899 lines
35 KiB
899 lines
35 KiB
import logging
import time
from ast import literal_eval
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.tools import date_utils,pycompat
from pytils import dt,numeral
from datetime import datetime, date
import re
import urllib
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class GeneralLedgerReportWizard(models.TransientModel):
"""General ledger report wizard."""
_name = "general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"
_description = "General Ledger Report Wizard"
_inherit = "act_revise.abstract_wizard"
# date_range_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="date.range", string="Date range")
date_from = fields.Date(string="Начало даты", required=True, default=lambda self: self._init_date_from())
date_to = fields.Date(string="Конец даты", required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
fy_start_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_fy_start_date")
target_move = fields.Selection(
[("posted", "Все проведенные проводки"), ("all", "Все проводки")],
string="Цель операции",
account_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.account", string=_("Filter accounts")
centralize = fields.Boolean(string=_("Activate centralization"), default=True)
hide_account_at_0 = fields.Boolean(
string=_("Hide account ending balance at 0"),
help=_("Use this filter to hide an account or a partner "
"with an ending balance at 0. "
"If partners are filtered, "
"debits and credits totals will not match the trial balance."),
receivable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
payable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
string=_("Filter partners"),
default=lambda self: self._default_partners(),
account_journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.journal", string=_("Filter journals")
cost_center_ids = fields.Many2many(
comodel_name="account.analytic.account", string=_("Filter cost centers")
not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Boolean(readonly=True)
foreign_currency = fields.Boolean(
string=_("Show foreign currency"),
help=_("Display foreign currency for move lines, unless "
"account currency is not setup through chart of accounts "
"will display initial and final balance in that currency."),
default=lambda self: self._default_foreign_currency(),
account_code_from = fields.Many2one(
help="Starting account in a range",
account_code_to = fields.Many2one(
help="Ending account in a range",
grouped_by = fields.Selection(
selection=[("", "None"), ("partners", "Partners"), ("taxes", "Taxes")],
show_cost_center = fields.Boolean(
string="Show Analytic Account",
domain = fields.Char(
string="Journal Items Domain",
help="This domain will be used to select specific domain for Journal " "Items",
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# else:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# return {
# 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# self.company_id.id, partner),
# 'target': 'new',
# }
def _get_account_move_lines_domain(self):
domain = literal_eval(self.domain) if self.domain else []
return domain
@api.onchange("account_code_from", "account_code_to")
def on_change_account_range(self):
if (
and self.account_code_from.code.isdigit()
and self.account_code_to
and self.account_code_to.code.isdigit()
start_range = self.account_code_from.code
end_range = self.account_code_to.code
self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(
[("code", ">=", start_range), ("code", "<=", end_range)]
if self.company_id:
self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
def _init_date_from(self):
"""set start date to begin of current year if fiscal year running"""
today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
company = self.company_id or self.env.company
last_fsc_month = company.fiscalyear_last_month
last_fsc_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day
if (
today.month < int(last_fsc_month)
or today.month == int(last_fsc_month)
and today.day <= last_fsc_day
return time.strftime("%Y-01-01")
return False
def _default_foreign_currency(self):
return self.env.user.has_group("base.group_multi_currency")
def _compute_fy_start_date(self):
for wiz in self:
if wiz.date_from:
date_from, date_to = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(
wiz.fy_start_date = date_from
wiz.fy_start_date = False
def onchange_company_id(self):
"""Handle company change."""
count = self.env["account.account"].search_count(
("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
self.not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = count != 1
# if (
# self.company_id
# and self.date_range_id.company_id
# and self.date_range_id.company_id != self.company_id
# ):
# self.date_range_id = False
if self.company_id and self.account_journal_ids:
self.account_journal_ids = self.account_journal_ids.filtered(
lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
if self.company_id and self.partner_ids:
self.partner_ids = self.partner_ids.filtered(
lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
if self.company_id and self.account_ids:
if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
if self.company_id and self.cost_center_ids:
self.cost_center_ids = self.cost_center_ids.filtered(
lambda c: c.company_id == self.company_id
res = {
"domain": {
"account_ids": [],
"partner_ids": [],
"account_journal_ids": [],
"cost_center_ids": [],
# "date_range_id": [],
if not self.company_id:
return res
res["domain"]["account_ids"] += [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
res["domain"]["account_journal_ids"] += [
("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
res["domain"]["partner_ids"] += self._get_partner_ids_domain()
res["domain"]["cost_center_ids"] += [
("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# res["domain"]["date_range_id"] += [
# "|",
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# ("company_id", "=", False),
