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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import requests
from lxml import etree
from hashlib import md5
from urllib import parse
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.addons.account_peppol.tools.demo_utils import handle_demo
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid = fields.Boolean(
string="PEPPOL endpoint validity",
help="The partner's EAS code and PEPPOL endpoint are valid",
compute="_compute_account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid", store=True,
account_peppol_validity_last_check = fields.Date(
string="Checked on",
help="Last Peppol endpoint verification",
account_peppol_verification_label = fields.Selection(
('not_verified', 'Not verified yet'),
('not_valid', 'Not valid'),
('valid', 'Valid'),
string='Peppol endpoint validity',
) # field to compute the label to show for partner endpoint
@api.depends('peppol_eas', 'peppol_endpoint')
def _compute_account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid(self):
# Every change in peppol_eas or peppol_endpoint should set the validity back to False
self.account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid = False
@api.depends('account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid', 'account_peppol_validity_last_check')
def _compute_account_peppol_verification_label(self):
for partner in self:
if not partner.account_peppol_validity_last_check:
partner.account_peppol_verification_label = 'not_verified'
elif partner.account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid:
partner.account_peppol_verification_label = 'valid'
partner.account_peppol_verification_label = 'not_valid'
def _check_peppol_participant_exists(self, edi_identification):
hash_participant = md5(edi_identification.lower().encode()).hexdigest()
endpoint_participant = parse.quote_plus(f"iso6523-actorid-upis::{edi_identification}")
peppol_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('account_peppol.edi.mode', False)
sml_zone = 'acc.edelivery' if peppol_param == 'test' else 'edelivery'
smp_url = f"http://B-{hash_participant}.iso6523-actorid-upis.{sml_zone}.tech.ec.europa.eu/{endpoint_participant}"
response = requests.get(smp_url, timeout=TIMEOUT)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
return False
if response.status_code != 200:
return False
participant_info = etree.XML(response.content)
participant_identifier = participant_info.findtext('{*}ParticipantIdentifier')
service_metadata = participant_info.find('.//{*}ServiceMetadataReference')
service_href = ''
if service_metadata is not None:
service_href = service_metadata.attrib.get('href', '')
if edi_identification != participant_identifier or 'hermes-belgium' in service_href:
# all Belgian companies are pre-registered on hermes-belgium, so they will
# technically have an existing SMP url but they are not real Peppol participants
return False
return True
def button_account_peppol_check_partner_endpoint(self):
""" A basic check for whether a participant is reachable at the given
Peppol participant ID - peppol_eas:peppol_endpoint (ex: '9999:test')
The SML (Service Metadata Locator) assigns a DNS name to each peppol participant.
This DNS name resolves into the SMP (Service Metadata Publisher) of the participant.
The DNS address is of the following form:
- "http://B-" + hexstring(md5(lowercase(ID-VALUE))) + "." + ID-SCHEME + "." + SML-ZONE-NAME + "/" + url_encoded(ID-SCHEME + "::" + ID-VALUE)
edi_identification = f'{self.peppol_eas}:{self.peppol_endpoint}'.lower()
self.account_peppol_validity_last_check = fields.Date.context_today(self)
self.account_peppol_is_endpoint_valid = self._check_peppol_participant_exists(edi_identification)
return True