import base64 import functools import hashlib import json import logging import os import psycopg2 import random import socket import struct import selectors import threading import time from collections import defaultdict, deque from contextlib import closing, suppress from enum import IntEnum from psycopg2.pool import PoolError from urllib.parse import urlparse from weakref import WeakSet from werkzeug.local import LocalStack from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, HTTPException, ServiceUnavailable import odoo from odoo import api from .models.bus import dispatch from odoo.http import root, Request, Response, SessionExpiredException, get_default_session from odoo.modules.registry import Registry from odoo.service import model as service_model from odoo.service.server import CommonServer from import check_session from import config _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_TRY_ON_POOL_ERROR = 10 DELAY_ON_POOL_ERROR = 0.03 def acquire_cursor(db): """ Try to acquire a cursor up to `MAX_TRY_ON_POOL_ERROR` """ for tryno in range(1, MAX_TRY_ON_POOL_ERROR + 1): with suppress(PoolError): return odoo.registry(db).cursor() time.sleep(random.uniform(DELAY_ON_POOL_ERROR, DELAY_ON_POOL_ERROR * tryno)) raise PoolError('Failed to acquire cursor after %s retries' % MAX_TRY_ON_POOL_ERROR) # ------------------------------------------------------ # EXCEPTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------ class UpgradeRequired(HTTPException): code = 426 description = "Wrong websocket version was given during the handshake" def get_headers(self, environ=None): headers = super().get_headers(environ) headers.append(( 'Sec-WebSocket-Version', '; '.join(WebsocketConnectionHandler.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) )) return headers class WebsocketException(Exception): """ Base class for all websockets exceptions """ class ConnectionClosed(WebsocketException): """ Raised when the other end closes the socket without performing the closing handshake. """ class InvalidCloseCodeException(WebsocketException): def __init__(self, code): super().__init__(f"Invalid close code: {code}") class InvalidDatabaseException(WebsocketException): """ When raised: the database probably does not exists anymore, the database is corrupted or the database version doesn't match the server version. """ class InvalidStateException(WebsocketException): """ Raised when an operation is forbidden in the current state. """ class InvalidWebsocketRequest(WebsocketException): """ Raised when a websocket request is invalid (format, wrong args). """ class PayloadTooLargeException(WebsocketException): """ Raised when a websocket message is too large. """ class ProtocolError(WebsocketException): """ Raised when a frame format doesn't match expectations. """ class RateLimitExceededException(Exception): """ Raised when a client exceeds the number of request in a given time. """ # ------------------------------------------------------ # WEBSOCKET LIFECYCLE # ------------------------------------------------------ class LifecycleEvent(IntEnum): OPEN = 0 CLOSE = 1 # ------------------------------------------------------ # WEBSOCKET # ------------------------------------------------------ class Opcode(IntEnum): CONTINUE = 0x00 TEXT = 0x01 BINARY = 0x02 CLOSE = 0x08 PING = 0x09 PONG = 0x0A class CloseCode(IntEnum): CLEAN = 1000 GOING_AWAY = 1001 PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1002 INCORRECT_DATA = 1003 ABNORMAL_CLOSURE = 1006 INCONSISTENT_DATA = 1007 MESSAGE_VIOLATING_POLICY = 1008 MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = 1009 EXTENSION_NEGOTIATION_FAILED = 1010 SERVER_ERROR = 1011 RESTART = 1012 TRY_LATER = 1013 BAD_GATEWAY = 1014 SESSION_EXPIRED = 4001 KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT = 4002 class ConnectionState(IntEnum): OPEN = 0 CLOSING = 1 CLOSED = 2 DATA_OP = {Opcode.TEXT, Opcode.BINARY} CTRL_OP = {Opcode.CLOSE, Opcode.PING, Opcode.PONG} HEARTBEAT_OP = {Opcode.PING, Opcode.PONG} VALID_CLOSE_CODES = { code for code in CloseCode if code is not CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE } CLEAN_CLOSE_CODES = {CloseCode.CLEAN, CloseCode.GOING_AWAY, CloseCode.RESTART} RESERVED_CLOSE_CODES = range(3000, 5000) _XOR_TABLE = [bytes(a ^ b for a in range(256)) for b in range(256)] class Frame: def __init__( self, opcode, payload=b'', fin=True, rsv1=False, rsv2=False, rsv3=False ): self.opcode = opcode self.payload = payload self.fin = fin self.rsv1 = rsv1 self.rsv2 = rsv2 self.rsv3 = rsv3 class CloseFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, code, reason): if code not in VALID_CLOSE_CODES and code not in RESERVED_CLOSE_CODES: raise InvalidCloseCodeException(code) payload = struct.pack('!H', code) if reason: payload += reason.encode('utf-8') self.code = code self.reason = reason super().