set start date to begin of current year if fiscal year running"""
# today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
# company = self.company_id or self.env.company
# last_fsc_month = company.fiscalyear_last_month
# last_fsc_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day
# if (
# today.month < int(last_fsc_month)
# or today.month == int(last_fsc_month)
# and today.day <= last_fsc_day
# ):
# return time.strftime("%Y-01-01")
# else:
# return False
# def _default_foreign_currency(self):
# return self.env.user.has_group("base.group_multi_currency")
# @api.depends("date_from")
# def _compute_fy_start_date(self):
# for wiz in self:
# if wiz.date_from:
# date_from, date_to = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(
# wiz.date_from,
# day=self.company_id.fiscalyear_last_day,
# month=int(self.company_id.fiscalyear_last_month),
# )
# wiz.fy_start_date = date_from
# else:
# wiz.fy_start_date = False
# @api.onchange("company_id")
# def onchange_company_id(self):
# """Handle company change."""
# count = self.env["account.account"].search_count(
# [
# ("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# ]
# )
# self.not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = count != 1
# # if (
# # self.company_id
# # and self.date_range_id.company_id
# # and self.date_range_id.company_id != self.company_id
# # ):
# # self.date_range_id = False
# if self.company_id and self.account_journal_ids:
# self.account_journal_ids = self.account_journal_ids.filtered(
# lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.partner_ids:
# self.partner_ids = self.partner_ids.filtered(
# lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.account_ids:
# if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
# self.onchange_type_accounts_only()
# else:
# self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
# lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.cost_center_ids:
# self.cost_center_ids = self.cost_center_ids.filtered(
# lambda c: c.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# res = {
# "domain": {
# "account_ids": [],
# "partner_ids": [],
# "account_journal_ids": [],
# "cost_center_ids": [],
# # "date_range_id": [],
# }
# }
# if not self.company_id:
# return res
# else:
# res["domain"]["account_ids"] += [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
# res["domain"]["account_journal_ids"] += [
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# ]
# res["domain"]["partner_ids"] += self._get_partner_ids_domain()
# res["domain"]["cost_center_ids"] += [
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# ]
# # res["domain"]["date_range_id"] += [
# # "|",
# # ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# # ("company_id", "=", False),
# # ]
# return res
# # @api.onchange("date_range_id")
# # def onchange_date_range_id(self):
# # """Handle date range change."""
# # if self.date_range_id:
# # self.date_from = self.date_range_id.date_start
# # self.date_to = self.date_range_id.date_end
# # @api.constrains("company_id", "date_range_id")
# # def _check_company_id_date_range_id(self):
# # for rec in self.sudo():
# # if (
# # rec.company_id
# # and rec.date_range_id.company_id
# # and rec.company_id != rec.date_range_id.company_id
# # ):
# # raise ValidationError(
# # _(
# # "The Company in the General Ledger Report Wizard and in "
# # "Date Range must be the same."
# # )
# # )
# @api.onchange("receivable_accounts_only", "payable_accounts_only")
# def onchange_type_accounts_only(self):
# """Handle receivable/payable accounts only change."""
# if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain = [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
# if self.receivable_accounts_only and self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain += [
# ("account_type", "in", ("asset_receivable", "liability_payable"))
# ]
# elif self.receivable_accounts_only:
# domain += [("account_type", "=", "asset_receivable")]
# elif self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain += [("account_type", "=", "liability_payable")]
# self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(domain)
# else:
# self.account_ids = None
# @api.onchange("partner_ids")
# def onchange_partner_ids(self):
# """Handle partners change."""
# if self.partner_ids:
# self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = True
# else:
# self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = False
# @api.depends("company_id")
# def _compute_unaffected_earnings_account(self):
# for record in self:
# record.unaffected_earnings_account = self.env["account.account"].search(
# [
# ("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
# ("company_id", "=", record.company_id.id),
# ]
# )
# unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# compute="_compute_unaffected_earnings_account",
# store=True,
# )
# # def _print_report(self, report_type):
# # self.ensure_one()
# # data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# # report_name = "act_revise.general_ledger"
# # return (
# # self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# # .search(
# # [("report_name", "=", report_name), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# # limit=1,
# # )
# # .report_action(self, data=data)
# # )
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# # report.report_name='Test'
# # report.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="Test.pdf";')
# # pdf, _ = request.env.ref('act_revise.action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb').sudo().render_qweb_pdf(self,data=data)
# # pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf)),('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s";' % report_name),]
# # return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)
# # return (
# # self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# # .search(
# # [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# # limit=1,
# # )
# # report.report_action(self, data=data)
# # )
# # name='Test'
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# else:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# account_data = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().search([
