2025-01-17 20:45:47 +03:00

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<template id="report_act">
<t t-call="web.basic_layout">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<!-- Multicompany -->
<t t-if="o and 'company_id' in o">
<t t-set="company" t-value="o.company_id"></t>
<t t-if="not o or not 'company_id' in o">
<t t-set="company" t-value="res_company"></t>
<t t-set="context" t-value="o._context"></t>
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<!-- start header -->
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<COL WIDTH="40%"/>
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<COL WIDTH="10%"/>
<TD CLASS="R3C1" COLSPAN="7"><DIV class="cu_space28"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Акт № <t t-esc="helper.numer(o.name)"/> от <span t-field="o.invoice_date"/></SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R5C1" COLSPAN="2"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Исполнитель:</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R5C5" COLSPAN="5"><t t-esc="helper.full_representation(company.partner_id)"/></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R5C1" COLSPAN="2"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Заказчик:</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R5C5" COLSPAN="5"><t t-esc="helper.full_representation(o.partner_id.parent_id or o.partner_id)"/></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C1"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"></SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C3" COLSPAN="2"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Наименование<![CDATA[&nbsp;]]>работ,<![CDATA[&nbsp;]]>услуг</SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C3"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Кол-во</SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C3"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Ед.</SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C3"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Цена</SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R11C29"><DIV class="cu_space29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Сумма</SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TR CLASS="R0" t-foreach="o.invoice_line_ids" t-as="line">
<TD CLASS="R14C1"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="line_index+1"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R14C3" COLSPAN="2"><t t-esc="line.product_id.name or ''"/></TD>
<TD CLASS="R14C20"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="line.quantity or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R14C23"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="line.product_uom_id.name or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R14C20"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="(('%.2f')%(line.price_subtotal/line.quantity)).replace('.',',') or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R14C29"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="line.price_subtotal or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7" CLASS="R21C1"><DIV class="cu_space9"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R22C28" COLSPAN="6"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Итого:</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R22C28"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="o.amount_untaxed or '0,00'"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><DIV class="cu_space9"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R22C28" COLSPAN="6"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Сумма НДС: <!-- TO DO: [НДС]: --></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R22C28"><SPAN class="cu_wspace"><t t-esc="o.amount_tax or '0,00'"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">Всего оказано услуг <t t-esc="o.invoice_line_ids and len(o.invoice_line_ids) or 0"/>, на сумму <t t-esc="o.amount_total or '0,00'"/> руб.</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R5C5" COLSPAN="7"><t t-esc="helper.rubles(o.amount_total).capitalize()"/></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<!-- end total -->
<!-- start footer -->
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R31C1" COLSPAN="7"><DIV class="cu_space33">Вышеперечисленные услуги выполнены полностью и в срок. Заказчик претензий по объему, качеству и срокам оказания услуг не имеет.</DIV></TD>
<TR CLASS="R32">
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R33C1" COLSPAN="7"><DIV class="cu_space9"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></DIV></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TD CLASS="R35C1" COLSPAN="2"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬ</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R35C20" COLSPAN="4"><SPAN class="cu_wspace">ЗАКАЗЧИК</SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R36C1" COLSPAN="3">Директор <t t-esc="company.name or ''"/><!-- TO DO: ДолжностьИНазваниеОрганизации --></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="7"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></TD>
<TR CLASS="R37">
<TD CLASS="R37C5S"><SPAN><t t-raw="company.print_stamp and (company.print_anywhere or context.get('mark_invoice_as_sent', False)) and helper.img(company.stamp) or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD CLASS="R37C5I"><SPAN><t t-raw="company.print_facsimile and (company.print_anywhere or context.get('mark_invoice_as_sent', False)) and helper.img(company.chief_id.facsimile) or ''"/></SPAN></TD>
<TD><DIV class="cu_space25" COLSPAN="5"><SPAN></SPAN></DIV></TD>
<TD CLASS="R38C1" COLSPAN="2"><t t-esc="helper.initials(company.chief_id.name)"/></TD>