__init__(Opcode.CLOSE, payload) _websocket_instances = WeakSet() class Websocket: __event_callbacks = defaultdict(set) # Maximum size for a message in bytes, whether it is sent as one # frame or many fragmented ones. MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE = 2 ** 20 # Proxies usually close a connection after 1 minute of inactivity. # Therefore, a PING frame have to be sent if no frame is either sent # or received within CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - 15 seconds. CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 60 INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - 15 # How many requests can be made in excess of the given rate. RL_BURST = int(config['websocket_rate_limit_burst']) # How many seconds between each request. RL_DELAY = float(config['websocket_rate_limit_delay']) def __init__(self, sock, session): # Session linked to the current websocket connection. self._session = session self._db = session.db self.__socket = sock self._close_sent = False self._close_received = False self._timeout_manager = TimeoutManager() # Used for rate limiting. self._incoming_frame_timestamps = deque(maxlen=self.RL_BURST) # Used to notify the websocket that bus notifications are # available. self.__notif_sock_w, self.__notif_sock_r = socket.socketpair() self._channels = set() self._last_notif_sent_id = 0 # Websocket start up self.__selector = ( selectors.PollSelector() if odoo.evented and hasattr(selectors, 'PollSelector') else selectors.DefaultSelector() ) self.__selector.register(self.__socket, selectors.EVENT_READ) self.__selector.register(self.__notif_sock_r, selectors.EVENT_READ) self.state = ConnectionState.OPEN _websocket_instances.add(self) self._trigger_lifecycle_event(LifecycleEvent.OPEN) # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------ def get_messages(self): while self.state is not ConnectionState.CLOSED: try: readables = { selector_key[0].fileobj for selector_key in } if self._timeout_manager.has_timed_out() and self.state is ConnectionState.OPEN: self.disconnect( CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE if self._timeout_manager.timeout_reason is TimeoutReason.NO_RESPONSE else CloseCode.KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT ) continue if not readables: self._send_ping_frame() continue if self.__notif_sock_r in readables: self._dispatch_bus_notifications() if self.__socket in readables: message = self._process_next_message() if message is not None: yield message except Exception as exc: self._handle_transport_error(exc) def disconnect(self, code, reason=None): """ Initiate the closing handshake that is, send a close frame to the other end which will then send us back an acknowledgment. Upon the reception of this acknowledgment, the `_terminate` method will be called to perform an orderly shutdown. Note that we don't need to wait for the acknowledgment if the connection was failed beforewards. """ if code is not CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE: self._send_close_frame(code, reason) else: self._terminate() @classmethod def onopen(cls, func): cls.__event_callbacks[LifecycleEvent.OPEN].add(func) return func @classmethod def onclose(cls, func): cls.__event_callbacks[LifecycleEvent.CLOSE].add(func) return func def subscribe(self, channels, last): """ Subscribe to bus channels. """ self._channels = channels if self._last_notif_sent_id < last: self._last_notif_sent_id = last # Dispatch past notifications if there are any. self.trigger_notification_dispatching() def trigger_notification_dispatching(self): """ Warn the socket that notifications are available. Ignore if a dispatch is already planned or if the socket is already in the closing state. """ if self.state is not ConnectionState.OPEN: return readables = { selector_key[0].fileobj for selector_key in } if self.__notif_sock_r not in readables: # Send a random bit to mark the socket as readable. self.__notif_sock_w.send(b'x') # ------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------ def _get_next_frame(self): # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 # +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ # |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | # |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | # |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | # | |1|2|3| |K| | | # +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + # | Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 | # + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+ # | |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 | # +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data | # +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + # : Payload Data continued ... : # + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + # | Payload Data continued ... | # +---------------------------------------------------------------+ def recv_bytes(n): """ Pull n bytes from the socket """ data = bytearray() while len(data) < n: received_data = self.