# ('partner_id', '=', partner.id),
# ('account_id.account_type', 'in', ('liability_payable', 'asset_receivable')),
# ('account_id.non_trade', '=', False),
# ('date', '<=', self.date_to),
# ('date', '>=', self.date_from)
# ])
# if not account_data:
# raise UserError(f'Проводок для формирования акта по введенным условиям не найдено.')
# return {
# 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# self.company_id.id, partner),
# 'target': 'new',
# }
# def _prepare_report_general_ledger(self):
# self.ensure_one()
# return {
# "wizard_id": self.id,
# "date_from": self.date_from,
# "date_to": self.date_to,
# "only_posted_moves": self.target_move == "posted",
# "hide_account_at_0": self.hide_account_at_0,
# "foreign_currency": self.foreign_currency,
# "company_id": self.company_id.id,
# "account_ids": self.account_ids.ids,
# "partner_ids": self.partner_ids.ids,
# "grouped_by": self.grouped_by,
# "cost_center_ids": self.cost_center_ids.ids,
# "show_cost_center": self.show_cost_center,
# "journal_ids": self.account_journal_ids.ids,
# "centralize": self.centralize,
# "fy_start_date": self.fy_start_date,
# "unaffected_earnings_account": self.unaffected_earnings_account.id,
# "account_financial_report_lang": self.env.lang,
# "domain": self._get_account_move_lines_domain(),
# }
# def _export(self, report_type):
# """Default export is PDF."""
# return self._print_report(report_type)
# def _get_atr_from_dict(self, obj_id, data, key):
# try:
# return data[obj_id][key]
# except KeyError:
# return data[str(obj_id)][key]
# def numer(self, name):
# if name:
# numeration = re.findall('\d+$', name)
# if numeration: return numeration[0]
# return name
# def get_data_format(self, date):
# if date and date != 'False':
# return dt.ru_strftime(u'%d.%m.%Y Рі.', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d"), inflected=True)
# return ''
# def initials(self, fio):
# if fio:
# return (fio.split()[0] + ' ' + ''.join([fio[0:1] + '.' for fio in fio.split()[1:]])).strip()
# return ''
# def rubles(self, sum):
# "Transform sum number in rubles to text"
# text_rubles = numeral.rubles(int(sum))
# copeck = round((sum - int(sum)) * 100)
# text_copeck = numeral.choose_plural(int(copeck), (u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек"))
# return ("%s %02d %s") % (text_rubles, copeck, text_copeck)
# def img(self, img, type='png', width=0, height=0):
# if width:
# width = "width='%spx'" % (width)
# else:
# width = " "
# if height:
# height = "height='%spx'" % (height)
# else:
# height = " "
# toreturn = "<img %s %s src='data:image/%s;base64,%s' />" % (
# width,
# height,
# type,
# str(pycompat.to_text(img)))
# return toreturn
# def get_contract(self):
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# contract = self.env['partner.contract.customer'].search(
# [('partner_id', '=', partner), ('state', '=', 'signed')], limit=1)
# if contract:
# return contract
# def get_function_partner(self, partner):
# director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
# if director:
# if director.function:
# return director.function or 'отсутствует'
# def get_name_partner(self, partner):
# director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
# if director:
# return director.name or 'отсутствует'
# def get_report_filename(self):
# today = date.today()
# d1 = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.name)
# else:
# p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].name)
# # return 'Акт Сверки '+ d1 + ' ' + self.company_id.name+'_'+p
# return str(self.company_id.id) + ' - ' + ' ' + d1
# def sorted_lines(self, list):
# list = sorted(list, key=lambda k: k.get('date'), reverse=False)
# return list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<record id="general_ledger_wizard" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Акт сверки</field>
<field name="model">general.ledger.act_revise.wizard</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<group name="main_info">
options="{'no_create': True}"
<div invisible= "not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account==True" >
<group name="filters">
<group name="date_range">
<!-- <field name="date_range_id" />-->
<field name="date_from" />
<field name="date_to" />
<field name="fy_start_date" invisible="1" /><!-- reason: need-->
<field name="target_move" widget="radio" />
<group name="other_filters" invisible="1"><!-- reason: need-->
<field name="grouped_by" />
<field name="centralize" />
<field name="hide_account_at_0" />
<field name="foreign_currency" />
<field name="show_cost_center" />
<notebook invisible="1"><!-- reason: need-->
<page string="Filter accounts">
<group name="account_filter" col="4">
<label for="account_ids" colspan="4" />
<field name="receivable_accounts_only" />
<field name="payable_accounts_only" />
<label for="account_code_from" string="From Code" />
<div class="o_row">
options="{'no_create': True}"
<span class="oe_inline">To</span>
options="{'no_create': True}"
options="{'no_create': True}"
<page string="Filter partners">
options="{'no_create': True}"
string="Filter analytic accounts"
options="{'no_create': True}"
<page string="Additional Filtering">
.o_domain_show_selection_button {display: none}
options="{'model': 'account.move.line', 'in_dialog': True}"
context="{'skip_search_count': 1}"
<div invisible= "not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account==False" >
<field name="not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account" invisible="1"/><!-- reason: need-->
<group />
General Ledger can be computed only if selected company have
only one unaffected earnings account.
<group />
<div invisible= "not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account==True">
<button string="Отмена" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
<div invisible= "not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account==False" >
<button string="Отмена" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
<!-- <act_window-->
<!-- id="action_general_ledger_wizard"-->
<!-- name="Акт сверки"-->
<!-- res_model="general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"-->
<!-- view_mode="form"-->
<!-- view_id="general_ledger_wizard"-->
<!-- target="new"-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;Add to res.partner action&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <act_window-->
<!-- id="act_action_general_ledger_wizard_partner_relation"-->
<!-- name="Печатать акт сверки"-->
<!-- res_model="general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"-->
<!-- binding_model="res.partner"-->
<!-- view_mode="form"-->
<!-- context="{-->
<!-- 'default_receivable_accounts_only':1,-->
<!-- 'default_payable_accounts_only':1,-->
<!-- }"-->
<!-- groups="account.group_account_manager"-->
<!-- target="new"-->
<!-- />-->
<record id="action_general_ledger_wizard" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Акт сверки</field>
<field name="res_model">general.ledger.act_revise.wizard</field>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="general_ledger_wizard"/>
<field name="target">new</field>
<record id="act_action_general_ledger_wizard_partner_relation" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Печатать акт сверки</field>
<field name="res_model">general.ledger.act_revise.wizard</field>
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="base.model_res_partner"/>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="context">{'default_receivable_accounts_only': 1, 'default_payable_accounts_only': 1}</field>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6, 0, [ref('account.group_account_manager')])]"/>
<field name="target">new</field>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Российская локализация - Доверенность
name: l10n_ru_attorney
## Описание
Создание списка доверенностей на получение ТМЦ и их печать.
###Создание доверенности:
1. Меню Покупки - Доверенности - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем:
2.1. Контрагент - поставщик;
2.2. Заказ на закупку;
2.3. Даты действия доверенности ("дата выдачи" и "действительно по").
###Для печати:
1. Меню Настройки - Техническое - Отчеты;
2. Находим в списке l10n_ru_attorney и добавляем в меню "Печать";
3. Открываем созданную запись доверенности - Действие - "Доверенность".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import models

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': "Российская локализация - Доверенность",
'summary': """
Печать доверенности на получение ТМЦ
'description': """
Создание списка доверенностей на получение ТМЦ и их печать.
Создание доверенности:
1. Меню Покупки - Доверенности - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем:
2.1. Контрагент - поставщик;
2.2. Заказ на закупку;
2.3. Даты действия доверенности ("дата выдачи" и "действительно по").
Для печати:
1. Меню Настройки - Техническое - Отчеты;
2. Находим в списке l10n_ru_attorney и добавляем в меню "Печать";
3. Открываем созданную запись доверенности - Действие - "Доверенность".