# ]
return res
# @api.onchange("date_range_id")
# def onchange_date_range_id(self):
# """Handle date range change."""
# if self.date_range_id:
# self.date_from = self.date_range_id.date_start
# self.date_to = self.date_range_id.date_end
# @api.constrains("company_id", "date_range_id")
# def _check_company_id_date_range_id(self):
# for rec in self.sudo():
# if (
# rec.company_id
# and rec.date_range_id.company_id
# and rec.company_id != rec.date_range_id.company_id
# ):
# raise ValidationError(
# _(
# "The Company in the General Ledger Report Wizard and in "
# "Date Range must be the same."
# )
# )
@api.onchange("receivable_accounts_only", "payable_accounts_only")
def onchange_type_accounts_only(self):
"""Handle receivable/payable accounts only change."""
if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
domain = [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
if self.receivable_accounts_only and self.payable_accounts_only:
domain += [
("account_type", "in", ("asset_receivable", "liability_payable"))
elif self.receivable_accounts_only:
domain += [("account_type", "=", "asset_receivable")]
elif self.payable_accounts_only:
domain += [("account_type", "=", "liability_payable")]
self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(domain)
self.account_ids = None
def onchange_partner_ids(self):
"""Handle partners change."""
if self.partner_ids:
self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = True
self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = False
def _compute_unaffected_earnings_account(self):
for record in self:
record.unaffected_earnings_account = self.env["account.account"].search(
("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
("company_id", "=", record.company_id.id),
unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Many2one(
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report_name = "act_revise.general_ledger"
# return (
# self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# .search(
# [("report_name", "=", report_name), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# limit=1,
# )
# .report_action(self, data=data)
# )
def _print_report(self, report_type):
data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
[("report_name", "=", "l10n_ru_act_rev.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
account_data = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().search([
('partner_id', '=', partner),
('account_id.account_type', 'in', ('liability_payable', 'asset_receivable')),
('account_id.non_trade', '=', False),
('date', '<=', self.date_to),
('date', '>=', self.date_from)
logging.warning(f'account_data {account_data}')
if self.target_move == 'posted' and not account_data.filtered(lambda p: p.parent_state == 'posted') or not account_data:
raise UserError(f'Проводок для формирования акта по введенным условиям не найдено.')
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
self.company_id.id, partner),
'target': 'new',
def _prepare_report_general_ledger(self):
return {
"wizard_id": self.id,
"date_from": self.date_from,
"date_to": self.date_to,
"only_posted_moves": self.target_move == "posted",
"hide_account_at_0": self.hide_account_at_0,
"foreign_currency": self.foreign_currency,
"company_id": self.company_id.id,
"account_ids": self.account_ids.ids,
"partner_ids": self.partner_ids.ids,
"grouped_by": self.grouped_by,
"cost_center_ids": self.cost_center_ids.ids,
"show_cost_center": self.show_cost_center,
"journal_ids": self.account_journal_ids.ids,
"centralize": self.centralize,
"fy_start_date": self.fy_start_date,
"unaffected_earnings_account": self.unaffected_earnings_account.id,
"account_financial_report_lang": self.env.lang,
"domain": self._get_account_move_lines_domain(),
def _export(self, report_type):
"""Default export is PDF."""
return self._print_report(report_type)
def _get_atr_from_dict(self, obj_id, data, key):
return data[obj_id][key]
except KeyError:
return data[str(obj_id)][key]
def numer(self, name):
if name:
numeration = re.findall('\d+$', name)
if numeration: return numeration[0]
return name
def get_data_format(self, date):
if date and date != 'False':
return dt.ru_strftime(u'%d.%m.%Y г.', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d"), inflected=True)
return ''
def initials(self, fio):
if fio:
return (fio.split()[0] + ' ' + ''.join([fio[0:1] + '.' for fio in fio.split()[1:]])).strip()
return ''
def rubles(self, sum):
"Transform sum number in rubles to text"
text_rubles = numeral.rubles(int(sum))
copeck = round((sum - int(sum)) * 100)
text_copeck = numeral.choose_plural(int(copeck), (u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек"))
return ("%s %02d %s") % (text_rubles, copeck, text_copeck)
def img(self, img, type='png', width=0, height=0):
if width:
width = "width='%spx'" % (width)
width = " "
if height:
height = "height='%spx'" % (height)
height = " "
toreturn = "<img %s %s src='data:image/%s;base64,%s' />" % (
return toreturn
def get_contract(self):
partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
contract = self.env['partner.contract.customer'].search(
[('partner_id', '=', partner), ('state', '=', 'signed')], limit=1)
if contract:
return contract
def get_function_partner(self, partner):
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
if director.function:
return director.function or 'отсутствует'
def get_name_partner(self, partner):
director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
if director:
return director.name or 'отсутствует'
def get_report_filename(self):
today = date.today()
d1 = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.name)
p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].name)
# return 'Акт Сверки '+ d1 + ' ' + self.company_id.name+'_'+p
return str(self.company_id.id) + ' - ' + ' ' + d1
def sorted_lines(self, list):
list = sorted(list, key=lambda k: k.get('date'), reverse=False)