__socket.recv(n - len(data)) if not received_data: raise ConnectionClosed() data.extend(received_data) return data def is_bit_set(byte, n): """ Check whether nth bit of byte is set or not (from left to right). """ return byte & (1 << (7 - n)) def apply_mask(payload, mask): # see: a, b, c, d = (_XOR_TABLE[n] for n in mask) payload[::4] = payload[::4].translate(a) payload[1::4] = payload[1::4].translate(b) payload[2::4] = payload[2::4].translate(c) payload[3::4] = payload[3::4].translate(d) return payload self._limit_rate() first_byte, second_byte = recv_bytes(2) fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3 = (is_bit_set(first_byte, n) for n in range(4)) try: opcode = Opcode(first_byte & 0b00001111) except ValueError as exc: raise ProtocolError(exc) payload_length = second_byte & 0b01111111 if rsv1 or rsv2 or rsv3: raise ProtocolError("Reserved bits must be unset") if not is_bit_set(second_byte, 0): raise ProtocolError("Frame must be masked") if opcode in CTRL_OP: if not fin: raise ProtocolError("Control frames cannot be fragmented") if payload_length > 125: raise ProtocolError( "Control frames payload must be smaller than 126" ) if payload_length == 126: payload_length = struct.unpack('!H', recv_bytes(2))[0] elif payload_length == 127: payload_length = struct.unpack('!Q', recv_bytes(8))[0] if payload_length > self.MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE: raise PayloadTooLargeException() mask = recv_bytes(4) payload = apply_mask(recv_bytes(payload_length), mask) frame = Frame(opcode, bytes(payload), fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3) self._timeout_manager.acknowledge_frame_receipt(frame) return frame def _process_next_message(self): """ Process the next message coming throught the socket. If a data message can be extracted, return its decoded payload. As per the RFC, only control frames will be processed once the connection reaches the closing state. """ frame = self._get_next_frame() if frame.opcode in CTRL_OP: self._handle_control_frame(frame) return if self.state is not ConnectionState.OPEN: # After receiving a control frame indicating the connection # should be closed, a peer discards any further data # received. return if frame.opcode is Opcode.CONTINUE: raise ProtocolError("Unexpected continuation frame") message = frame.payload if not frame.fin: message = self._recover_fragmented_message(frame) return ( message.decode('utf-8') if message is not None and frame.opcode is Opcode.TEXT else message ) def _recover_fragmented_message(self, initial_frame): message_fragments = bytearray(initial_frame.payload) while True: frame = self._get_next_frame() if frame.opcode in CTRL_OP: # Control frames can be received in the middle of a # fragmented message, process them as soon as possible. self._handle_control_frame(frame) if self.state is not ConnectionState.OPEN: return continue if frame.opcode is not Opcode.CONTINUE: raise ProtocolError("A continuation frame was expected") message_fragments.extend(frame.payload) if len(message_fragments) > self.MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE: raise PayloadTooLargeException() if frame.fin: return bytes(message_fragments) def _send(self, message): if self.state is not ConnectionState.OPEN: raise InvalidStateException( "Trying to send a frame on a closed socket" ) opcode = Opcode.BINARY if not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)): opcode = Opcode.TEXT self._send_frame(Frame(opcode, message)) def _send_frame(self, frame): if frame.opcode in CTRL_OP and len(frame.payload) > 125: raise ProtocolError( "Control frames should have a payload length smaller than 126" ) if isinstance(frame.payload, str): frame.payload = frame.payload.encode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(frame.payload, (bytes, bytearray)): frame.payload = json.dumps(frame.payload).encode('utf-8') output = bytearray() first_byte = ( (0b10000000 if frame.fin else 0) | (0b01000000 if frame.rsv1 else 0) | (0b00100000 if frame.rsv2 else 0) | (0b00010000 if frame.rsv3 else 0) | frame.opcode ) payload_length = len(frame.payload) if payload_length < 126: output.extend( struct.pack('!BB', first_byte, payload_length) ) elif payload_length < 65536: output.extend( struct.pack('!BBH', first_byte, 126, payload_length) ) else: output.extend( struct.pack('!BBQ', first_byte, 127, payload_length) ) output.extend(frame.payload) self.