'author': "MK.Lab",
'website': "https://www.inf-centre.ru/",
'category': 'Uncategorized',
'version': '0.1',
# any module necessary for this one to work correctly
'depends': ['base', 'account', 'sale', 'purchase', 'hr', 'l10n_ru_base'],
# always loaded
'data': [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import base_consent
from . import hr_employee
from . import purchase_order

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class BaseConsent(models.Model):
_name = 'base.consent'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'utm.mixin']
_description = 'Consent'
_order = 'date_from desc'
name = fields.Char(string=_('Номер'))
date_from = fields.Date(string=_('Дата выдачи'), default=lambda self: fields.Datetime.now())
date_to = fields.Date(string=_('Действительна по'), default=lambda self: datetime.today() + timedelta(days=180))
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент'), required=1)
employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string=_('Сотрудник'), required=1)
purchaseorder_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order', _('Заказ на закупку'), domain="[('partner_id','=',partner_id)]",
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string=_('Компания'),
default=lambda self: self.env['res.company']._company_default_get('base.consent'),
def create(self, val):
name = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('base.consent')
if name:
if 'name' in val:
if val['name'] == False:
'name': name,
result = super(BaseConsent, self).create(val)
return result
def set_partner(self):
if self.purchaseorder_id:
self.partner_id = self.purchaseorder_id.partner_id
def fill_order(self):
p_orders = self.env['purchase.order'].sudo().browse(self.purchaseorder_id.id)
for order in p_orders:
order.consent_id = self.id

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import fields, models, _
class HrEmployee(models.Model):
_inherit = 'hr.employee'
inn = fields.Char(string=_("ИНН"))
pass_kem = fields.Char(string=_("Кем выдан паспорт"))
pass_date = fields.Date(string=_('Дата выдачи паспорта'))
class HrEmployeePublic(models.Model):
_inherit = 'hr.employee.public'
inn = fields.Char(related='employee_id.inn', readonly = True)
pass_kem = fields.Char(related='employee_id.pass_kem', readonly = True)
pass_date = fields.Date(related='employee_id.pass_date', readonly = True)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import fields, models, _
class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = 'purchase.order'
consent_id = fields.Many2one('base.consent', string=_('Доверенность'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
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<record model="ir.actions.report" id="l10n_ru_attorney.action_report_consent">
<field name="name">Доверенность</field>
<field name="model">base.consent</field>
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.tb-numbers label {display: inline-block;padding: 4px 0px 0px;line-height: 20px;font-size:
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.approver-info .signature {font-size: 11px;padding-top: 40px;}
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.tb-total {width :405 px;margin: 30px 0px 20px auto;}
.tb-total td {padding: 2px 5px;font-size :12 px;}
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.tb-total td input {padding :1 px ;font-size :11 px ;}
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#777 ;font-size :13 px ;}
.btn-box {margin: 10px 0px;}
.signer-box {width: 400px;}
.buyer-box .tb-info {width: 400px;}
.btn-box a {font-size: 14px;margin-left: 10px;}
.podpis-box {clear: both;display: inline-block;font-size: 11px;margin: 20px auto 30px;width:
.tb-podpis {width: 100%;}
.podpis-box .box1 {float: left;width: 48%;}
.signatures-box {clear: both;display: inline-block;font-size: 11px;margin: 20px auto
30px;width: 100%;}
.signatures-box .box1 {float: left;width: 35%;}
.signatures-box .box2 {float: right;width: 35%;}
.signatures-box .box1 table,
.signatures-box .box2 table { width: 100%; }
.signatures-box table td { padding: 3px; text-align: center; }
.podpis-box .box2 { float: right; width: 48%; }
.podpis-box .box1 table,
.podpis-box .box2 table { width: 100%; }
.podpis-box table td { padding: 3px; text-align: center; }
.special-line { border-bottom: 1px solid #000; display: block; line-height: 22px
!important;text-align: center; }
.w120 { width: 120px; }
.w130 { width: 130px; }
.note { font-size: 11px !important; }
.l { text-align: left !important; }
.r { text-align: right !important; }
.c { text-align: center !important; }
<h4 style="text-align:center; margin:10px 5px 5px;">
Доверенность №
<span t-field="o.name"/>
<table style="width:55%">
<td>Дата выдачи:</td>
<span t-field="o.date_from" t-options="{&quot;widget&quot;: &quot;date&quot;}"/>
<td>Доверенность действительна по:</td>
<span t-field="o.date_from" t-options="{&quot;widget&quot;: &quot;date&quot;}"/>
<div class="special-line" style="width:100%;margin-top:15px;text-align:center">
<span t-field="o.company_id.name"/>, адрес:<span t-field="o.company_id.street"/>, ИНН
<span t-field="o.company_id.vat"/>,
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;">наименование предприятия и его адрес</div>
<table style="width:100%;margin-top:10px">
<td style="width:30%">
Доверенность выдана
<td style="width:100%;text-align:center;">
<span style="border-bottom:1px solid;display:block;clear:both;text-align:center;">
<span t-field="o.employee_id"/>,<span t-field="o.employee_id.job_id.name"/>, ИНН
<span t-field="o.employee_id.inn"/>
<span style="">
должность и Ф.И.О.
<table style="width:100%">
<td>Паспорт серия и №
<span style="padding:0 5px 0 5px;margin-left:12px;margin-right:12px;display:inline-table;"
<span t-field="o.employee_id.passport_id"/>
<td>Кем выдан
<span style="padding:0 5px 0 5px;margin-left:12px;margin-right:12px;display:inline-table;"
<span t-field="o.employee_id.pass_kem"/>
<td>Дата выдачи
<span style="padding:0 5px 0 5px;margin-left:12px;margin-right:12px;display:inline-table;"
<span t-field="o.employee_id.pass_date"/>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:25%">
На получение от
<td style="width:75%;text-align:center;">
<span style="border-bottom:1px solid;display:block;clear:both;">
<span t-field="o.partner_id"/>
<span style="">
наименование поставщика
<td style="width:25%">
Материальных ценностей по
<td style="width:75%;text-align:center;">
<span style="border-bottom:1px solid;display:block;clear:both;">
Заказу на закупку №
<span t-field="o.purchaseorder_id.name"/>
<span t-field="o.purchaseorder_id.date_order"
t-options="{&quot;widget&quot;: &quot;date&quot;}"/>
<span style="">
наименование, номер и дата документа
<h4 style="text-align:center; margin:15px 5px 15px;">
Перечень материальных ценностей,
подлежащих получению
<table class="tb-invoice">
<tr class="head">
<td style="min-width:200px;">Наименование товаров (работ, услуг)</td>
<td>Ед. изм.</td>
<t t-set="num" t-value="1"/>
<t t-foreach="o.purchaseorder_id.order_line" t-as="line">
<tr class="data-row">
<t t-esc="num"/>
<td class="l" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">
<span t-field="line.name"/>
<span t-field="line.product_uom"/>
<span t-field="line.product_qty"/>
<t t-set="num" t-value="num+1"/>
<div class="clear h100"></div>
<p>Подпись лица, получившего доверенность ___________________ удостоверяем</p>
<div class="podpis-box">
<table style="width:50%;">
<td style="width: 13%;">Руководитель предприятия</td>
<td style="width: 19%; vertical-align: bottom;">
<span class="special-line"></span>
<span class="note">(подпись)</span>
<td style="width: 16%; vertical-align: bottom;">
<span class="special-line"></span>
<span class="note">(Ф.И.О)</span>
<td style="width: 13%;">Гл. бухгалтер:</td>
<td style="width: 19%; vertical-align: bottom;">
<span class="special-line"></span>
<span class="note">(подпись)</span>
<td style="width: 16%; vertical-align: bottom;">
<span class="special-line"></span>
<span class="note">(Ф.И.О)</span>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 id name model_id:id group_id:id perm_read perm_write perm_create perm_unlink
2 access_base_consent base.consent model_base_consent base.group_user 1 1 1 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="base_consent_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Consents</field>
<field name="model">base.consent</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="partner_id"/>
<field name="employee_id"/>
<field name="date_from"/>
<field name="date_to"/>
<record id="base_consent_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">consent.form</field>
<field name="model">base.consent</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="name" placeholder="Для автонумерации оставьте пустым"/>
<field name="partner_id"/>
<field name="employee_id"/>
<field name="date_from"/>
<field name="date_to"/>
<field name="purchaseorder_id"/>
<field name="company_id"/>
<!-- <div class="oe_chatter">-->
<!-- <field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers"/>-->
<!-- <field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread"/>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<record id="l10n_ru_attorney.action_consent" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Доверенности</field>
<field name="res_model">base.consent</field>
<field name="view_mode">list,form</field>
<menuitem id="l10n_ru_attorney.menu_1" name="Доверенности" parent="purchase.menu_purchase_root"
<record id="seq_consent" model="ir.sequence">
<field name="name">Consents</field>
<field name="code">base.consent</field>
<field name="prefix">CON</field>
<field name="padding">5</field>
<field name="company_id" eval="False"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="view_employee_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">view_employee_form.inherit</field>
<field name="model">hr.employee</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="hr.view_employee_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//field[@name='bank_account_id']" position="after">
<field name="inn"/>
<xpath expr="//field[@name='passport_id']" position="after">
<field name="pass_kem"/>
<field name="pass_date"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="purchase_order_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">purchase.order.form.inherit</field>
<field name="model">purchase.order</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="purchase.purchase_order_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//field[@name='incoterm_id']" position="after">
<field name="consent_id" context="{'default_partner_id':partner_id,'default_purchaseorder_id':id}"

l10n_ru_base/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Российская локализация - Базовый
name: l10n_ru_base
## Описание
Российская локализация: основные отчеты и печатные формы. Это базовый модуль для работы с модулями локализации.
