# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import functools import logging import os import re from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.addons.base.models.res_users import check_identity from odoo.exceptions import AccessDenied, UserError from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import sql from odoo.addons.auth_totp.models.totp import TOTP, TOTP_SECRET_SIZE _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) compress = functools.partial(re.sub, r'\s', '') class Users(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.users' totp_secret = fields.Char(copy=False, groups=fields.NO_ACCESS, compute='_compute_totp_secret', inverse='_inverse_token') totp_enabled = fields.Boolean(string="Two-factor authentication", compute='_compute_totp_enabled', search='_totp_enable_search') totp_trusted_device_ids = fields.One2many('auth_totp.device', 'user_id', string="Trusted Devices") def init(self): super().init() if not sql.column_exists(self.env.cr, self._table, "totp_secret"): self.env.cr.execute("ALTER TABLE res_users ADD COLUMN totp_secret varchar") @property def SELF_READABLE_FIELDS(self): return super().SELF_READABLE_FIELDS + ['totp_enabled', 'totp_trusted_device_ids'] def _mfa_type(self): r = super()._mfa_type() if r is not None: return r if self.totp_enabled: return 'totp' def _should_alert_new_device(self): """ Determine if an alert should be sent to the user regarding a new device - 2FA enabled -> only for new device - Not enabled -> no alert To be overriden if needs to be disabled for other 2FA providers """ if request and self._mfa_type(): key = request.httprequest.cookies.get('td_id') if key: if request.env['auth_totp.device']._check_credentials_for_uid( scope="browser", key=key, uid=self.id): # the device is known return False # 2FA enabled but not a trusted device return True return super()._should_alert_new_device() def _mfa_url(self): r = super()._mfa_url() if r is not None: return r if self._mfa_type() == 'totp': return '/web/login/totp' @api.depends('totp_secret') def _compute_totp_enabled(self): for r, v in zip(self, self.sudo()): r.totp_enabled = bool(v.totp_secret) def _rpc_api_keys_only(self): # 2FA enabled means we can't allow password-based RPC self.ensure_one() return self.totp_enabled or super()._rpc_api_keys_only() def _get_session_token_fields(self): return super()._get_session_token_fields() | {'totp_secret'} def _totp_check(self, code): sudo = self.sudo() key = base64.b32decode(sudo.totp_secret) match = TOTP(key).match(code) if match is None: _logger.info("2FA check: FAIL for %s %r", self, sudo.login) raise AccessDenied(_("Verification failed, please double-check the 6-digit code")) _logger.info("2FA check: SUCCESS for %s %r", self, sudo.login) def _totp_try_setting(self, secret, code): if self.totp_enabled or self != self.env.user: _logger.info("2FA enable: REJECT for %s %r", self, self.login) return False secret = compress(secret).upper() match = TOTP(base64.b32decode(secret)).match(code) if match is None: _logger.info("2FA enable: REJECT CODE for %s %r", self, self.login) return False self.sudo().totp_secret = secret if request: self.env.flush_all() # update session token so the user does not get logged out (cache cleared by change) new_token = self.env.user._compute_session_token(request.session.sid) request.session.session_token = new_token _logger.info("2FA enable: SUCCESS for %s %r", self, self.login) return True @check_identity def action_totp_disable(self): logins = ', '.join(map(repr, self.mapped('login'))) if not (self == self.env.user or self.env.user._is_admin() or self.env.su): _logger.info("2FA disable: REJECT for %s (%s) by uid #%s", self, logins, self.env.user.id) return False self.revoke_all_devices() self.sudo().write({'totp_secret': False}) if request and self == self.env.user: self.env.flush_all() # update session token so the user does not get logged out (cache cleared by change) new_token = self.env.user._compute_session_token(request.session.sid) request.session.session_token = new_token _logger.info("2FA disable: SUCCESS for %s (%s) by uid #%s", self, logins, self.env.user.id) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'display_notification', 'params': { 'type': 'warning', 'message': _("Two-factor authentication disabled for the following user(s): %s", ', '.join(self.mapped('name'))), 'next': {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}, } } @check_identity def action_totp_enable_wizard(self): if self.env.user != self: raise UserError(_("Two-factor authentication can only be enabled for yourself")) if self.totp_enabled: raise UserError(_("Two-factor authentication already enabled")) secret_bytes_count = TOTP_SECRET_SIZE // 8 secret = base64.b32encode(os.urandom(secret_bytes_count)).decode() # format secret in groups of 4 characters for readability secret = ' '.join(map(''.join, zip(*[iter(secret)]*4))) w = self.env['auth_totp.wizard'].create({ 'user_id': self.id, 'secret': secret, }) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'new', 'res_model': 'auth_totp.wizard', 'name': _("Two-Factor Authentication Activation"), 'res_id': w.id, 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'context': self.env.context, } @check_identity def revoke_all_devices(self): self._revoke_all_devices() def _revoke_all_devices(self): self.totp_trusted_device_ids._remove() @api.model def change_password(self, old_passwd, new_passwd): self.env.user._revoke_all_devices() return super().change_password(old_passwd, new_passwd) def _compute_totp_secret(self): for user in self: self.env.cr.execute('SELECT totp_secret FROM res_users WHERE id=%s', (user.id,)) user.totp_secret = self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] def _inverse_token(self): for user in self: secret = user.totp_secret if user.totp_secret else None self.env.cr.execute('UPDATE res_users SET totp_secret = %s WHERE id=%s', (secret, user.id)) def _totp_enable_search(self, operator, value): value = not value if operator == '!=' else value if value: self.env.cr.execute("SELECT id FROM res_users WHERE totp_secret IS NOT NULL") else: self.env.cr.execute("SELECT id FROM res_users WHERE totp_secret IS NULL OR totp_secret='false'") result = self.env.cr.fetchall() return [('id', 'in', [x[0] for x in result])]