__socket.sendall(output) self._timeout_manager.acknowledge_frame_sent(frame) if not isinstance(frame, CloseFrame): return self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSING self._close_sent = True if frame.code not in CLEAN_CLOSE_CODES or self._close_received: return self._terminate() # After sending a control frame indicating the connection # should be closed, a peer does not send any further data. self.__selector.unregister(self.__notif_sock_r) def _send_close_frame(self, code, reason=None): """ Send a close frame. """ self._send_frame(CloseFrame(code, reason)) def _send_ping_frame(self): """ Send a ping frame """ self._send_frame(Frame(Opcode.PING)) def _send_pong_frame(self, payload): """ Send a pong frame """ self._send_frame(Frame(Opcode.PONG, payload)) def _terminate(self): """ Close the underlying TCP socket. """ with suppress(OSError, TimeoutError): self.__socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) # Call recv until obtaining a return value of 0 indicating # the other end has performed an orderly shutdown. A timeout # is set to ensure the connection will be closed even if # the other end does not close the socket properly. self.__socket.settimeout(1) while self.__socket.recv(4096): pass self.__selector.unregister(self.__socket) self.__selector.close() self.__socket.close() self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSED dispatch.unsubscribe(self) self._trigger_lifecycle_event(LifecycleEvent.CLOSE) def _handle_control_frame(self, frame): if frame.opcode is Opcode.PING: self._send_pong_frame(frame.payload) elif frame.opcode is Opcode.CLOSE: self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSING self._close_received = True code, reason = CloseCode.CLEAN, None if len(frame.payload) >= 2: code = struct.unpack('!H', frame.payload[:2])[0] reason = frame.payload[2:].decode('utf-8') elif frame.payload: raise ProtocolError("Malformed closing frame") if not self._close_sent: self._send_close_frame(code, reason) else: self._terminate() def _handle_transport_error(self, exc): """ Find out which close code should be sent according to given exception and call `self.disconnect` in order to close the connection cleanly. """ code, reason = CloseCode.SERVER_ERROR, str(exc) if isinstance(exc, (ConnectionClosed, OSError)): code = CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE elif isinstance(exc, (ProtocolError, InvalidCloseCodeException)): code = CloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR elif isinstance(exc, UnicodeDecodeError): code = CloseCode.INCONSISTENT_DATA elif isinstance(exc, PayloadTooLargeException): code = CloseCode.MESSAGE_TOO_BIG elif isinstance(exc, (PoolError, RateLimitExceededException)): code = CloseCode.TRY_LATER elif isinstance(exc, SessionExpiredException): code = CloseCode.SESSION_EXPIRED if code is CloseCode.SERVER_ERROR: reason = None registry = Registry(self._session.db) sequence = registry.registry_sequence registry = registry.check_signaling() if sequence != registry.registry_sequence: _logger.warning("Bus operation aborted; registry has been reloaded") else: _logger.error(exc, exc_info=True) self.disconnect(code, reason) def _limit_rate(self): """ This method is a simple rate limiter designed not to allow more than one request by `RL_DELAY` seconds. `RL_BURST` specify how many requests can be made in excess of the given rate at the begining. When requests are received too fast, raises the `RateLimitExceededException`. """ now = time.time() if len(self._incoming_frame_timestamps) >= self.RL_BURST: elapsed_time = now - self._incoming_frame_timestamps[0] if elapsed_time < self.RL_DELAY * self.RL_BURST: raise RateLimitExceededException() self._incoming_frame_timestamps.append(now) def _trigger_lifecycle_event(self, event_type): """ Trigger a lifecycle event that is, call every function registered for this event type. Every callback is given both the environment and the related websocket. """ if not self.__event_callbacks[event_type]: return with closing(acquire_cursor(self._db)) as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, self._session.uid, self._session.context) for callback in self.__event_callbacks[event_type]: try: service_model.retrying(functools.partial(callback, env, self), env) except Exception: _logger.warning( 'Error during Websocket %s callback', LifecycleEvent(event_type).name, exc_info=True ) def _dispatch_bus_notifications(self): """ Dispatch notifications related to the registered channels. If the session is expired, close the connection with the `SESSION_EXPIRED` close code. If no cursor can be acquired, close the connection with the `TRY_LATER` close code. """ session = root.session_store.get(self._session.sid) if not session: raise SessionExpiredException() with acquire_cursor(session.db) as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, session.uid, session.context) if session.uid is not None and not check_session(session, env): raise SessionExpiredException() # Mark the notification request as processed. self.