###Для включения модулей:
1. Меню Настройки - в боковом меню "Российская локализация";
2. Выбирается нужный блок для подключения дополнительных возможностей по локализации.
###Перечень модулей локализации:
1. Российская локализация - Акт сверки (l10n_ru_act_rev)
2. Российская локализация - Доверенность (l10n_ru_attorney)
3. Российская локализация - Договоры (l10n_ru_contract)
4. Российская локализация - Документы (l10n_ru_doc)
5. Российская локализация - УПД в xml-формате (l10n_ru_upd_xml)

l10n_ru_base/__init__.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from . import models

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': "Российская локализация - Базовый>",
'summary': """
Российская локализация: основные отчеты и печатные формы.
'description': """
Российская локализация: основные отчеты и печатные формы.
Для включения модулей:
1. Меню Настройки - в боковом меню "Российская локализация"
2. Выбирается нужный блок.
'author': "MK.Lab",
'website': "https://www.inf-centre.ru/",
'version': '',
'license': 'LGPL-3',
'category': 'Uncategorized',
'depends': ["account", "portal", "website", 'contacts','base', 'mail', 'sale', 'purchase', 'hr','sale_management', 'sale_stock', 'uom','web'],
'data': [

l10n_ru_base/i18n/ru_RU.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * l10n_ru_base
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 18.0+e\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-12-17 06:36+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-12-17 06:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_l10n_ru_act_rev
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Act revise"
msgstr "Акт сверки"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_act_revise
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
#, python-format
msgid "Act revise"
msgstr "Акт сверки"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__company_status_rf
msgid "Company Status Rf"
msgstr "Статус компании"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model:ir.model,name:l10n_ru_base.model_res_config_settings
msgid "Config Settings"
msgstr "Параметры конфигурации"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_fehu_base_consent
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
#, python-format
msgid "Consent"
msgstr "Доверенность"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_contract
#, python-format
msgid "Contract"
msgstr "Договор"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Contracts"
msgstr "Договоры"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Powers of attorney"
msgstr "Доверенность на получение ТМЦ"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_l10n_ru_doc
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
#, python-format
msgid "Print forms"
msgstr "Печатные формы"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Report act revise"
msgstr "Отчет Акт сверки"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Report contract"
msgstr "Договоры"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Report report_xml"
msgstr "УПД в формате xml для ЭДО"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/l10n_ru_base/models/res_config_settings.py:0
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_ru_base.field_res_config_settings__module_report_xml
#, python-format
msgid "Report_xml"
msgstr "Универсальный передаточный документ (УПД) в формате xml для ЭДО"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "Russian Localization"
msgstr "Российская локализация"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "UPD xml"
msgstr "УПД в формате xml для ЭДО"
#. module: l10n_ru_base
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:l10n_ru_base.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "print_forms"
msgstr "Печатные формы документов"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from . import res_config_settings

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
import logging
class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'res.config.settings'
module_l10n_ru_act_rev = fields.Boolean(_("Act revise"))
module_l10n_ru_contract = fields.Boolean(_("Contract"))
module_l10n_ru_upd_xml = fields.Boolean(_("Report_xml"))
module_l10n_ru_doc = fields.Boolean(_("Print forms"))
module_l10n_ru_attorney = fields.Boolean(_("Consent"))
def write(self, values):
if any(field in values for field in _FIELDS_MODUL):
company = self.env.company
if company.country_id.code != 'RU':
raise UserError("Признак Российской компании не обнаружен!")
missing_modules = set()
for field in _FIELDS_MODUL:
mapped_values = self.mapped(field)
if mapped_values and mapped_values[0]:
module_name = field[7:]
module_installed = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', module_name)], limit=1)
if not module_installed:
if missing_modules:
message = "Обратитесь в тех.поддержку для получения лицензии для следующих модулей:\n" + \
raise UserError(message)
return super(ResConfigSettings, self).write(values)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="res_config_settings_view_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">res.config.settings.view.form.inherit.russian.localization</field>
<field name="model">res.config.settings</field>
<field name="priority" eval="5"/>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="base.res_config_settings_view_form"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr="//form" position="inside">
<app data-string="Russian Localization" string="Russian Localization" name="base_russian_localization" img="l10n_ru_base/static/description/icon.png">
<block title="Act revise" name="act_revise_setting_container">
<setting id="act_revise" string="Act revise" help="Report act revise">
<field name="module_l10n_ru_act_rev"/>
<block title="Contracts" name="contract_setting_container">
<setting id="contract" string="Contracts" help="Report contract">
<field name="module_l10n_ru_contract"/>
<block title="UPD xml" name="upd_xml_setting_container">
<setting id="report_xml" string="UPD xml" help="Report report_xml">
<field name="module_l10n_ru_upd_xml"/>
<block title="Print forms" name="print_forms_setting_container">
<setting id="print_forms" string="Print forms" help="print_forms">
<field name="module_l10n_ru_doc"/>
<block title="Consent" name="powers_attorney_setting_container">
<setting id="powers_attorney" string="Consent" help="Powers of attorney">
<field name="module_l10n_ru_attorney"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Российская локализация - Договоры
name: l10n_ru_contract
## Описание
Создание договоров с клиентами и поставщиками в системе.
Возможность разделения договоров на виды, отслеживание статуса договора. Вы также можете распечатать договор из системы.
### Создание вида договора клиента(поставщика):
1. Меню Продажи (Покупки) - Договоры - Виды договора - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем:
2.1. Журнал и счета дебетовой и кредиторской задолженности;
2.2. Присваиваем новое название.
### Создание договора клиента (поставщика):
1. Меню Продажи (Покупки) - Договоры - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем основные и дополнительные условия договора:
2.1. Контрагент - клиент (поставщик);
2.2. Тип контрагента;
2.3. Компанию, от лица которой будет подписан договор;
2.4. Вид договора.
### Для печати:
1. Открываем созданную запись договора - Действие - "Договор".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import models
from . import report

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': 'Российская локализация - Договоры',
'summary': """
Создание договоров, их видов и печать
'description': """
Создание договоров с клиентами и поставщиками. Возможность разделения на виды договоров, отслеживание статуса договора и его печатью
Создание вида договора клиента(поставщика):
1. Меню Продажи (Покупки) - Договоры - Виды договора - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем:
2.1. Журнал и счета дебетовой и кредиторской задолженности;
2.2. Присваиваем новое название.
Создание договора клиента (поставщика):
1. Меню Продажи (Покупки) - Договоры - кнопка "Создать";
2. На форме указываем основные и дополнительные условия договора:
2.1. Контрагент - клиент (поставщик);
2.2. Тип контрагента;
2.3. Компанию, от лица которой будет подписан договор;
2.4. Вид договора.
