2024-05-03 09:44:03 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2024-05-21 15:09:15 +03:00
# Part of Talisman . See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2024-05-03 09:44:03 +00:00
from unittest . mock import patch
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
from odoo . addons . mail . models . mail_mail import MailDeliveryException
from odoo . tests . common import HttpCase
from werkzeug . urls import url_parse
class TestResetPassword ( HttpCase ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( TestResetPassword , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . test_user = cls . env [ ' res.users ' ] . create ( {
' login ' : ' test ' ,
' name ' : ' The King ' ,
' email ' : ' noop@example.com ' ,
} )
def test_reset_password ( self ) :
Test that first signup link and password reset link are different to accomodate for the different behaviour
on first signup if a password is already set user is redirected to login page when accessing that link again
' signup_email ' is used in the web controller ( web_auth_reset_password ) to detect this behaviour
self . assertEqual ( self . test_user . email , url_parse ( self . test_user . with_context ( create_user = True ) . signup_url ) . decode_query ( ) [ " signup_email " ] , " query must contain ' signup_email ' " )
# Invalidate signup_url to skip signup process
self . env . invalidate_all ( )
self . test_user . action_reset_password ( )
self . assertNotIn ( " signup_email " , url_parse ( self . test_user . signup_url ) . decode_query ( ) , " query should not contain ' signup_email ' " )
@patch ( ' odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail.MailMail.send ' )
def test_reset_password_mail_server_error ( self , mock_send ) :
Test that action_reset_password ( ) method raises UserError and _action_reset_password ( ) method raises MailDeliveryException .
action_reset_password ( ) method attempts to reset the user ' s password by executing the private method _action_reset_password().
If any errors occur during the password reset process , a UserError exception is raised with the following behavior :
- If a MailDeliveryException is caught and the exception ' s second argument is a ConnectionRefusedError,
a UserError is raised with the message " Could not contact the mail server, please check your outgoing email server configuration " .
This indicates that the error is related to the mail server and the user should verify their email server settings .
- If a MailDeliveryException is caught but the exception ' s second argument is not a ConnectionRefusedError,
a UserError is raised with the message " There was an error when trying to deliver your Email, please check your configuration " .
This indicates that there was an error during the email delivery process , and the user should review their email configuration .
Note : The _action_reset_password ( ) method , marked as private with the underscore prefix , performs the actual password reset logic
and the original MailDeliveryException occurs from this method .
mock_send . side_effect = MailDeliveryException (
" Unable to connect to SMTP Server " ,
ConnectionRefusedError ( " 111, ' Connection refused ' " ) ,
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) as cm1 :
self . test_user . action_reset_password ( )
self . assertEqual (
str ( cm1 . exception ) ,
" Could not contact the mail server, please check your outgoing email server configuration " ,
mock_send . side_effect = MailDeliveryException (
" Unable to connect to SMTP Server " ,
ValueError ( " [Errno -2] Name or service not known " ) ,
with self . assertRaises ( UserError ) as cm2 :
self . test_user . action_reset_password ( )
self . assertEqual (
str ( cm2 . exception ) ,
" There was an error when trying to deliver your Email, please check your configuration " ,
# To check private method _action_reset_password() raises MailDeliveryException when there is no valid smtp server
with self . assertRaises ( MailDeliveryException ) :
self . test_user . _action_reset_password ( )