__notif_sock_r.recv(1) notifications = env['bus.bus']._poll(self._channels, self._last_notif_sent_id) if not notifications: return self._last_notif_sent_id = notifications[-1]['id'] self._send(notifications) class TimeoutReason(IntEnum): KEEP_ALIVE = 0 NO_RESPONSE = 1 class TimeoutManager: """ This class handles the Websocket timeouts. If no response to a PING/CLOSE frame is received after `TIMEOUT` seconds or if the connection is opened for more than `self._keep_alive_timeout` seconds, the connection is considered to have timed out. To determine if the connection has timed out, use the `has_timed_out` method. """ TIMEOUT = 15 # Timeout specifying how many seconds the connection should be kept # alive. KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT = int(config['websocket_keep_alive_timeout']) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._awaited_opcode = None # Time in which the connection was opened. self._opened_at = time.time() # Custom keep alive timeout for each TimeoutManager to avoid multiple # connections timing out at the same time. self._keep_alive_timeout = ( self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT + random.uniform(0, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT / 2) ) self.timeout_reason = None # Start time recorded when we started awaiting an answer to a # PING/CLOSE frame. self._waiting_start_time = None def acknowledge_frame_receipt(self, frame): if self._awaited_opcode is frame.opcode: self._awaited_opcode = None self._waiting_start_time = None def acknowledge_frame_sent(self, frame): """ Acknowledge a frame was sent. If this frame is a PING/CLOSE frame, start waiting for an answer. """ if self.has_timed_out(): return if frame.opcode is Opcode.PING: self._awaited_opcode = Opcode.PONG elif frame.opcode is Opcode.CLOSE: self._awaited_opcode = Opcode.CLOSE if self._awaited_opcode is not None: self._waiting_start_time = time.time() def has_timed_out(self): """ Determine whether the connection has timed out or not. The connection times out when the answer to a CLOSE/PING frame is not received within `TIMEOUT` seconds or if the connection is opened for more than `self._keep_alive_timeout` seconds. """ now = time.time() if now - self._opened_at >= self._keep_alive_timeout: self.timeout_reason = TimeoutReason.KEEP_ALIVE return True if self._awaited_opcode and now - self._waiting_start_time >= self.TIMEOUT: self.timeout_reason = TimeoutReason.NO_RESPONSE return True return False # ------------------------------------------------------ # WEBSOCKET SERVING # ------------------------------------------------------ _wsrequest_stack = LocalStack() wsrequest = _wsrequest_stack() class WebsocketRequest: def __init__(self, db, httprequest, websocket): self.db = db self.httprequest = httprequest self.session = None = websocket def __enter__(self): _wsrequest_stack.push(self) return self def __exit__(self, *args): _wsrequest_stack.pop() def serve_websocket_message(self, message): try: jsonrequest = json.loads(message) event_name = jsonrequest['event_name'] # mandatory except KeyError as exc: raise InvalidWebsocketRequest( f'Key {exc.args[0]!r} is missing from request' ) from exc except ValueError as exc: raise InvalidWebsocketRequest( f'Invalid JSON data, {exc.args[0]}' ) from exc data = jsonrequest.get('data') self.session = self._get_session() try: self.registry = Registry(self.db) self.registry.check_signaling() except ( AttributeError, psycopg2.OperationalError, psycopg2.ProgrammingError ) as exc: raise InvalidDatabaseException() from exc with closing(acquire_cursor(self.db)) as cr: self.env = api.Environment(cr, self.session.uid, self.session.context) threading.current_thread().uid = self.env.uid service_model.retrying( functools.partial(self._serve_ir_websocket, event_name, data), self.env, ) def _serve_ir_websocket(self, event_name, data): """ Delegate most of the processing to the ir.websocket model which is extensible by applications. Directly call the appropriate ir.websocket method since only two events are tolerated: `subscribe` and `update_presence`. """ self.env['ir.websocket']._authenticate() if event_name == 'subscribe': self.env['ir.websocket']._subscribe(data) if event_name == 'update_presence': self.env['ir.websocket']._update_bus_presence(**data) def _get_session(self): session = root.session_store.get( if not session: raise SessionExpiredException() return session def update_env(self, user=None, context=None, su=None): """ Update the environment of the current websocket request. """ Request.update_env(self, user, context, su) def update_context(self, **overrides): """ Override the environment context of the current request with the