Для печати:
1. Открываем созданную запись договора - Действие - "Договор".
'version': '',
'sequence': 0,
'author': 'MK.Lab',
'website': 'https://www.inf-centre.ru/',
'external_dependencies': {
'python': ['pymorphy2'],
'depends': [
'account', 'sale', 'sale_management', 'purchase', 'l10n_ru_base'
'data': [
'installable': True,
'auto_install': False,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data noupdate="1">
<record id="contract_customer_sequence" model="ir.sequence">
<field name="name">Договор последовательность клиент</field>
<field name="code">partner.contract.customer.sequence</field>
<field eval="1" name="number_next"/>
<field eval="1" name="number_increment"/>
<field eval="True" name="use_date_range"/>
<field name="padding">5</field>
<record id="contract_supplier_sequence" model="ir.sequence">
<field name="name">Договор последовательность поставщик</field>
<field name="code">partner.contract.supplier.sequence</field>
<field eval="1" name="number_next"/>
<field eval="1" name="number_increment"/>
<field eval="True" name="use_date_range"/>
<field name="padding">5</field>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import account_move
from . import contract_customer
from . import crutch_fields_header
from . import dop_field
from . import purchase_order
from . import sale_make_invoice_advance
from . import sale_order

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
from odoo import api, fields, models, exceptions, _
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
mt_contract_id = fields.Many2one('partner.contract.customer', string=_('Номер договора'))
sf_number = fields.Char(string=_('Номер с'))
osnovanie = fields.Char(string=_('Основание'))
sec_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент'), store=True, compute='_compute_get_pid')
stamp = fields.Boolean(string=_('Печать и подпись'), related='mt_contract_id.stamp')
def _compute_get_pid(self):
for s in self:
s.sec_partner_id = s.partner_id.parent_id if s.partner_id.parent_id else s.partner_id
def set_ons(self):
if self.mt_contract_id:
self.osnovanie = 'Договор № ' + self.mt_contract_id.name + ' от ' + fields.Datetime.from_string(
def invoice_fields_check(self):
for s in self:
if s.state == 'posted':
if s.mt_contract_id:
errors_list = []
journal_in_contract = s.mt_contract_id.profile_id.journal_id
payment_term_in_contract = s.mt_contract_id.profile_id.payment_term_id
receivable_in_contract = s.mt_contract_id.profile_id.receivable_account_id
if journal_in_contract != s.journal_id:
errors_list.append(f'Отличается Журнал - [{s.journal_id.name}] '
f'и указанный в договоре №{s.mt_contract_id.name} '
f'Журнал - [{journal_in_contract.name}]\n\n')
if payment_term_in_contract != s.invoice_payment_term_id:
errors_list.append(f'Отличается поле "Условие оплаты" в инвойсе '
f'[Условие оплаты - {s.invoice_payment_term_id.name}] '
f'и указанный в договоре №{s.mt_contract_id.name} '
f'[Условие оплаты - {payment_term_in_contract.name}]\n\n')
if receivable_in_contract not in s.line_ids.account_id:
errors_list.append(f'Отличается поле "Счет дебиторской задолженности" в инвойсе '
f'и указанный в договоре №{s.mt_contract_id.name}')
if errors_list:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(''.join(errors_list))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, exceptions, tools, _
import pymorphy2
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
class PartnerContractCustomer(models.Model):
_name = 'partner.contract.customer'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'mail.render.mixin']
def get_dateend(self):
if self.date_start:
six_months = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.date_start) + relativedelta(months=+11)
six_months = datetime.today() + relativedelta(months=+11)
return fields.Datetime.to_string(six_months)
name = fields.Char(string=_('Номер'))
date_start = fields.Date(string=_('Дата договора'), required=True, default=fields.Datetime.now())
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент'), required=True)
sec_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент как в заказе'))
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string=_('Компания'), required=True)
name_print = fields.Char(string=_('Имя для печати'), compute='_get_name_print')
name_print1 = fields.Char(string=_('Имя для печати, И.П.'), compute='_get_name_printip')
date_end = fields.Date(string=_('Дата окончания'), required=True, default=get_dateend)
name_dirprint = fields.Char(string=_('Имя нашего директора для печати'))
name_dirprint1 = fields.Char(string=_('Имя нашего директора для печати И.П.'))
lines = fields.One2many('contract.line', 'contract_id', string=_('Договорные цены'))
type = fields.Selection(
[('customer', 'С покупателем'),
('supplier', 'С поставщиком'),
('other', 'Прочие расчеты'),
string=_('Тип договора'), default='customer', required=True)
saleorder_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order', string=_('Заказ/Сделка'))
stamp = fields.Boolean(string=_('Печать и подпись'))
signed = fields.Boolean(string=_('Договор подписан'))
state = fields.Selection(
[('draft', 'Черновик'),
('progress', 'На согласовании'),
('signed', 'Подписан, действует'),
('closed', 'Истёк'),
string=_('Статус'), default='draft', group_expand='_expand_states', index=True
is_template = fields.Boolean(_('Это шаблон'))
copy_from = fields.Many2one('partner.contract.customer', string=_('Копировать из этого шаблона'))
profile_id = fields.Many2one('contract.profile', string=_('Вид договора'), required=True)
credit_limit = fields.Float(string=_('Лимит кредита'))
guid_1s = fields.Char(_('Код договора из 1С'))
buh_code = fields.Char(_('Код договора из бухгалтерии'))
payment_term_id = fields.Many2one('account.payment.term', string=_('Условие оплаты'))
manager_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string=_('Менеджер по продажам'))
accountant_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string=_('Бухгалтер по взаиморасчетам'))
time_to_delivery_from = fields.Datetime(_('Время доставки от'))
time_to_delivery_to = fields.Datetime(_('Время доставки до'))
day_of_delivery = fields.Float(_('Дни доставки'))
day_of_otgruzki = fields.Float(_('Дни отгрузки'))
channel_id = fields.Many2one('saleorder.channel', string=_('Канал продаж'))
team_id = fields.Many2one('crm.team', string=_('Команда продаж'))
order_days_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='contract.day', relation='orderdays', string=_('Дни доставки'),
column1='contract_id', column2='day_id')
shipment_days_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='contract.day', relation='shipmentdays', string=_('Дни отгрузки'),
# Доработка хедера договора
partner_type = fields.Selection(string=_('Тип контрагента'), selection=[
('person', 'Физ. лицо'),
('company_ip', 'ИП'),
('company', 'Юр. лицо')
], required=True)
contract_header = fields.Html(_('Шапка договора'))
def generate_contract_header(self):
self.render_model = 'partner.contract.customer'
if self.partner_type == 'company_ip':
self.contract_header = IP_CONTACT_HEADER
elif self.partner_type == 'person':
self.contract_header = INDIVIDUAL_CONTRACT_HEADER
self.contract_header = ENTITY_CONTRACT_HEADER
# # Рендер Jinja выражение типа {{object.field}}
result = self._render_template(self.contract_header, self.render_model, res_ids=[self.id])
result = tools.html_sanitize(result[self.id])
self.contract_header = result
def set_pid(self):
self.partner_id = self.sec_partner_id.parent_id if self.sec_partner_id.parent_id else self.sec_partner_id