return list
# import time
# from ast import literal_eval
# from odoo import _, api, fields, models
# from odoo.tools import date_utils,pycompat
# from pytils import dt,numeral
# from datetime import datetime, date
# import re
# import urllib
# class GeneralLedgerReportWizard(models.TransientModel):
# """General ledger report wizard."""
# _name = "general.ledger.act_revise.wizard"
# _description = "General Ledger Report Wizard"
# _inherit = "act_revise.abstract_wizard"
# # date_range_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="date.range", string="Date range")
# date_from = fields.Date(string="Начало даты", required=True, default=lambda self: self._init_date_from())
# date_to = fields.Date(string="Конец даты", required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)
# fy_start_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_fy_start_date")
# target_move = fields.Selection(
# [("posted", "Все проведенные проводки"), ("all", "Все проводки")],
# string="Цель операции",
# required=True,
# default="posted",
# )
# account_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.account", string=_("Filter accounts")
# )
# centralize = fields.Boolean(string=_("Activate centralization"), default=True)
# hide_account_at_0 = fields.Boolean(
# string=_("Hide account ending balance at 0"),
# help=_("Use this filter to hide an account or a partner "
# "with an ending balance at 0. "
# "If partners are filtered, "
# "debits and credits totals will not match the trial balance."),
# )
# receivable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
# payable_accounts_only = fields.Boolean()
# partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="res.partner",
# string=_("Filter partners"),
# default=lambda self: self._default_partners(),
# )
# account_journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.journal", string=_("Filter journals")
# )
# cost_center_ids = fields.Many2many(
# comodel_name="account.analytic.account", string=_("Filter cost centers")
# )
# not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Boolean(readonly=True)
# foreign_currency = fields.Boolean(
# string=_("Show foreign currency"),
# help=_("Display foreign currency for move lines, unless "
# "account currency is not setup through chart of accounts "
# "will display initial and final balance in that currency."),
# default=lambda self: self._default_foreign_currency(),
# )
# account_code_from = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# help="Starting account in a range",
# )
# account_code_to = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# help="Ending account in a range",
# )
# grouped_by = fields.Selection(
# selection=[("", "None"), ("partners", "Partners"), ("taxes", "Taxes")],
# default="partners",
# )
# show_cost_center = fields.Boolean(
# string="Show Analytic Account",
# default=True,
# )
# domain = fields.Char(
# string="Journal Items Domain",
# default=[],
# help="This domain will be used to select specific domain for Journal " "Items",
# )
# # def _print_report(self, report_type):
# # self.ensure_one()
# # data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# # report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# # [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# # if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# # partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# # else:
# # partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# # return {
# # 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# # 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# # urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# # self.company_id.id, partner),