values of ``overrides``. To replace the entire context, please use :meth:`~update_env` instead. """ self.update_env(context=dict(self.env.context, **overrides)) class WebsocketConnectionHandler: SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = {'13'} # Given by the RFC in order to generate Sec-WebSocket-Accept from # Sec-WebSocket-Key value. _HANDSHAKE_GUID = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11' _REQUIRED_HANDSHAKE_HEADERS = { 'connection', 'host', 'sec-websocket-key', 'sec-websocket-version', 'upgrade', 'origin', } @classmethod def websocket_allowed(cls, request): return not request.registry.in_test_mode() @classmethod def open_connection(cls, request): """ Open a websocket connection if the handshake is successfull. :return: Response indicating the server performed a connection upgrade. :raise: UpgradeRequired if there is no intersection between the versions the client supports and those we support. :raise: BadRequest if the handshake data is incorrect. """ if not cls.websocket_allowed(request): raise ServiceUnavailable("Websocket is disabled in test mode") cls._handle_public_configuration(request) try: response = cls._get_handshake_response(request.httprequest.headers) socket = request.httprequest._HTTPRequest__environ['socket'] session, db, httprequest = request.session, request.db, request.httprequest response.call_on_close(lambda: cls._serve_forever( Websocket(socket, session), db, httprequest, )) # Force save the session. Session must be persisted to handle # WebSocket authentication. request.session.is_dirty = True return response except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError( f"Couldn't bind the websocket. Is the connection opened on the evented port ({config['gevent_port']})?" ) from exc except HTTPException as exc: # The HTTP stack does not log exceptions derivated from the # HTTPException class since they are valid responses. _logger.error(exc) raise @classmethod def _get_handshake_response(cls, headers): """ :return: Response indicating the server performed a connection upgrade. :raise: BadRequest :raise: UpgradeRequired """ cls._assert_handshake_validity(headers) # sha-1 is used as it is required by # accept_header = hashlib.sha1( (headers['sec-websocket-key'] + cls._HANDSHAKE_GUID).encode()).digest() accept_header = base64.b64encode(accept_header) return Response(status=101, headers={ 'Upgrade': 'websocket', 'Connection': 'Upgrade', 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept': accept_header.decode(), }) @classmethod def _handle_public_configuration(cls, request): if not os.getenv('ODOO_BUS_PUBLIC_SAMESITE_WS'): return headers = request.httprequest.headers origin_url = urlparse(headers.get('origin')) if origin_url.netloc != headers.get('host') or origin_url.scheme != request.httprequest.scheme: request.session = request.session.update(get_default_session(), db=request.session.db) request.session.is_explicit = True @classmethod def _assert_handshake_validity(cls, headers): """ :raise: UpgradeRequired if there is no intersection between the version the client supports and those we support. :raise: BadRequest in case of invalid handshake. """ missing_or_empty_headers = { header for header in cls._REQUIRED_HANDSHAKE_HEADERS if header not in headers } if missing_or_empty_headers: raise BadRequest( f"""Empty or missing header(s): {', '.join(missing_or_empty_headers)}""" ) if headers['upgrade'].lower() != 'websocket': raise BadRequest('Invalid upgrade header') if 'upgrade' not in headers['connection'].lower(): raise BadRequest('Invalid connection header') if headers['sec-websocket-version'] not in cls.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: raise UpgradeRequired() key = headers['sec-websocket-key'] try: decoded_key = base64.b64decode(key, validate=True) except ValueError: raise BadRequest("Sec-WebSocket-Key should be b64 encoded") if len(decoded_key) != 16: raise BadRequest( "Sec-WebSocket-Key should be of length 16 once decoded" ) @classmethod def _serve_forever(cls, websocket, db, httprequest): """ Process incoming messages and dispatch them to the application. """ current_thread = threading.current_thread() current_thread.type = 'websocket' for message in websocket.get_messages(): with WebsocketRequest(db, httprequest, websocket) as req: try: req.serve_websocket_message(message) except SessionExpiredException: websocket.disconnect(CloseCode.SESSION_EXPIRED) except PoolError: websocket.disconnect(CloseCode.TRY_LATER) except Exception: _logger.exception("Exception occurred during websocket request handling") def _kick_all(): """ Disconnect all the websocket instances. """ for websocket in _websocket_instances: if websocket.state is ConnectionState.OPEN: websocket.disconnect(CloseCode.GOING_AWAY) CommonServer.on_stop(_kick_all)