def _expand_states(self, states, domain):
return [key for key, val in type(self).state.selection]
def copy_it(self):
if self.copy_from:
for line in self.copy_from.lines:
line.copy({'contract_id': self.id})
def _get_name_print(self):
morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer()
self.name_print = False
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', self.partner_id.id), ('type', '=', 'director')],
if director:
if len(director.name.split(' ')) == 3:
lastname_old, firstname_old, middlename_old = director.name.split(' ')
if lastname_old:
lastname_n = morph.parse(lastname_old)[0]
if lastname_n.inflect({'gent'}):
lastname_n = lastname_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
lastname_n = lastname_old
lastname_n = ''
if firstname_old:
firstname_n = morph.parse(firstname_old)[0]
firstname_n = firstname_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
firstname_n = ''
if middlename_old:
middlename_n = morph.parse(middlename_old)[0]
middlename_n = middlename_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
middlename_n = ''
name_print = lastname_n + ' ' + firstname_n + ' ' + middlename_n
self.name_print = name_print.title()
def _get_name_print1(self):
# morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer()
director = self.company_id.chief_id.partner_id if self.company_id.chief_id else False
# raise exceptions.UserError(str(director))
self.name_dirprint = False
if director:
if len(director.name.split(' ')) == 3:
lastname_old, firstname_old, middlename_old = director.name.split(' ')
if lastname_old:
lastname_n = morph.parse(lastname_old)[0]
lastname_n = lastname_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
lastname_n = ''
if firstname_old:
firstname_n = morph.parse(firstname_old)[0]
firstname_n = firstname_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
firstname_n = ''
if middlename_old:
middlename_n = morph.parse(middlename_old)[0]
middlename_n = middlename_n.inflect({'gent'}).word
middlename_n = ''
name_print = lastname_n + ' ' + firstname_n + ' ' + middlename_n
self.name_dirprint = name_print.title()
def create(self, values):
res = super(PartnerContractCustomer, self).create(values)
if values.get('is_template'):
return res
if values.get('type') == 'customer':
sequence_code = 'partner.contract.customer.sequence'
elif values.get('type') == 'supplier':
sequence_code = 'partner.contract.supplier.sequence'
return res
name = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code(sequence_code)
'name': name,
return res
# @api.model
def write(self, values):
if 'state' in values:
if self.state != values['state']:
msg = 'Статус: ' + dict(self._fields['state'].selection).get(self.state) + ' -> ' + dict(
res = super(PartnerContractCustomer, self).write(values)
return res
def _get_name_print1ip(self):
self.name_dirprint1 = self.company_id.chief_id.partner_id.name if self.company_id.chief_id else False
def _get_name_printip(self):
self.name_print1 = False
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', self.partner_id.id), ('type', '=', 'director')],
if director:
self.name_print1 = director.name
def print_supp(self):
# self.filtered(lambda s: s.state == 'draft').write({'state': 'sent'})
return self.env['report'].get_action(self, 'mta_base.action_mtacontractsupp_report')
def print_contract_cust(self):
if self.saleorder_id:
return self.saleorder_id.print_contract()
raise exceptions.UserError(_(
'Вы не можете напечатать договор с Клиентом, потому что нет связи с Заказом. Нужно зайти в Заказ и привязать этот договор.'))
def contract_action_confirm(self):
if self.state == 'draft':
self.state = 'progress'
elif self.state == 'progress':
self.state = 'signed'
def contract_in_draft(self):
self.state = 'draft'
def set_comp_and_partn(self):
context = self._context
order_id = context.get('sale_order_id')
if order_id:
sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].browse(order_id)
self.company_id = sale_order.company_id
self.partner_id = sale_order.partner_id
def set_payment(self):
if self.profile_id.payment_term_id:
self.payment_term_id = self.profile_id.payment_term_id
# @api.constrains('name')
def check_name(self):
obj = self.search([('name', '=', self.name), ('id', '!=', self.id), ('state', '!=', 'closed')])
if obj:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('Договор с таким номером уже существует'))
def check_profile_id(self):
contracts = self.search([('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id), ('id', '!=', self.id)])
if contracts:
profiles_in_contracts = contracts.profile_id
# raise exceptions.ValidationError(profiles_in_contracts.ids)
if profiles_in_contracts:
ads = self.env['contract.allowed.profiles'].search(
[('allowed_profiles', 'in', profiles_in_contracts.ids)])
if ads:
raise exceptions.ValidationError((self.profile_id.name, ads.name))
# raise exceptions.ValidationError(contracts)
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
contract_count = fields.Integer(string=_('Договоры'), compute='get_count_contract')
pol = fields.Selection(string=_("Пол"), selection=[('m', 'Муж.'), ('j', 'Жен'), ], required=False)
type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('director', 'Директор')])
def get_count_contract(self):
contract = self.env['partner.contract.customer']
self.contract_count = contract.search_count([('partner_id', '=', self.id)])
def action_view_contract(self):
action = self.env.ref('contract.contract_customer_action').read()[0]
action['domain'] = [('partner_id', '=', self.id)]
return action
class ContractLine(models.Model):
_name = 'contract.line'
contract_id = fields.Many2one('partner.contract.customer', string='Order Reference', required=True,
ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
_order = "sequence desc"
# name = fields.Text(string='Название для договора')
# price_unit = fields.Float('Цена', default=0.0)
# product_uom = fields.Many2one('uom.uom', string='Единица измерения')
# product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Услуга', domain=[('sale_ok', '=', True)], change_default=True, ondelete='restrict')
sequence = fields.Integer('Порядок')
name = fields.Char('Номер пункта')
punct = fields.Html('Текст пункта')
def set_name(self):
self.name = self.product_id.name
class AllowedProfiles(models.Model):
_name = 'contract.allowed.profiles'
name = fields.Char(string=_('Одновременно включены следующие виды договоров:'))
allowed_profiles = fields.Many2many('contract.profile', string=_('Виды договоров'), required=True)
def set_name(self):
self.name = ''
for profile in self.allowed_profiles:
self.name += profile.name + ' + '
if self.name:
if self.name[-2] == '+':
self.name = self.name[:-2]
class ContractProfile(models.Model):
_name = 'contract.profile'
name = fields.Char(string=_('Вид договора'), required=True)
payable_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string=_('Счет кредиторской задолженности'), required=True)
receivable_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string=_('Счет дебиторской задолженности'), required=True)
max_receivable_id = fields.Float(string=_('Максимальная деб. задолженность'), required=True)
payment_term_id = fields.Many2one('account.payment.term', string=_('Условие оплаты'), required=True)
journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string=_('Журнал'), required=True)
class ContractDay(models.Model):
_name = 'contract.day'
name = fields.Char(_('День'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Поставщик»</b>, в лице