# # 'target': 'new',
# # }
# def _get_account_move_lines_domain(self):
# domain = literal_eval(self.domain) if self.domain else []
# return domain
# @api.onchange("account_code_from", "account_code_to")
# def on_change_account_range(self):
# if (
# self.account_code_from
# and self.account_code_from.code.isdigit()
# and self.account_code_to
# and self.account_code_to.code.isdigit()
# ):
# start_range = self.account_code_from.code
# end_range = self.account_code_to.code
# self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(
# [("code", ">=", start_range), ("code", "<=", end_range)]
# )
# if self.company_id:
# self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
# lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# def _init_date_from(self):
# """set start date to begin of current year if fiscal year running"""
# today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
# company = self.company_id or self.env.company
# last_fsc_month = company.fiscalyear_last_month
# last_fsc_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day
# if (
# today.month < int(last_fsc_month)
# or today.month == int(last_fsc_month)
# and today.day <= last_fsc_day
# ):
# return time.strftime("%Y-01-01")
# else:
# return False
# def _default_foreign_currency(self):
# return self.env.user.has_group("base.group_multi_currency")
# @api.depends("date_from")
# def _compute_fy_start_date(self):
# for wiz in self:
# if wiz.date_from:
# date_from, date_to = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(
# wiz.date_from,
# day=self.company_id.fiscalyear_last_day,
# month=int(self.company_id.fiscalyear_last_month),
# )
# wiz.fy_start_date = date_from
# else:
# wiz.fy_start_date = False
# @api.onchange("company_id")
# def onchange_company_id(self):
# """Handle company change."""
# count = self.env["account.account"].search_count(
# [
# ("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# ]
# )
# self.not_only_one_unaffected_earnings_account = count != 1
# # if (
# # self.company_id
# # and self.date_range_id.company_id
# # and self.date_range_id.company_id != self.company_id
# # ):
# # self.date_range_id = False
# if self.company_id and self.account_journal_ids:
# self.account_journal_ids = self.account_journal_ids.filtered(
# lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.partner_ids:
# self.partner_ids = self.partner_ids.filtered(
# lambda p: p.company_id == self.company_id or not p.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.account_ids:
# if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
# self.onchange_type_accounts_only()
# else:
# self.account_ids = self.account_ids.filtered(
# lambda a: a.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# if self.company_id and self.cost_center_ids:
# self.cost_center_ids = self.cost_center_ids.filtered(
# lambda c: c.company_id == self.company_id
# )
# res = {
# "domain": {
# "account_ids": [],
# "partner_ids": [],
# "account_journal_ids": [],
# "cost_center_ids": [],
# # "date_range_id": [],
# }
# }
# if not self.company_id:
# return res
# else:
# res["domain"]["account_ids"] += [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
# res["domain"]["account_journal_ids"] += [
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# ]
# res["domain"]["partner_ids"] += self._get_partner_ids_domain()
# res["domain"]["cost_center_ids"] += [
# ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)
# ]
# # res["domain"]["date_range_id"] += [
# # "|",
# # ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id),
# # ("company_id", "=", False),
# # ]
# return res
# # @api.onchange("date_range_id")
# # def onchange_date_range_id(self):
# # """Handle date range change."""
# # if self.date_range_id:
# # self.date_from = self.date_range_id.date_start
# # self.date_to = self.date_range_id.date_end
# # @api.constrains("company_id", "date_range_id")
# # def _check_company_id_date_range_id(self):
# # for rec in self.sudo():
# # if (
# # rec.company_id
# # and rec.date_range_id.company_id
# # and rec.company_id != rec.date_range_id.company_id
# # ):
# # raise ValidationError(
# # _(
# # "The Company in the General Ledger Report Wizard and in "
# # "Date Range must be the same."
# # )
# # )
# @api.onchange("receivable_accounts_only", "payable_accounts_only")
# def onchange_type_accounts_only(self):
# """Handle receivable/payable accounts only change."""
# if self.receivable_accounts_only or self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain = [("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id)]
# if self.receivable_accounts_only and self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain += [
# ("account_type", "in", ("asset_receivable", "liability_payable"))
# ]
# elif self.receivable_accounts_only:
# domain += [("account_type", "=", "asset_receivable")]
# elif self.payable_accounts_only:
# domain += [("account_type", "=", "liability_payable")]
# self.account_ids = self.env["account.account"].search(domain)
# else:
# self.account_ids = None
# @api.onchange("partner_ids")
# def onchange_partner_ids(self):
# """Handle partners change."""
# if self.partner_ids:
# self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = True
# else:
# self.receivable_accounts_only = self.payable_accounts_only = False
# @api.depends("company_id")
# def _compute_unaffected_earnings_account(self):
# for record in self:
# record.unaffected_earnings_account = self.env["account.account"].search(
# [
# ("account_type", "=", "equity_unaffected"),
# ("company_id", "=", record.company_id.id),
# ]
# )
# unaffected_earnings_account = fields.Many2one(
# comodel_name="account.account",
# compute="_compute_unaffected_earnings_account",
# store=True,
# )
# # def _print_report(self, report_type):
# # self.ensure_one()
# # data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# # report_name = "act_revise.general_ledger"
# # return (
# # self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# # .search(
# # [("report_name", "=", report_name), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# # limit=1,
# # )
# # .report_action(self, data=data)
# # )
# def _print_report(self, report_type):
# self.ensure_one()
# data = self._prepare_report_general_ledger()
# report = self.env["ir.actions.report"].search(
# [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)], limit=1, )
# # report.report_name='Test'
# # report.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="Test.pdf";')
# # pdf, _ = request.env.ref('act_revise.action_print_report_general_ledger_qweb').sudo().render_qweb_pdf(self,data=data)
# # pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf)),('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s";' % report_name),]
# # return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)
# # return (
# # self.env["ir.actions.report"]
# # .search(
# # [("report_name", "=", "act_revise.general_ledger"), ("report_type", "=", report_type)],
# # limit=1,
# # )
# # report.report_action(self, data=data)
# # )
# # name='Test'
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.id)
# else:
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# account_data = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().search([
