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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, Command, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class AccountJournal(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.journal"
def _get_available_payment_method_lines(self, payment_type):
lines = super()._get_available_payment_method_lines(payment_type)
return lines.filtered(lambda l: l.payment_provider_state != 'disabled')
@api.depends('outbound_payment_method_line_ids', 'inbound_payment_method_line_ids')
def _compute_available_payment_method_ids(self):
installed_providers = self.env['payment.provider'].sudo().search([])
method_information = self.env['account.payment.method']._get_payment_method_information()
pay_methods = self.env['account.payment.method'].search([('code', 'in', list(method_information.keys()))])
pay_method_by_code = {x.code + x.payment_type: x for x in pay_methods}
# On top of the basic filtering, filter to hide unavailable providers.
# This avoid allowing payment method lines linked to a provider that has no record.
for code, vals in method_information.items():
payment_method = pay_method_by_code.get(code + 'inbound')
if not payment_method:
for journal in self:
to_remove = []
available_providers = installed_providers.filtered_domain(
available = payment_method.code in available_providers
if vals['mode'] == 'unique' and not available:
journal.available_payment_method_ids = [Command.unlink(payment_method) for payment_method in to_remove]
def _unlink_except_linked_to_payment_provider(self):
linked_providers = self.env['payment.provider'].sudo().search([]).filtered(
lambda p: p.journal_id.id in self.ids and p.state != 'disabled'
if linked_providers:
raise UserError(_(
"You must first deactivate a payment provider before deleting its journal.\n"
"Linked providers: %s", ', '.join(p.display_name for p in linked_providers)