{{(object.company_id.chief_id.partner_id.function or '').lower()}}
{{(object.name_dirprint1 or '').title()}},
действующего на основании ОГРНИП {{object.company_id.company_registry or ''}}, с одной стороны, и <b>{{object.partner_id.name or ''}}</b>,
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Покупатель»</b>, в лице
{{(object.get_function_partner1(object.partner_id.id) or '').lower()}}
{{(object.name_print1 or '').title()}}, действующего на основании устава общества, с другой стороны, вместе именуемые в дальнейшем <b>«Стороны»</b> заключили
настоящий Договор о нижеследующем:
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Поставщик»</b>, в лице
{{(object.company_id.chief_id.partner_id.function or '').lower()}}
{{(object.name_dirprint1 or '').title()}},
действующего на основании ОГРНИП {{object.company_id.company_registry or ''}}, с одной стороны, и <b>{{object.partner_id.name or ''}}</b>,
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Покупатель»</b>, в лице
{{(object.get_function_partner1(object.partner_id.id) or '').lower()}}
{{(object.name_print1 or '').title()}}, действующего на основании ОГРНИП {{object.partner_id.ogrn or ''}},
с другой стороны, вместе именуемые в дальнейшем <b>«Стороны»</b> заключили
настоящий Договор о нижеследующем:
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Поставщик»</b>, в лице
{{(object.company_id.chief_id.partner_id.function or '').lower()}}
{{(object.name_dirprint1 or '').title()}},
действующего на основании ОГРНИП {{object.company_id.company_registry or ''}}, с одной стороны, и <b>{{object.partner_id.name or ''}}</b>,
именуемое в дальнейшем <b>«Покупатель»</b>, вместе именуемые в дальнейшем <b>«Стороны»</b> заключили
настоящий Договор о нижеследующем:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
from odoo import api, fields, models, exceptions
from datetime import datetime
import re
import pymorphy2
from odoo.tools import pycompat
(u"десятая", u"десятых", u"десятых"),
(u"сотая", u"сотых", u"сотых"),
(u"тысячная", u"тысячных", u"тысячных"),
(u"десятитысячная", u"десятитысячных", u"десятитысячных"),
(u"стотысячная", u"стотысячных", u"стотысячных"),
(u"миллионная", u"милллионных", u"милллионных"),
(u"десятимиллионная", u"десятимилллионных", u"десятимиллионных"),
(u"стомиллионная", u"стомилллионных", u"стомиллионных"),
(u"миллиардная", u"миллиардных", u"миллиардных"),
ONES = {
0: (u"", u"", u""),
1: (u"один", u"одна", u"одно"),
2: (u"два", u"две", u"два"),
3: (u"три", u"три", u"три"),
4: (u"четыре", u"четыре", u"четыре"),
5: (u"пять", u"пять", u"пять"),
6: (u"шесть", u"шесть", u"шесть"),
7: (u"семь", u"семь", u"семь"),
8: (u"восемь", u"восемь", u"восемь"),
9: (u"девять", u"девять", u"девять"),
TENS = {
0: u"",
10: u"десять",
11: u"одиннадцать",
12: u"двенадцать",
13: u"тринадцать",
14: u"четырнадцать",
15: u"пятнадцать",
16: u"шестнадцать",
17: u"семнадцать",
18: u"восемнадцать",
19: u"девятнадцать",
2: u"двадцать",
3: u"тридцать",
4: u"сорок",
5: u"пятьдесят",
6: u"шестьдесят",
7: u"семьдесят",
8: u"восемьдесят",
9: u"девяносто",
0: u"",
1: u"сто",
2: u"двести",
3: u"триста",
4: u"четыреста",
5: u"пятьсот",
6: u"шестьсот",
7: u"семьсот",
8: u"восемьсот",
9: u"девятьсот",
MALE = 1
import operator
import sys
import types
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
string_types = str,
integer_types = int,
class_types = type,
text_type = str
binary_type = bytes
MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize
string_types = basestring,
integer_types = (int, long)
class_types = (type, types.ClassType)
text_type = unicode
binary_type = str
class Partner_Bank(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner.bank'
bank_corr_acc = fields.Char('Кор.счет')
# class Bank(models.Model):
# _inherit = 'res.bank'
# corr_acc = fields.Char('Corresponding account', size=64)
# class Users(models.Model):
# _inherit = 'res.users'
# facsimile = fields.Binary("Facsimile")
class Company(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.company'
inn = fields.Char(related='partner_id.inn', readonly=False)
kpp = fields.Char(related='partner_id.kpp', readonly=False)
okpo = fields.Char(related='partner_id.okpo', readonly=False)
chief_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Имя директора')
stamp = fields.Binary("Stamp")
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
ogrn = fields.Char('ОГРН')
okpo = fields.Char('ОКПО')
inn = fields.Char('ИНН')
kpp = fields.Char('KPP')
passport = fields.Char('Паспорт')
class Report_contract_customer(models.Model):
_inherit = 'partner.contract.customer'
def img(self, img, type='png', width=0, height=0):
if width:
width = "width='%spx'" % (width)
width = " "
if height:
height = "height='%spx'" % (height)
height = " "
toreturn = "<img %s %s src='data:image/%s;base64,%s' />" % (
return toreturn
def numer(self, name):
if name:
numeration = re.findall('\d+$', name)
if numeration: return numeration[0]
return ''
def ru_date(self, date):
if date and date != 'False':
return dt.ru_strftime(u'"%d" %B %Y года', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d"), inflected=True)
return ''
def ru_date2(self, date):
if date and date != 'False':
return dt.ru_strftime(u'%d %B %Y г.', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
return ''
def in_words(self, number):
return numeral.in_words(number)
def rubles(self, sum):
"Transform sum number in rubles to text"
text_rubles = self.numeral_rubles(int(sum))
copeck = round((sum - int(sum)) * 100)
text_copeck = self.numeral_choose_plural(int(copeck), (u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек"))
return ("%s %02d %s") % (text_rubles, copeck, text_copeck)
def numeral_rubles(self, amount, zero_for_kopeck=False):
pts = []
amount = round(amount, 2)
pts.append(self.sum_string(int(amount), 1, (u"рубль", u"рубля", u"рублей")))
remainder = self._get_float_remainder(amount, 2)
iremainder = int(remainder)
if iremainder != 0 or zero_for_kopeck:
if iremainder < 10 and len(remainder) == 1:
iremainder *= 10
pts.append(self.sum_string(iremainder, 2,
(u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек")))
return u" ".join(pts)
def _get_float_remainder(self, fvalue, signs=9):
if isinstance(fvalue, integer_types):
return "0"
if isinstance(fvalue, Decimal) and fvalue.as_tuple()[2] == 0:
return "0"
def sum_string(self, amount, gender, items=None):
if isinstance(items, text_type):
items = split_values(items)
if items is None:
items = (u"", u"", u"")
one_item, two_items, five_items = items
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Items must be 3-element sequence")
if amount == 0:
return u"ноль %s" % five_items
into = u''
tmp_val = amount
into, tmp_val = self._sum_string_fn(into, tmp_val, gender, items)
into, tmp_val = self._sum_string_fn(into, tmp_val, FEMALE,
(u"тысяча", u"тысячи", u"тысяч"))
into, tmp_val = self._sum_string_fn(into, tmp_val, MALE,
(u"миллион", u"миллиона", u"миллионов"))
into, tmp_val = self._sum_string_fn(into, tmp_val, MALE,
(u"миллиард", u"миллиарда", u"миллиардов"))
if tmp_val == 0:
return into
raise ValueError("Cannot operand with numbers bigger than 10**11")
def _sum_string_fn(self, into, tmp_val, gender, items=None):
if items is None:
items = (u"", u"", u"")
one_item, two_items, five_items = items
if tmp_val == 0:
return into, tmp_val
words = []
rest = tmp_val % 1000
tmp_val = tmp_val // 1000
if rest == 0:
if into == u"":
into = u"%s " % five_items
return into, tmp_val
