# Odoo base_telegram Odoo Telegram API Menu: Settings / Technical / Parameters / Telegram API Connections ## Add new connection - Open the chat with [@BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather) - Enter the command **/newbot** to create a bot - Save received **token** (like: 1234567890:ABcdeFghKLMNopqrs_TUvWxyz) - Create a group where the created bot should post messages - Add the bot to the group - Grant the bot admin access in the group - Send a test message in the group, ensure that the bot can read it - Save **Chat ID** from test message ![Telegram API new connection form](chat_bot_config_form.png "Telegram API new connection form") ## Send message to Telegram ``env["base.telegram"].browse(1).send_message('Test')`` ## Send message from project.task by template `` self = env["base.telegram"].browse(1) obj = env['project.task'].browse(4) self.with_context(lang=env.user.lang if env.user.lang else 'ru_RU', tz=env.user.tz if env.user.tz else 'Europe/Moscow').send_template('base_telegram.message_new_task', obj) ``