# ('partner_id', '=', partner.id),
# ('account_id.account_type', 'in', ('liability_payable', 'asset_receivable')),
# ('account_id.non_trade', '=', False),
# ('date', '<=', self.date_to),
# ('date', '>=', self.date_from)
# ])
# if not account_data:
# raise UserError(f'Проводок для формирования акта по введенным условиям не найдено.')
# return {
# 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
# 'url': '/my/act_revise_contact/%s?date_to=%s&date_from=%s&target_move=%s&company=%s&partner=%s' % (
# urllib.parse.quote(self.get_report_filename()), self.date_to, self.date_from, self.target_move,
# self.company_id.id, partner),
# 'target': 'new',
# }
# def _prepare_report_general_ledger(self):
# self.ensure_one()
# return {
# "wizard_id": self.id,
# "date_from": self.date_from,
# "date_to": self.date_to,
# "only_posted_moves": self.target_move == "posted",
# "hide_account_at_0": self.hide_account_at_0,
# "foreign_currency": self.foreign_currency,
# "company_id": self.company_id.id,
# "account_ids": self.account_ids.ids,
# "partner_ids": self.partner_ids.ids,
# "grouped_by": self.grouped_by,
# "cost_center_ids": self.cost_center_ids.ids,
# "show_cost_center": self.show_cost_center,
# "journal_ids": self.account_journal_ids.ids,
# "centralize": self.centralize,
# "fy_start_date": self.fy_start_date,
# "unaffected_earnings_account": self.unaffected_earnings_account.id,
# "account_financial_report_lang": self.env.lang,
# "domain": self._get_account_move_lines_domain(),
# }
# def _export(self, report_type):
# """Default export is PDF."""
# return self._print_report(report_type)
# def _get_atr_from_dict(self, obj_id, data, key):
# try:
# return data[obj_id][key]
# except KeyError:
# return data[str(obj_id)][key]
# def numer(self, name):
# if name:
# numeration = re.findall('\d+$', name)
# if numeration: return numeration[0]
# return name
# def get_data_format(self, date):
# if date and date != 'False':
# return dt.ru_strftime(u'%d.%m.%Y Рі.', date=datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d"), inflected=True)
# return ''
# def initials(self, fio):
# if fio:
# return (fio.split()[0] + ' ' + ''.join([fio[0:1] + '.' for fio in fio.split()[1:]])).strip()
# return ''
# def rubles(self, sum):
# "Transform sum number in rubles to text"
# text_rubles = numeral.rubles(int(sum))
# copeck = round((sum - int(sum)) * 100)
# text_copeck = numeral.choose_plural(int(copeck), (u"копейка", u"копейки", u"копеек"))
# return ("%s %02d %s") % (text_rubles, copeck, text_copeck)
# def img(self, img, type='png', width=0, height=0):
# if width:
# width = "width='%spx'" % (width)
# else:
# width = " "
# if height:
# height = "height='%spx'" % (height)
# else:
# height = " "
# toreturn = "<img %s %s src='data:image/%s;base64,%s' />" % (
# width,
# height,
# type,
# str(pycompat.to_text(img)))
# return toreturn
# def get_contract(self):
# partner = int(self.partner_ids[0].id)
# contract = self.env['partner.contract.customer'].search(
# [('partner_id', '=', partner), ('state', '=', 'signed')], limit=1)
# if contract:
# return contract
# def get_function_partner(self, partner):
# director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
# if director:
# if director.function:
# return director.function or 'отсутствует'
# def get_name_partner(self, partner):
# director = self.env['res.partner'].search([('parent_id', '=', partner), ('type', '=', 'director')], limit=1)
# if director:
# return director.name or 'отсутствует'
# def get_report_filename(self):
# today = date.today()
# d1 = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
# if self.partner_ids[0].parent_id:
# p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].parent_id.name)
# else:
# p = ''.join(self.partner_ids[0].name)
# # return 'Акт Сверки '+ d1 + ' ' + self.company_id.name+'_'+p
# return str(self.company_id.id) + ' - ' + ' ' + d1
# def sorted_lines(self, list):
# list = sorted(list, key=lambda k: k.get('date'), reverse=False)
# return list