Base Telegram API ir.actions.act_window base_telegram.api tree,form,kanban {}

Telegram Chats List

base_telegram.api.tree base_telegram.api base_telegram.api.form base_telegram.api
Creating a Telegram Bot:
  • Open the chat with @BotFather
  • Enter the command /newbot to create a bot. Follow the instructions provided by @BotFather
  • Once completed, record the received token in the corresponding field.
    In the chat with @BotFather, look for the text:
    Use this token to access the HTTP API:
  • Create a group where the created bot should post messages
  • Add the bot to the group
  • Grant the bot admin access in the group
  • Send a test message in the group, ensure that the bot can read it
  • Click the button Get Chat ID by test message on this form
  • Enter the Chat ID value from the table of read messages into the Chat ID field