2024-05-03 09:44:03 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<odoo >
<data noupdate= "1" >
<!-- Email template for new users -->
<record id= "set_password_email" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Settings: New Portal Signup</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "base.model_res_users" />
<field name= "subject" > {{ object.create_uid.name }} from {{ object.company_id.name }} invites you to connect to Odoo</field>
<field name= "email_from" > {{ (object.company_id.email_formatted or user.email_formatted) }}</field>
<field name= "email_to" > {{ object.email_formatted }}</field>
<field name= "description" > Sent to new user after you invited them</field>
<field name= "body_html" type= "html" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" style= "padding-top: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;" > <tr > <td align= "center" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tbody >
<!-- HEADER -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "middle" >
<span style= "font-size: 10px;" > Welcome to Odoo</span> <br />
<span style= "font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" >
<t t-out= "object.name or ''" > Marc Demo</t>
</td> <td valign= "middle" align= "right" t-if= "not object.company_id.uses_default_logo" >
<img t-attf-src= "/logo.png?company={{ object.company_id.id }}" style= "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;" t-att-alt= "object.company_id.name" />
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td colspan= "2" style= "text-align:center;" >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" />
</td> </tr>
<!-- CONTENT -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "top" style= "font-size: 13px;" >
<div >
Dear <t t-out= "object.name or ''" > Marc Demo</t> ,<br /> <br />
You have been invited by <t t-out= "object.create_uid.name or ''" > OdooBot</t> of <t t-out= "object.company_id.name or ''" > YourCompany</t> to connect on Odoo.
<div style= "margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" >
<a t-att-href= "object.signup_url"
style="background-color: #875A7B; padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:13px;">
Accept invitation
<t t-set= "website_url" t-value= "object.get_base_url()" > </t>
2024-05-21 15:09:15 +03:00
Your Talisman domain is: <b > <a t-att-href= 'website_url' t-out= "website_url or ''" > http://yourcompany.odoo.com</a> </b> <br />
2024-05-03 09:44:03 +00:00
Your sign in email is: <b > <a t-attf-href= "/web/login?login={{ object.email }}" target= "_blank" t-out= "object.email or ''" > mark.brown23@example.com</a> </b> <br /> <br />
Never heard of Odoo? It’ s an all-in-one business software loved by 7+ million users. It will considerably improve your experience at work and increase your productivity.
<br /> <br />
Have a look at the <a href= "https://www.odoo.com/page/tour?utm_source=db&utm_medium=auth" style= "color: #875A7B;" > Odoo Tour</a> to discover the tool.
<br /> <br />
Enjoy Odoo!<br />
--<br /> The <t t-out= "object.company_id.name or ''" > YourCompany</t> Team
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td style= "text-align:center;" >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" />
</td> </tr>
<!-- FOOTER -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; font-size: 11px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "middle" align= "left" >
<t t-out= "object.company_id.name or ''" > YourCompany</t>
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td valign= "middle" align= "left" style= "opacity: 0.7;" >
<t t-out= "object.company_id.phone or ''" > +1 650-123-4567</t>
<t t-if= "object.company_id.email" >
| <a t-att-href= "'mailto:%s' % object.company_id.email" style= "text-decoration:none; color: #454748;" t-out= "object.company_id.email or ''" > info@yourcompany.com</a>
<t t-if= "object.company_id.website" >
| <a t-att-href= "'%s' % object.company_id.website" style= "text-decoration:none; color: #454748;" t-out= "object.company_id.website or ''" > http://www.example.com</a>
</td> </tr>
</td> </tr>
<!-- POWERED BY -->
<tr > <td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #454748; padding: 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td style= "text-align: center; font-size: 13px;" >
Powered by <a target= "_blank" href= "https://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&utm_medium=auth" style= "color: #875A7B;" > Odoo</a>
</td> </tr>
</td> </tr>
</table> </field>
<field name= "lang" > {{ object.lang }}</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />
<!-- Email template for reminder of unregistered users -->
<record id= "mail_template_data_unregistered_users" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Settings: Unregistered User Reminder</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "base.model_res_users" />
<field name= "subject" > Reminder for unregistered users</field>
<field name= "email_from" > {{ (object.company_id.email_formatted or user.email_formatted) }}</field>
<field name= "email_to" > {{ object.email_formatted }}</field>
<field name= "description" > Sent automatically to admin if new user haven't responded to the invitation</field>
<field name= "body_html" type= "html" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" style= "background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;" > <tr > <td align= "center" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tbody >
<!-- CONTENT -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<t t-set= "invited_users" t-value= "ctx.get('invited_users', [])" />
<td style= "text-align : left" >
<span style= "font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" >
Pending Invitations
</span> <br /> <br />
<tr > <td valign= "top" style= "font-size: 13px;" >
<div >
Dear <t t-out= "object.name or ''" > Mitchell Admin</t> ,<br /> <br />
You added the following user(s) to your database but they haven't registered yet:
<ul >
<t t-foreach= "invited_users" t-as= "invited_user" >
<li t-out= "invited_user or ''" > demo@example.com</li>
Follow up with them so they can access your database and start working with you.