end_word = five_items
words.append(HUNDREDS[rest // 100])
rest = rest % 100
rest1 = rest // 10
tens = rest1 == 1 and TENS[rest] or TENS[rest1]
if rest1 < 1 or rest1 > 1:
amount = rest % 10
end_word = self.numeral_choose_plural(amount, items)
words.append(ONES[amount][gender - 1])
words = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, words)
return u" ".join(words).strip(), tmp_val
def check_positive(self, value, strict=False):
if not strict and value < 0:
raise ValueError("Value must be positive or zero, not %s" % str(value))
if strict and value <= 0:
raise ValueError("Value must be positive, not %s" % str(value))
def numeral_choose_plural(self, amount, variants):
if isinstance(variants, text_type):
variants = split_values(variants)
self.check_length(variants, 3)
amount = abs(amount)
if amount % 10 == 1 and amount % 100 != 11:
variant = 0
elif amount % 10 >= 2 and amount % 10 <= 4 and \
(amount % 100 < 10 or amount % 100 >= 20):
variant = 1
variant = 2
return variants[variant]
def check_length(self, value, length):
_length = len(value)
if _length != length:
raise ValueError("length must be %d, not %d" % \
(length, _length))
def initials(self, fio):
if fio:
return (fio.split()[0] + ' ' + ''.join([fio[0:1] + '.' for fio in fio.split()[1:]])).strip()
return ''
def address(self, partner):
repr = []
if partner.zip: repr.append(partner.zip)
if partner.city: repr.append(partner.city)
if partner.street: repr.append(partner.street)
if partner.street2: repr.append(partner.street2)
return ', '.join(repr)
def address_delivery(self, partner):
if partner:
addr = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'delivery')], limit=1)
repr = []
if addr:
if addr.zip: repr.append(addr.zip)
if addr.city: repr.append(addr.city)
if addr.street: repr.append(addr.street)
if addr.street2: repr.append(addr.street2)
return ', '.join(repr)
def get_function_print(self, function):
morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer()
if function:
f = morph.parse(function)[0]
f = f.inflect({'gent'}).word
return f.title()
def get_function_partnerip(self, partner):
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
if director.function:
return director.function
def get_function_partner(self, partner):
res = []
morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer()
if partner:
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
if director.function:
list_f = str(director.function).split(' ')
for func in list_f:
f = morph.parse(func)[0]
f = f.inflect({'gent'}).word
return ' '.join(res)
def get_function_partner1(self, partner):
if partner:
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
if director.function:
return director.function
def get_date_text(self, date):
month_list = ['января', 'февраля', 'марта', 'апреля', 'мая', 'июня', 'июля', 'августа', 'сентября', 'октября',
'ноября', 'декабря']
if date:
date_list = str(date).split('-')
if date_list[0] and date_list[1] and date_list[2]:
return ('"' + date_list[2] + '" ' + month_list[int(date_list[1]) - 1] + ' ' + date_list[0] + ' г.')
def get_bank(self, partner):
repr = []
bank = None
if partner.bank_ids:
bank = partner.bank_ids[0]
elif partner.parent_id.bank_ids:
bank = partner.parent_id.bank_ids[0]
if bank and bank.bank_name: repr.append(bank.bank_name)
if bank and bank.acc_number: repr.append(u"Р/счет " + bank.acc_number)
if bank and bank.bank_bic: repr.append(u"БИК " + bank.bank_bic)
if bank and bank.bank_corr_acc: repr.append(u"к/с " + bank.bank_corr_acc)
return '<br/>'.join(repr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from odoo import api, fields, models, exceptions, _
class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = 'purchase.order'
mt_contract_id = fields.Many2one('partner.contract.customer', string=_('Номер договора'))
sec_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент'), store=True, compute='_compute_get_pid')
def _compute_get_pid(self):
for s in self:
s.sec_partner_id = s.partner_id.parent_id if s.partner_id.parent_id else s.partner_id

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ContractCreateInvoice(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'sale.advance.payment.inv'
# # при выбора счета "Авансовый платеж"
# @api.model
# def _create_invoice(self, order, so_line, amount):
# res = super(ContractCreateInvoice, self)._create_invoice(order, so_line, amount)
# if order.mt_contract_id:
# res.write({'mt_contract_id': order.mt_contract_id,
# 'journal_id': order.mt_contract_id.profile_id.journal_id, })
# return res
def _prepare_invoice_values(self, order, name, amount):
invoice_vals = super(ContractCreateInvoice, self)._prepare_invoice_values(order, name, amount)
invoice_vals['mt_contract_id'] = order.mt_contract_id.id
return invoice_vals

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
from odoo import api, fields, models, exceptions, _
from datetime import datetime
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
mt_contract_id = fields.Many2one('partner.contract.customer', string=_('Номер договора'))
sec_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string=_('Контрагент'), store=True, compute='_compute_get_pid')
stamp = fields.Boolean(string=_('Печать и подпись'), related='mt_contract_id.stamp')
def _compute_get_pid(self):
for s in self:
s.sec_partner_id = s.partner_id.parent_id if s.partner_id.parent_id else s.partner_id
def set_ons(self):
if self.mt_contract_id:
self.payment_term_id = self.mt_contract_id.payment_term_id
def late_payment_check(self):
if self.mt_contract_id:
if self.state == 'sale':
late_invoices_count = 0
max_receivable = self.mt_contract_id.profile_id.max_receivable_id # макс. деб. задолженность в договоре
# ищу просроченные инвойсы контрагента указанного в заказе со стейтом "Подтверждено"
invoices_obj = self.env['account.move'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id),
('state', '=', 'posted'),
('invoice_date_due', '<', datetime.now().date())])
for invoice in invoices_obj:
late_invoices_count += invoice.amount_residual # складываю деб. задолженность по просроченным инвойсам
if late_invoices_count > max_receivable:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
f'Нельзя подтвердить заказ, так как у контрагента {self.sec_partner_id.name} нарушено '
f'условие по дебиторской задолженности.\n\n'
f'Контрагент {self.sec_partner_id.name} должен {late_invoices_count}руб.\n'
f'Максимальная дебиторская задолженность указанная в '
f'договоре №{self.mt_contract_id.name} - {max_receivable}руб.\n\n'
f'Проверьте следующие неоплаченные счета контрагента:\n'
f'{", ".join([invoice.name for invoice in invoices_obj])}')
# # при выбора счета "Обычный счет"
# @api.model
# def _create_invoices(self, grouped=False, final=False, date=None):
# res = super(SaleOrder, self)._create_invoices(grouped, final, date)
# if self.mt_contract_id:
# res.write({'mt_contract_id': self.mt_contract_id,
# 'journal_id': self.mt_contract_id.profile_id.journal_id})
# return res
def _get_invoice_grouping_keys(self):
res = super(SaleOrder, self)._get_invoice_grouping_keys()
return res #['company_id', 'partner_id', 'currency_id', 'mt_contractid']
def _prepare_invoice(self):
invoice_vals = super(SaleOrder, self)._prepare_invoice()
invoice_vals['mt_contract_id'] = self.mt_contract_id.id
return invoice_vals

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import report_contract
from . import report_contract_order
from . import report_contract_invoice

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