<br /> <br />
Have a nice day!<br />
--<br /> The <t t-out= "object.company_id.name or ''" > YourCompany</t> Team
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td style= "text-align:center;" >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" />
</td> </tr>
</td> </tr>
<field name= "lang" > {{ object.partner_id.lang }}</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />
<!-- Email template for new users that used a signup token -->
<record id= "mail_template_user_signup_account_created" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Settings: New User Invite</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "base.model_res_users" />
<field name= "subject" > Welcome to {{ object.company_id.name }}!</field>
<field name= "email_from" > {{ (object.company_id.email_formatted or user.email_formatted) }}</field>
<field name= "email_to" > {{ object.email_formatted }}</field>
<field name= "description" > Sent to portal user who registered themselves</field>
<field name= "body_html" type= "html" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" style= "padding-top: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;" > <tr > <td align= "center" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tbody >
<!-- HEADER -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "middle" >
<span style= "font-size: 10px;" > Your Account</span> <br />
<span style= "font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" >
<t t-out= "object.name or ''" > Marc Demo</t>
</td> <td valign= "middle" align= "right" t-if= "not object.company_id.uses_default_logo" >
<img t-attf-src= "/logo.png?company={{ object.company_id.id }}" style= "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;" t-att-alt= "object.company_id.name" />
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td colspan= "2" style= "text-align:center;" >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" />
</td> </tr>
<!-- CONTENT -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "top" style= "font-size: 13px;" >
<div >
Dear <t t-out= "object.name or ''" > Marc Demo</t> ,<br /> <br />
Your account has been successfully created!<br />
Your login is <strong > <t t-out= "object.email or ''" > mark.brown23@example.com</t> </strong> <br />
To gain access to your account, you can use the following link:
<div style= "margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" >
<a t-attf-href= "/web/login?auth_login={{object.email}}"
style="background-color: #875A7B; padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:13px;">
Go to My Account
Thanks,<br />
<t t-if= "user.signature" >
<br />
<t t-out= "user.signature or ''" > --<br /> Mitchell Admin</t>
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td style= "text-align:center;" >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" />
</td> </tr>
<!-- FOOTER -->
<tr >
<td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: white; font-size: 11px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td valign= "middle" align= "left" >
<t t-out= "object.company_id.name or ''" > YourCompany</t>
</td> </tr>
<tr > <td valign= "middle" align= "left" style= "opacity: 0.7;" >
<t t-out= "object.company_id.phone or ''" > +1 650-123-4567</t>
<t t-if= "object.company_id.email" >
| <a t-attf-href= "'mailto:%s' % {{ object.company_id.email }}" style= "text-decoration:none; color: #454748;" > <t t-out= "object.company_id.email or ''" > info@yourcompany.com</t> </a>
<t t-if= "object.company_id.website" >
| <a t-attf-href= "'%s' % {{ object.company_id.website }}" style= "text-decoration:none; color: #454748;" >
<t t-out= "object.company_id.website or ''" > http://www.example.com</t>
</td> </tr>
</td> </tr>
<!-- POWERED BY -->
<tr > <td align= "center" style= "min-width: 590px;" >
<table border= "0" cellpadding= "0" cellspacing= "0" width= "590" style= "min-width: 590px; background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #454748; padding: 8px; border-collapse:separate;" >
<tr > <td style= "text-align: center; font-size: 13px;" >
Powered by <a target= "_blank" href= "https://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&utm_medium=auth" style= "color: #875A7B;" > Odoo</a>
</td> </tr>
</td> </tr>
</table> </field>
<field name= "lang" > {{ object.lang }}</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />