# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Talisman . See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import math from datetime import datetime, timedelta from itertools import repeat from werkzeug.urls import url_parse import pytz import uuid from odoo import api, fields, models, Command from odoo.osv.expression import AND from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import _tz_get from odoo.addons.calendar.models.calendar_attendee import Attendee from odoo.addons.calendar.models.calendar_recurrence import ( weekday_to_field, RRULE_TYPE_SELECTION, END_TYPE_SELECTION, MONTH_BY_SELECTION, WEEKDAY_SELECTION, BYDAY_SELECTION ) from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang from odoo.tools import pycompat, html2plaintext, is_html_empty, single_email_re from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import vobject except ImportError: _logger.warning("`vobject` Python module not found, iCal file generation disabled. Consider installing this module if you want to generate iCal files") vobject = None SORT_ALIASES = { 'start': 'sort_start', 'start_date': 'sort_start', } RRULE_TYPE_SELECTION_UI = [ ('daily', 'Daily'), ('weekly', 'Weekly'), ('monthly', 'Monthly'), ('yearly', 'Yearly'), ('custom', 'Custom') ] def get_weekday_occurence(date): """ :returns: ocurrence >>> get_weekday_occurence(date(2019, 12, 17)) 3 # third Tuesday of the month >>> get_weekday_occurence(date(2019, 12, 25)) -1 # last Friday of the month """ occurence_in_month = math.ceil(date.day/7) if occurence_in_month in {4, 5}: # fourth or fifth week on the month -> last return -1 return occurence_in_month class Meeting(models.Model): _name = 'calendar.event' _description = "Calendar Event" _order = "start desc" _inherit = ["mail.thread"] _systray_view = 'calendar' DISCUSS_ROUTE = 'calendar/join_videocall' @api.model def get_state_selections(self): return Attendee.STATE_SELECTION @api.model def default_get(self, fields): # super default_model='crm.lead' for easier use in addons if self.env.context.get('default_res_model') and not self.env.context.get('default_res_model_id'): self = self.with_context( default_res_model_id=self.env['ir.model']._get_id(self.env.context['default_res_model']) ) defaults = super(Meeting, self).default_get(fields) # support active_model / active_id as replacement of default_* if not already given if 'res_model_id' not in defaults and 'res_model_id' in fields and \ self.env.context.get('active_model') and self.env.context['active_model'] != 'calendar.event': defaults['res_model_id'] = self.env['ir.model']._get_id(self.env.context['active_model']) defaults['res_model'] = self.env.context.get('active_model') if 'res_id' not in defaults and 'res_id' in fields and \ defaults.get('res_model_id') and self.env.context.get('active_id'): defaults['res_id'] = self.env.context['active_id'] return defaults @api.model def _default_partners(self): """ When active_model is res.partner, the current partners should be attendees """ partners = self.env.user.partner_id active_id = self._context.get('active_id') if self._context.get('active_model') == 'res.partner' and active_id and active_id not in partners.ids: partners |= self.env['res.partner'].browse(active_id) return partners @api.model def _default_start(self): now = fields.Datetime.now() return now + (datetime.min - now) % timedelta(minutes=30) @api.model def _default_stop(self): now = fields.Datetime.now() start = now + (datetime.min - now) % timedelta(minutes=30) return start + timedelta(hours=1) # description name = fields.Char('Meeting Subject', required=True) description = fields.Html('Description') user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Organizer', default=lambda self: self.env.user) partner_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.partner', string='Scheduled by', related='user_id.partner_id', readonly=True) location = fields.Char('Location', tracking=True) videocall_location = fields.Char('Meeting URL', compute='_compute_videocall_location', store=True, copy=True) access_token = fields.Char('Invitation Token', store=True, copy=False, index=True) videocall_source = fields.Selection([('discuss', 'Discuss'), ('custom', 'Custom')], compute='_compute_videocall_source') videocall_channel_id = fields.Many2one('discuss.channel', 'Discuss Channel') # visibility privacy = fields.Selection( [('public', 'Public'), ('private', 'Private'), ('confidential', 'Only internal users')], 'Privacy', default='public', required=True, help="People to whom this event will be visible.") show_as = fields.Selection( [('free', 'Available'), ('busy', 'Busy')], 'Show as', default='busy', required=True, help="If the time is shown as 'busy', this event will be visible to other people with either the full \ information or simply 'busy' written depending on its privacy. Use this option to let other people know \ that you are unavailable during that period of time. \n If the event is shown as 'free', other users know \ that you are available during that period of time.") is_highlighted = fields.Boolean( compute='_compute_is_highlighted', string='Is the Event Highlighted') is_organizer_alone = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_organizer_alone', string="Is the Organizer Alone", help="""Check if the organizer is alone in the event, i.e. if the organizer is the only one that hasn't declined the event (only if the organizer is not the only attendee)""") # filtering active = fields.Boolean( 'Active', default=True, tracking=True, help="If the active field is set to false, it will allow you to hide the event alarm information without removing it.") categ_ids = fields.Many2many( 'calendar.event.type', 'meeting_category_rel', 'event_id', 'type_id', 'Tags') # timing start = fields.Datetime( 'Start', required=True, tracking=True, default=_default_start, help="Start date of an event, without time for full days events") stop = fields.Datetime( 'Stop', required=True, tracking=True, default=_default_stop, compute='_compute_stop', readonly=False, store=True, help="Stop date of an event, without time for full days events") display_time = fields.Char('Event Time', compute='_compute_display_time') allday = fields.Boolean('All Day', default=False) start_date = fields.Date( 'Start Date', store=True, tracking=True, compute='_compute_dates', inverse='_inverse_dates') stop_date = fields.Date( 'End Date', store=True, tracking=True, compute='_compute_dates', inverse='_inverse_dates') duration = fields.Float('Duration', compute='_compute_duration', store=True, readonly=False) # linked document res_id = fields.Many2oneReference('Document ID', model_field='res_model') res_model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Document Model', ondelete='cascade') res_model = fields.Char( 'Document Model Name', related='res_model_id.model', readonly=True, store=True) res_model_name = fields.Char(related='res_model_id.name') # messaging activity_ids = fields.One2many('mail.activity', 'calendar_event_id', string='Activities') # attendees attendee_ids = fields.One2many( 'calendar.attendee', 'event_id', 'Participant') current_attendee = fields.Many2one("calendar.attendee", compute="_compute_current_attendee", search="_search_current_attendee") current_status = fields.Selection(string="Attending?", related="current_attendee.state", readonly=False) should_show_status = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_should_show_status") partner_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.partner', 'calendar_event_res_partner_rel', string='Attendees', default=_default_partners) invalid_email_partner_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', compute='_compute_invalid_email_partner_ids') # alarms alarm_ids = fields.Many2many( 'calendar.alarm', 'calendar_alarm_calendar_event_rel', string='Reminders', ondelete="restrict", help="Notifications sent to all attendees to remind of the meeting.") # RECURRENCE FIELD recurrency = fields.Boolean('Recurrent') recurrence_id = fields.Many2one( 'calendar.recurrence', string="Recurrence Rule") follow_recurrence = fields.Boolean(default=False) # Indicates if an event follows the recurrence, i.e. is not an exception recurrence_update = fields.Selection([ ('self_only', "This event"), ('future_events', "This and following events"), ('all_events', "All events"), ], store=False, copy=False, default='self_only', help="Choose what to do with other events in the recurrence. Updating All Events is not allowed when dates or time is modified") # Those field are pseudo-related fields of recurrence_id. # They can't be "real" related fields because it should work at record creation # when recurrence_id is not created yet. # If some of these fields are set and recurrence_id does not exists, # a `calendar.recurrence.rule` will be dynamically created. rrule = fields.Char('Recurrent Rule', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) rrule_type_ui = fields.Selection(RRULE_TYPE_SELECTION_UI, string='Repeat', compute="_compute_rrule_type_ui", readonly=False, help="Let the event automatically repeat at that interval") rrule_type = fields.Selection(RRULE_TYPE_SELECTION, string='Recurrence', help="Let the event automatically repeat at that interval", compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) event_tz = fields.Selection( _tz_get, string='Timezone', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) end_type = fields.Selection( END_TYPE_SELECTION, string='Recurrence Termination', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) interval = fields.Integer( string='Repeat On', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False, help="Repeat every (Days/Week/Month/Year)") count = fields.Integer( string='Number of Repetitions', help="Repeat x times", compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) mon = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) tue = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) wed = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) thu = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) fri = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) sat = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) sun = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) month_by = fields.Selection( MONTH_BY_SELECTION, string='Option', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) day = fields.Integer('Date of month', compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) weekday = fields.Selection(WEEKDAY_SELECTION, compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) byday = fields.Selection(BYDAY_SELECTION, string="By day", compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) until = fields.Date(compute='_compute_recurrence', readonly=False) # UI Fields. display_description = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_display_description') attendees_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_attendees_count') accepted_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_attendees_count') declined_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_attendees_count') tentative_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_attendees_count') awaiting_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_attendees_count") user_can_edit = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_user_can_edit') @api.depends("attendee_ids") def _compute_should_show_status(self): for event in self: event.should_show_status = event.current_attendee and any(attendee.partner_id != self.env.user.partner_id for attendee in event.attendee_ids) @api.depends('attendee_ids', 'attendee_ids.state') def _compute_current_attendee(self): for event in self: current_attendee = event.attendee_ids.filtered(lambda attendee: attendee.partner_id == self.env.user.partner_id) event.current_attendee = current_attendee and current_attendee[0] def _search_current_attendee(self, operator, value): return [("id", operator, value)] @api.depends('attendee_ids', 'attendee_ids.state', 'partner_ids') def _compute_attendees_count(self): for event in self: count_event = {} for attendee in event.attendee_ids: count_event[attendee.state] = count_event.get(attendee.state, 0) + 1 accepted_count = count_event.get('accepted', 0) declined_count = count_event.get('declined', 0) tentative_count = count_event.get('tentative', 0) attendees_count = len(event.partner_ids) event.update({ 'accepted_count': accepted_count, 'declined_count': declined_count, 'tentative_count': tentative_count, 'attendees_count': attendees_count, 'awaiting_count': attendees_count - accepted_count - declined_count - tentative_count }) @api.depends('partner_ids') @api.depends_context('uid') def _compute_user_can_edit(self): for event in self: event.user_can_edit = self.env.user in event.partner_ids.user_ids + event.user_id @api.depends('attendee_ids') def _compute_invalid_email_partner_ids(self): for event in self: event.invalid_email_partner_ids = event.partner_ids.filtered( lambda a: not (a.email and single_email_re.match(a.email)) ) def _compute_is_highlighted(self): if self.env.context.get('active_model') == 'res.partner': partner_id = self.env.context.get('active_id') for event in self: if event.partner_ids.filtered(lambda s: s.id == partner_id): event.is_highlighted = True else: event.is_highlighted = False else: for event in self: event.is_highlighted = False @api.depends('partner_id', 'attendee_ids') def _compute_is_organizer_alone(self): """ Check if the organizer of the event is the only one who has accepted the event. It does not apply if the organizer is the only attendee of the event because it would represent a personnal event. The goal of this field is to highlight to the user that the others attendees are not available for this event. """ for event in self: organizer = event.attendee_ids.filtered(lambda a: a.partner_id == event.partner_id) all_declined = not any((event.attendee_ids - organizer).filtered(lambda a: a.state != 'declined')) event.is_organizer_alone = len(event.attendee_ids) > 1 and all_declined def _compute_display_time(self): for meeting in self: meeting.display_time = self._get_display_time(meeting.start, meeting.stop, meeting.duration, meeting.allday) @api.depends('allday', 'start', 'stop') def _compute_dates(self): """ Adapt the value of start_date(time)/stop_date(time) according to start/stop fields and allday. Also, compute the duration for not allday meeting ; otherwise the duration is set to zero, since the meeting last all the day. """ for meeting in self: if meeting.allday and meeting.start and meeting.stop: meeting.start_date = meeting.start.date() meeting.stop_date = meeting.stop.date() else: meeting.start_date = False meeting.stop_date = False @api.depends('stop', 'start') def _compute_duration(self): for event in self: event.duration = self._get_duration(event.start, event.stop) @api.depends('start', 'duration') def _compute_stop(self): # stop and duration fields both depends on the start field. # But they also depends on each other. # When start is updated, we want to update the stop datetime based on # the *current* duration. In other words, we want: change start => keep the duration fixed and # recompute stop accordingly. # However, while computing stop, duration is marked to be recomputed. Calling `event.duration` would trigger # its recomputation. To avoid this we manually mark the field as computed. duration_field = self._fields['duration'] self.env.remove_to_compute(duration_field, self) for event in self: # Round the duration (in hours) to the minute to avoid weird situations where the event # stops at 4:19:59, later displayed as 4:19. event.stop = event.start and event.start + timedelta(minutes=round((event.duration or 1.0) * 60)) if event.allday: event.stop -= timedelta(seconds=1) @api.onchange('start_date', 'stop_date') def _onchange_date(self): """ This onchange is required for cases where the stop/start is False and we set an allday event. The inverse method is not called in this case because start_date/stop_date are not used in any compute/related, so we need an onchange to set the start/stop values in the form view """ for event in self: if event.stop_date and event.start_date: event.with_context(is_calendar_event_new=True).write({ 'start': fields.Datetime.from_string(event.start_date).replace(hour=8), 'stop': fields.Datetime.from_string(event.stop_date).replace(hour=18), }) def _inverse_dates(self): """ This method is used to set the start and stop values of all day events. The calendar view needs date_start and date_stop values to display correctly the allday events across several days. As the user edit the {start,stop}_date fields when allday is true, this inverse method is needed to update the start/stop value and have a relevant calendar view. """ for meeting in self: if meeting.allday: # Convention break: # stop and start are NOT in UTC in allday event # in this case, they actually represent a date # because fullcalendar just drops times for full day events. # i.e. Christmas is on 25/12 for everyone # even if people don't celebrate it simultaneously enddate = fields.Datetime.from_string(meeting.stop_date) enddate = enddate.replace(hour=18) startdate = fields.Datetime.from_string(meeting.start_date) startdate = startdate.replace(hour=8) # Set 8 AM meeting.write({ 'start': startdate.replace(tzinfo=None), 'stop': enddate.replace(tzinfo=None) }) @api.constrains('start', 'stop', 'start_date', 'stop_date') def _check_closing_date(self): for meeting in self: if not meeting.allday and meeting.start and meeting.stop and meeting.stop < meeting.start: raise ValidationError( _('The ending date and time cannot be earlier than the starting date and time.') + '\n' + _("Meeting '%(name)s' starts '%(start_datetime)s' and ends '%(end_datetime)s'", name=meeting.name, start_datetime=meeting.start, end_datetime=meeting.stop ) ) if meeting.allday and meeting.start_date and meeting.stop_date and meeting.stop_date < meeting.start_date: raise ValidationError( _('The ending date cannot be earlier than the starting date.') + '\n' + _("Meeting '%(name)s' starts '%(start_datetime)s' and ends '%(end_datetime)s'", name=meeting.name, start_datetime=meeting.start, end_datetime=meeting.stop ) ) @api.depends('recurrence_id', 'recurrency') def _compute_rrule_type_ui(self): defaults = self.env["calendar.recurrence"].default_get(["interval", "rrule_type"]) for event in self: if event.recurrency: if event.recurrence_id: event.rrule_type_ui = 'custom' if event.recurrence_id.interval != 1 else (event.recurrence_id.rrule_type) else: event.rrule_type_ui = defaults["rrule_type"] @api.depends('recurrence_id', 'recurrency', 'rrule_type_ui') def _compute_recurrence(self): recurrence_fields = self._get_recurrent_fields() false_values = {field: False for field in recurrence_fields} # computes need to set a value defaults = self.env['calendar.recurrence'].default_get(recurrence_fields) default_rrule_values = self.recurrence_id.default_get(recurrence_fields) for event in self: if event.recurrency: current_rrule = (event.rrule_type if event.rrule_type_ui == "custom" else event.rrule_type_ui) event.update(defaults) # default recurrence values are needed to correctly compute the recurrence params event_values = event._get_recurrence_params() rrule_values = { field: event.recurrence_id[field] for field in recurrence_fields if event.recurrence_id[field] } rrule_values = rrule_values or default_rrule_values rrule_values['rrule_type'] = current_rrule or rrule_values.get('rrule_type') or defaults['rrule_type'] event.update({**false_values, **defaults, **event_values, **rrule_values}) else: event.update(false_values) @api.depends('description') def _compute_display_description(self): for event in self: event.display_description = not is_html_empty(event.description) @api.depends('videocall_source', 'access_token') def _compute_videocall_location(self): for event in self: if event.videocall_source == 'discuss': event._set_discuss_videocall_location() @api.model def _set_videocall_location(self, vals_list): for vals in vals_list: if not vals.get('videocall_location'): continue url = url_parse(vals['videocall_location']) if url.scheme in ('http', 'https'): continue # relative url to convert to absolute base = url_parse(self.get_base_url()) vals['videocall_location'] = url.replace(scheme=base.scheme, netloc=base.netloc).to_url() @api.depends('videocall_location') def _compute_videocall_source(self): for event in self: if event.videocall_location and self.DISCUSS_ROUTE in event.videocall_location: event.videocall_source = 'discuss' else: event.videocall_source = 'custom' def _set_discuss_videocall_location(self): """ This method sets the videocall_location to a discuss route. If no access_token exists for this event, we create one. Note that recurring events will have different access_tokens. This is done by design to prevent users not being able to join a discuss meeting because the base event of the recurrency was deleted. """ if not self.access_token: self.access_token = uuid.uuid4().hex self.videocall_location = f"{self.get_base_url()}/{self.DISCUSS_ROUTE}/{self.access_token}" @api.model def get_discuss_videocall_location(self): access_token = uuid.uuid4().hex return f"{self.get_base_url()}/{self.DISCUSS_ROUTE}/{access_token}" # ------------------------------------------------------------ # CRUD # ------------------------------------------------------------ @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): # Prevent sending update notification when _inverse_dates is called self = self.with_context(is_calendar_event_new=True) defaults = self.default_get(['activity_ids', 'res_model_id', 'res_id', 'user_id', 'res_model', 'partner_ids']) vals_list = [ # Else bug with quick_create when we are filter on an other user dict(vals, user_id=defaults.get('user_id', self.env.user.id)) if not 'user_id' in vals else vals for vals in vals_list ] meeting_activity_type = self.env['mail.activity.type'].search([('category', '=', 'meeting')], limit=1) # get list of models ids and filter out None values directly model_ids = list(filter(None, {values.get('res_model_id', defaults.get('res_model_id')) for values in vals_list})) model_name = defaults.get('res_model') valid_activity_model_ids = model_name and self.env[model_name].sudo().browse(model_ids).filtered(lambda m: 'activity_ids' in m).ids or [] if meeting_activity_type and not defaults.get('activity_ids'): for values in vals_list: # created from calendar: try to create an activity on the related record if values.get('activity_ids'): continue res_model_id = values.get('res_model_id', defaults.get('res_model_id')) res_id = values.get('res_id', defaults.get('res_id')) user_id = values.get('user_id', defaults.get('user_id')) if not res_model_id or not res_id: continue if res_model_id not in valid_activity_model_ids: continue activity_vals = { 'res_model_id': res_model_id, 'res_id': res_id, 'activity_type_id': meeting_activity_type.id, } if user_id: activity_vals['user_id'] = user_id values['activity_ids'] = [(0, 0, activity_vals)] self._set_videocall_location(vals_list) # Add commands to create attendees from partners (if present) if no attendee command # is already given (coming from Google event for example). # Automatically add the current partner when creating an event if there is none (happens when we quickcreate an event) default_partners_ids = defaults.get('partner_ids') or ([(4, self.env.user.partner_id.id)]) vals_list = [ dict(vals, attendee_ids=self._attendees_values(vals.get('partner_ids', default_partners_ids))) if not vals.get('attendee_ids') else vals for vals in vals_list ] recurrence_fields = self._get_recurrent_fields() recurring_vals = [vals for vals in vals_list if vals.get('recurrency')] other_vals = [vals for vals in vals_list if not vals.get('recurrency')] events = super().create(other_vals) for vals in recurring_vals: vals['follow_recurrence'] = True recurring_events = super().create(recurring_vals) events += recurring_events for event, vals in zip(recurring_events, recurring_vals): recurrence_values = {field: vals.pop(field) for field in recurrence_fields if field in vals} if vals.get('recurrency'): detached_events = event._apply_recurrence_values(recurrence_values) detached_events.active = False events.filtered(lambda event: event.start > fields.Datetime.now()).attendee_ids._send_invitation_emails() events._sync_activities(fields={f for vals in vals_list for f in vals.keys()}) if not self.env.context.get('dont_notify'): alarm_events = self.env['calendar.event'] for event, values in zip(events, vals_list): if values.get('allday'): # All day events will trigger the _inverse_date method which will create the trigger. continue alarm_events |= event recurring_events = alarm_events.filtered('recurrence_id') recurring_events.recurrence_id._setup_alarms() (alarm_events - recurring_events)._setup_alarms() return events.with_context(is_calendar_event_new=False) def _compute_field_value(self, field): if field.compute_sudo: return super(Meeting, self.with_context(prefetch_fields=False))._compute_field_value(field) return super()._compute_field_value(field) def _fetch_query(self, query, fields): if self.env.is_system(): return super()._fetch_query(query, fields) public_fnames = self._get_public_fields() private_fields = [field for field in fields if field.name not in public_fnames] if not private_fields: return super()._fetch_query(query, fields) fields_to_fetch = list(fields) + [self._fields[name] for name in ('privacy', 'user_id', 'partner_ids')] events = super()._fetch_query(query, fields_to_fetch) # determine private events to which the user does not participate current_partner_id = self.env.user.partner_id others_private_events = events.filtered( lambda e: e.privacy == 'private' \ and e.user_id != self.env.user \ and current_partner_id not in e.partner_ids ) if not others_private_events: return events private_fields.append(self._fields['partner_ids']) for field in private_fields: replacement = field.convert_to_cache( _('Busy') if field.name == 'name' else False, others_private_events) self.env.cache.update(others_private_events, field, repeat(replacement)) return events def write(self, values): detached_events = self.env['calendar.event'] recurrence_update_setting = values.pop('recurrence_update', None) update_recurrence = recurrence_update_setting in ('all_events', 'future_events') and len(self) == 1 break_recurrence = values.get('recurrency') is False if any(vals in self._get_recurrent_fields() for vals in values) and not (update_recurrence or values.get('recurrency')): raise UserError(_('Unable to save the recurrence with "This Event"')) update_alarms = False update_time = False self._set_videocall_location([values]) if 'partner_ids' in values: values['attendee_ids'] = self._attendees_values(values['partner_ids']) update_alarms = True if self.videocall_channel_id: new_partner_ids = [] for command in values['partner_ids']: if command[0] == Command.LINK: new_partner_ids.append(command[1]) elif command[0] == Command.SET: new_partner_ids.extend(command[2]) self.videocall_channel_id.add_members(new_partner_ids) time_fields = self.env['calendar.event']._get_time_fields() if any([values.get(key) for key in time_fields]): update_alarms = True update_time = True if 'alarm_ids' in values: update_alarms = True if (not recurrence_update_setting or recurrence_update_setting == 'self_only' and len(self) == 1) and 'follow_recurrence' not in values: if any({field: values.get(field) for field in time_fields if field in values}): values['follow_recurrence'] = False previous_attendees = self.attendee_ids recurrence_values = {field: values.pop(field) for field in self._get_recurrent_fields() if field in values} if update_recurrence: if break_recurrence: # Update this event detached_events |= self._break_recurrence(future=recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events') else: future_edge_case = recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events' and self == self.recurrence_id.base_event_id time_values = {field: values.pop(field) for field in time_fields if field in values} if 'access_token' in values: values.pop('access_token') # prevents copying access_token to other events in recurrency if recurrence_update_setting == 'all_events' or future_edge_case: # Update all events: we create a new reccurrence and dismiss the existing events self._rewrite_recurrence(values, time_values, recurrence_values) else: # Update future events: trim recurrence, delete remaining events except base event and recreate it # All the recurrent events processing is done within the following method self._update_future_events(values, time_values, recurrence_values) else: super().write(values) self._sync_activities(fields=values.keys()) # We reapply recurrence for future events and when we add a rrule and 'recurrency' == True on the event if recurrence_update_setting not in ['self_only', 'all_events'] and not break_recurrence: detached_events |= self._apply_recurrence_values(recurrence_values, future=recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events') (detached_events & self).active = False (detached_events - self).with_context(archive_on_error=True).unlink() # Notify attendees if there is an alarm on the modified event, or if there was an alarm # that has just been removed, as it might have changed their next event notification if not self.env.context.get('dont_notify') and update_alarms: self.recurrence_id._setup_alarms(recurrence_update=True) if not self.recurrence_id: self._setup_alarms() attendee_update_events = self.filtered(lambda ev: ev.user_id and ev.user_id != self.env.user) if update_time and attendee_update_events: # Another user update the event time fields. It should not be auto accepted for the organizer. # This prevent weird behavior when a user modified future events time fields and # the base event of a recurrence is accepted by the organizer but not the following events attendee_update_events.attendee_ids.filtered(lambda att: self.user_id.partner_id == att.partner_id).write({'state': 'needsAction'}) current_attendees = self.filtered('active').attendee_ids if 'partner_ids' in values: # we send to all partners and not only the new ones (current_attendees - previous_attendees)._send_mail_to_attendees( self.env.ref('calendar.calendar_template_meeting_invitation', raise_if_not_found=False) ) if not self.env.context.get('is_calendar_event_new') and 'start' in values: start_date = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(values.get('start')) # Only notify on future events if start_date and start_date >= fields.Datetime.now(): (current_attendees & previous_attendees).with_context( calendar_template_ignore_recurrence=not update_recurrence )._send_mail_to_attendees( self.env.ref('calendar.calendar_template_meeting_changedate', raise_if_not_found=False) ) return True @api.depends('privacy', 'user_id') def _compute_display_name(self): """ Hide private events' name for events which don't belong to the current user """ hidden = self.filtered( lambda evt: evt.privacy == 'private' and evt.user_id.id != self.env.uid and self.env.user.partner_id not in evt.partner_ids ) hidden.display_name = _('Busy') super(Meeting, self - hidden)._compute_display_name() @api.model def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True): groupby = [groupby] if isinstance(groupby, str) else groupby fields_aggregates = [ field_name for field_name in (fields or list(self._fields)) if ':' in field_name or (field_name in self and self._fields[field_name].group_operator) ] grouped_fields = {group_field.split(':')[0] for group_field in groupby + fields_aggregates} private_fields = grouped_fields - self._get_public_fields() if not self.env.su and private_fields: # display public and confidential events domain = AND([domain, ['|', ('privacy', '!=', 'private'), ('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id)]]) return super(Meeting, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) return super(Meeting, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) def unlink(self): if not self: return super().unlink() # Get concerned attendees to notify them if there is an alarm on the unlinked events, # as it might have changed their next event notification events = self.filtered_domain([('alarm_ids', '!=', False)]) partner_ids = events.mapped('partner_ids').ids # don't forget to update recurrences if there are some base events in the set to unlink, # but after having removed the events ;-) recurrences = self.env["calendar.recurrence"].search([ ('base_event_id', 'in', [e.id for e in self]) ]) result = super().unlink() if recurrences: recurrences._select_new_base_event() # Notify the concerned attendees (must be done after removing the events) self.env['calendar.alarm_manager']._notify_next_alarm(partner_ids) return result def copy(self, default=None): """When an event is copied, the attendees should be recreated to avoid sharing the same attendee records between copies """ self.ensure_one() if not default: default = {} # We need to make sure that the attendee_ids are recreated with new ids to avoid sharing attendees between events # The copy should not have the same attendee status than the original event default.update(partner_ids=[Command.set([])], attendee_ids=[Command.set([])]) copied_event = super().copy(default) copied_event.write({'partner_ids': [(Command.set(self.partner_ids.ids))]}) return copied_event @api.model def _get_mail_message_access(self, res_ids, operation, model_name=None): if operation == 'read' and (not model_name or model_name == 'event.event'): for event in self.browse(res_ids): if event.privacy == "private" and self.env.user.partner_id not in event.attendee_ids.partner_id: return 'write' return super()._get_mail_message_access(res_ids, operation, model_name=model_name) def _attendees_values(self, partner_commands): """ :param partner_commands: ORM commands for partner_id field (0 and 1 commands not supported) :return: associated attendee_ids ORM commands """ attendee_commands = [] removed_partner_ids = [] added_partner_ids = [] # if commands are just integers, assume they are ids with the intent to `Command.set` if partner_commands and isinstance(partner_commands[0], int): partner_commands = [Command.set(partner_commands)] for command in partner_commands: op = command[0] if op in (2, 3, Command.delete, Command.unlink): # Remove partner removed_partner_ids += [command[1]] elif op in (6, Command.set): # Replace all removed_partner_ids += set(self.partner_ids.ids) - set(command[2]) # Don't recreate attendee if partner already attend the event added_partner_ids += set(command[2]) - set(self.partner_ids.ids) elif op in (4, Command.link): added_partner_ids += [command[1]] if command[1] not in self.partner_ids.ids else [] # commands 0 and 1 not supported if not self: attendees_to_unlink = self.env['calendar.attendee'] else: attendees_to_unlink = self.env['calendar.attendee'].search([ ('event_id', 'in', self.ids), ('partner_id', 'in', removed_partner_ids), ]) attendee_commands += [[2, attendee.id] for attendee in attendees_to_unlink] # Removes and delete attendee_commands += [ [0, 0, dict(partner_id=partner_id)] for partner_id in added_partner_ids ] return attendee_commands def _create_videocall_channel(self): if self.recurrency: # check if any of the events have videocall_channel_id, if not create one event_with_channel = self.env['calendar.event'].search([ ('recurrence_id', '=', self.recurrence_id.id), ('videocall_channel_id', '!=', False) ], limit=1) if event_with_channel: self.videocall_channel_id = event_with_channel.videocall_channel_id return self.videocall_channel_id = self._create_videocall_channel_id(self.name, self.partner_ids.ids) self.videocall_channel_id.channel_change_description(self.recurrence_id.name if self.recurrency else self.display_time) def _create_videocall_channel_id(self, name, partner_ids): videocall_channel = self.env['discuss.channel'].create_group(partner_ids, default_display_mode='video_full_screen', name=name) # if recurrent event, set channel to all other records of the same recurrency if self.recurrency: recurrent_events_without_channel = self.env['calendar.event'].search([ ('recurrence_id', '=', self.recurrence_id.id), ('videocall_channel_id', '=', False) ]) recurrent_events_without_channel.videocall_channel_id = videocall_channel return videocall_channel # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ACTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------ # dummy method. this method is intercepted in the frontend and the value is set locally def set_discuss_videocall_location(self): return True # dummy method. this method is intercepted in the frontend and the value is set locally def clear_videocall_location(self): return True def action_open_calendar_event(self): if self.res_model and self.res_id: return self.env[self.res_model].browse(self.res_id).get_formview_action() return False def action_sendmail(self): email = self.env.user.email if email: for meeting in self: meeting.attendee_ids._send_mail_to_attendees( self.env.ref('calendar.calendar_template_meeting_invitation', raise_if_not_found=False) ) return True def action_open_composer(self): if not self.partner_ids: raise UserError(_("There are no attendees on these events")) template_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('calendar.calendar_template_meeting_update', raise_if_not_found=False) # The mail is sent with datetime corresponding to the sending user TZ default_composition_mode = self.env.context.get('default_composition_mode', self.env.context.get('composition_mode', 'comment')) compose_ctx = dict( default_composition_mode=default_composition_mode, default_model='calendar.event', default_res_ids=self.ids, default_template_id=template_id, default_partner_ids=self.partner_ids.ids, mail_tz=self.env.user.tz, ) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': _('Contact Attendees'), 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'view_id': False, 'target': 'new', 'context': compose_ctx, } def action_join_video_call(self): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': self.videocall_location, 'target': 'new' } def action_join_meeting(self, partner_id): """ Method used when an existing user wants to join """ self.ensure_one() partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id) if partner not in self.partner_ids: self.write({'partner_ids': [(4, partner.id)]}) def action_mass_deletion(self, recurrence_update_setting): self.ensure_one() if recurrence_update_setting == 'all_events': events = self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids self.recurrence_id.unlink() events.unlink() elif recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events': future_events = self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids.filtered(lambda ev: ev.start >= self.start) future_events.unlink() def action_mass_archive(self, recurrence_update_setting): """ The aim of this action purpose is to be called from sync calendar module when mass deletion is not possible. """ self.ensure_one() if recurrence_update_setting == 'all_events': self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids.write(self._get_archive_values()) elif recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events': detached_events = self.recurrence_id._stop_at(self) detached_events.write(self._get_archive_values()) elif recurrence_update_setting == 'self_only': self.write({ 'active': False, 'recurrence_update': 'self_only' }) if len(self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids) == 0: self.recurrence_id.unlink() elif self == self.recurrence_id.base_event_id: self.recurrence_id._select_new_base_event() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MAILING # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_attendee_emails(self): """ Get comma-separated attendee email addresses. """ self.ensure_one() return ",".join([e for e in self.attendee_ids.mapped("email") if e]) def _get_mail_tz(self): self.ensure_one() return self.event_tz or self.env.user.tz def _sync_activities(self, fields): # update activities for event in self: if event.activity_ids: activity_values = {} if 'name' in fields: activity_values['summary'] = event.name if 'description' in fields: activity_values['note'] = event.description if 'start' in fields: # self.start is a datetime UTC *only when the event is not allday* # activty.date_deadline is a date (No TZ, but should represent the day in which the user's TZ is) # See 72254129dbaeae58d0a2055cba4e4a82cde495b7 for the same issue, but elsewhere deadline = event.start user_tz = self.env.context.get('tz') if user_tz and not event.allday: deadline = pytz.utc.localize(deadline) deadline = deadline.astimezone(pytz.timezone(user_tz)) activity_values['date_deadline'] = deadline.date() if 'user_id' in fields: activity_values['user_id'] = event.user_id.id if activity_values.keys(): event.activity_ids.write(activity_values) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ALARMS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_trigger_alarm_types(self): return ['email'] def _setup_alarms(self): """ Schedule cron triggers for future events """ cron = self.env.ref('calendar.ir_cron_scheduler_alarm').sudo() alarm_types = self._get_trigger_alarm_types() events_to_notify = self.env['calendar.event'] triggers_by_events = {} for event in self: existing_trigger = event.recurrence_id.trigger_id for alarm in (alarm for alarm in event.alarm_ids if alarm.alarm_type in alarm_types): at = event.start - timedelta(minutes=alarm.duration_minutes) create_trigger = not existing_trigger or existing_trigger and existing_trigger.call_at != at if create_trigger and (not cron.lastcall or at > cron.lastcall): # Don't trigger for past alarms, they would be skipped by design trigger = cron._trigger(at=at) triggers_by_events[event.id] = trigger.id if any(alarm.alarm_type == 'notification' for alarm in event.alarm_ids): # filter events before notifying attendees through calendar_alarm_manager events_to_notify |= event.filtered(lambda ev: ev.alarm_ids and ev.stop >= fields.Datetime.now()) if events_to_notify: self.env['calendar.alarm_manager']._notify_next_alarm(events_to_notify.partner_ids.ids) return triggers_by_events def get_next_alarm_date(self, events_by_alarm): self.ensure_one() now = fields.datetime.now() sorted_alarms = self.alarm_ids.sorted("duration_minutes") triggered_alarms = sorted_alarms.filtered(lambda alarm: alarm.id in events_by_alarm)[0] event_has_future_alarms = sorted_alarms[0] != triggered_alarms next_date = None if self.recurrence_id.trigger_id and self.recurrence_id.trigger_id.call_at <= now: next_date = self.start - timedelta(minutes=sorted_alarms[0].duration_minutes) \ if event_has_future_alarms \ else self.start return next_date # ------------------------------------------------------------ # RECURRENCY # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _apply_recurrence_values(self, values, future=True): """Apply the new recurrence rules in `values`. Create a recurrence if it does not exist and create all missing events according to the rrule. If the changes are applied to future events only, a new recurrence is created with the updated rrule. :param values: new recurrence values to apply :param future: rrule values are applied to future events only if True. Rrule changes are applied to all events in the recurrence otherwise. (ignored if no recurrence exists yet). :return: events detached from the recurrence """ if not values: return self.browse() recurrence_vals = [] to_update = self.env['calendar.recurrence'] for event in self: if not event.recurrence_id: recurrence_vals += [dict(values, base_event_id=event.id, calendar_event_ids=[(4, event.id)])] elif future: to_update |= event.recurrence_id._split_from(event, values) self.write({'recurrency': True, 'follow_recurrence': True}) to_update |= self.env['calendar.recurrence'].create(recurrence_vals) return to_update._apply_recurrence() def _get_recurrence_params(self): if not self: return {} event_date = self._get_start_date() weekday_field_name = weekday_to_field(event_date.weekday()) return { weekday_field_name: True, 'weekday': weekday_field_name.upper(), 'byday': str(get_weekday_occurence(event_date)), 'day': event_date.day, } @api.model def _get_recurrence_params_by_date(self, event_date): """ Return the recurrence parameters from a date object. """ weekday_field_name = weekday_to_field(event_date.weekday()) return { weekday_field_name: True, 'weekday': weekday_field_name.upper(), 'byday': str(get_weekday_occurence(event_date)), 'day': event_date.day, } def _split_recurrence(self, time_values): """Apply time changes to events and update the recurrence accordingly. :return: detached events """ self.ensure_one() if not time_values: return self.browse() if self.follow_recurrence and self.recurrency: previous_week_day_field = weekday_to_field(self._get_start_date().weekday()) else: # When we try to change recurrence values of an event not following the recurrence, we get the parameters from # the base_event previous_week_day_field = weekday_to_field(self.recurrence_id.base_event_id._get_start_date().weekday()) self.write(time_values) return self._apply_recurrence_values({ previous_week_day_field: False, **self._get_recurrence_params(), }, future=True) def _break_recurrence(self, future=True): """Breaks the event's recurrence. Stop the recurrence at the current event if `future` is True, leaving past events in the recurrence. If `future` is False, all events in the recurrence are detached and the recurrence itself is unlinked. :return: detached events excluding the current events """ recurrences_to_unlink = self.env['calendar.recurrence'] detached_events = self.env['calendar.event'] for event in self: recurrence = event.recurrence_id if future: detached_events |= recurrence._stop_at(event) else: detached_events |= recurrence.calendar_event_ids recurrence.calendar_event_ids.recurrence_id = False recurrences_to_unlink |= recurrence recurrences_to_unlink.with_context(archive_on_error=True).unlink() return detached_events - self def _get_time_update_dict(self, base_event, time_values): """ Return the update dictionary for shifting the base_event's time to the new date. """ if not base_event: raise UserError(_("You can't update a recurrence without base event.")) [base_time_values] = base_event.read(['start', 'stop', 'allday']) update_dict = {} start_update = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(time_values.get('start')) stop_update = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(time_values.get('stop')) # Convert the base_event_id hours according to new values: time shift if start_update or stop_update: if start_update: start = base_time_values['start'] + (start_update - self.start) stop = base_time_values['stop'] + (start_update - self.start) start_date = base_time_values['start'].date() + (start_update.date() - self.start.date()) stop_date = base_time_values['stop'].date() + (start_update.date() - self.start.date()) update_dict.update({'start': start, 'start_date': start_date, 'stop': stop, 'stop_date': stop_date}) if stop_update: if not start_update: # Apply the same shift for start start = base_time_values['start'] + (stop_update - self.stop) start_date = base_time_values['start'].date() + (stop_update.date() - self.stop.date()) update_dict.update({'start': start, 'start_date': start_date}) stop = base_time_values['stop'] + (stop_update - self.stop) stop_date = base_time_values['stop'].date() + (stop_update.date() - self.stop.date()) update_dict.update({'stop': stop, 'stop_date': stop_date}) return update_dict @api.model def _get_archive_values(self): """ Return parameters for archiving events in calendar module. """ return {'active': False} @api.model def _check_values_to_sync(self, values): """ Method to be overriden: return candidate values to be synced within rewrite_recurrence function scope. """ return False @api.model def _get_update_future_events_values(self): """ Return parameters for updating future events within _update_future_events function scope. """ return {} @api.model def _get_remove_sync_id_values(self): """ Return parameters for removing event synchronization id within _update_future_events function scope. """ return {} def _get_updated_recurrence_values(self, new_start_date): """ Copy values from current recurrence and update the start date weekday. """ [previous_recurrence_values] = self.recurrence_id.copy_data() if self.start.weekday() != new_start_date.weekday(): previous_recurrence_values.pop(weekday_to_field(self.start.weekday()), None) return previous_recurrence_values def _update_future_events(self, values, time_values, recurrence_values): """ Trim the current recurrence detaching the occurrences after current event, deactivate the detached events except for the updated event and apply recurrence values. """ self.ensure_one() base_event = self update_dict = self._get_time_update_dict(base_event, time_values) time_values.update(update_dict) # Get base values from the previous recurrence and update the start date weekday field. start_date = time_values['start'].date() if 'start' in time_values else self.start.date() previous_recurrence_values = self._get_updated_recurrence_values(start_date) # Trim previous recurrence at current event, deleting following events except for the updated event. detached_events_split = self.recurrence_id._stop_at(self) (detached_events_split - self).write({'active': False, **self._get_remove_sync_id_values()}) # Update the current event with the new recurrence information. if values or time_values: self.write({ **time_values, **values, **self._get_remove_sync_id_values(), **self._get_update_future_events_values() }) # Combine parameters from previous recurrence with the new recurrence parameters. new_values = { **previous_recurrence_values, **self._get_recurrence_params_by_date(start_date), **recurrence_values, 'count': recurrence_values.get('count', 0) or len(detached_events_split) } new_values.pop('rrule', None) # Generate the new recurrence by patching the updated event and return an empty list. self._apply_recurrence_values(new_values) def _rewrite_recurrence(self, values, time_values, recurrence_values): """ Delete the current recurrence, reactivate base event and apply updated recurrence values. """ self.ensure_one() base_event = self.recurrence_id.base_event_id or self.recurrence_id._get_first_event(include_outliers=False) update_dict = self._get_time_update_dict(base_event, time_values) time_values.update(update_dict) if self._check_values_to_sync(values) or time_values or recurrence_values: # Get base values from the previous recurrence and update the start date weekday field. start_date = time_values['start'].date() if 'start' in time_values else self.start.date() old_recurrence_values = self._get_updated_recurrence_values(start_date) # Archive all events and delete recurrence, reactivate base event and apply updated values. base_event.action_mass_archive("all_events") base_event.recurrence_id.unlink() base_event.write({ 'active': True, 'recurrence_id': False, **values, **time_values }) # Combine parameters from previous recurrence with the new recurrence parameters. new_values = { **old_recurrence_values, **base_event._get_recurrence_params(), **recurrence_values, } new_values.pop('rrule', None) # Patch base event with updated recurrence parameters: this will recreate the recurrence. detached_events = base_event._apply_recurrence_values(new_values) detached_events.write({'active': False}) else: # Write on all events. Carefull, it could trigger a lot of noise to Google/Microsoft... self.recurrence_id._write_events(values) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MANAGEMENT # ------------------------------------------------------------ def change_attendee_status(self, status, recurrence_update_setting): self.ensure_one() if recurrence_update_setting == 'all_events': events = self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids elif recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events': events = self.recurrence_id.calendar_event_ids.filtered(lambda ev: ev.start >= self.start) else: events = self attendee = events.attendee_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.partner_id == self.env.user.partner_id) if status == 'accepted': return attendee.do_accept() if status == 'declined': return attendee.do_decline() return attendee.do_tentative() def find_partner_customer(self): self.ensure_one() return next( (attendee.partner_id for attendee in self.attendee_ids.sorted('create_date') if attendee.partner_id != self.user_id.partner_id), self.env['calendar.attendee'] ) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # TOOLS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_start_date(self): """Return the event starting date in the event's timezone. If no starting time is assigned (yet), return today as default :return: date """ if not self.start: return fields.Date.today() if self.recurrency and self.event_tz: tz = pytz.timezone(self.event_tz) # Ensure that all day events date are not calculated around midnight. TZ shift would potentially return bad date start = self.start if not self.allday else self.start.replace(hour=12) return pytz.utc.localize(start).astimezone(tz).date() return self.start.date() def _range(self): self.ensure_one() return (self.start, self.stop) def get_display_time_tz(self, tz=False): """ get the display_time of the meeting, forcing the timezone. This method is called from email template, to not use sudo(). """ self.ensure_one() if tz: self = self.with_context(tz=tz) return self._get_display_time(self.start, self.stop, self.duration, self.allday) def _get_ics_file(self): """ Returns iCalendar file for the event invitation. :returns a dict of .ics file content for each meeting """ result = {} def ics_datetime(idate, allday=False): if idate: if allday: return idate return idate.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) return False if not vobject: return result for meeting in self: cal = vobject.iCalendar() event = cal.add('vevent') if not meeting.start or not meeting.stop: raise UserError(_("First you have to specify the date of the invitation.")) event.add('created').value = ics_datetime(fields.Datetime.now()) event.add('dtstart').value = ics_datetime(meeting.start, meeting.allday) event.add('dtend').value = ics_datetime(meeting.stop, meeting.allday) event.add('summary').value = meeting._get_customer_summary() description = meeting._get_customer_description() if description: event.add('description').value = description if meeting.location: event.add('location').value = meeting.location if meeting.rrule: event.add('rrule').value = meeting.rrule if meeting.alarm_ids: for alarm in meeting.alarm_ids: valarm = event.add('valarm') interval = alarm.interval duration = alarm.duration trigger = valarm.add('TRIGGER') trigger.params['related'] = ["START"] if interval == 'days': delta = timedelta(days=duration) elif interval == 'hours': delta = timedelta(hours=duration) elif interval == 'minutes': delta = timedelta(minutes=duration) trigger.value = delta valarm.add('DESCRIPTION').value = alarm.name or u' Talisman ' for attendee in meeting.attendee_ids: attendee_add = event.add('attendee') attendee_add.value = u'MAILTO:' + (attendee.email or u'') # Add "organizer" field if email available if meeting.partner_id.email: organizer = event.add('organizer') organizer.value = u'MAILTO:' + meeting.partner_id.email if meeting.partner_id.name: organizer.params['CN'] = [meeting.partner_id.display_name.replace('\"', '\'')] result[meeting.id] = cal.serialize().encode('utf-8') return result def _get_customer_description(self): """:return (str): The description to include in calendar exports""" return html2plaintext(self.description) if self.description else '' def _get_customer_summary(self): """:return (str): The summary to include in calendar exports""" return self.name or '' @api.model def _get_display_time(self, start, stop, zduration, zallday): """ Return date and time (from to from) based on duration with timezone in string. Eg : 1) if user add duration for 2 hours, return : August-23-2013 at (04-30 To 06-30) (Europe/Brussels) 2) if event all day ,return : AllDay, July-31-2013 """ timezone = self._context.get('tz') or self.env.user.partner_id.tz or 'UTC' # get date/time format according to context format_date, format_time = self._get_date_formats() # convert date and time into user timezone self_tz = self.with_context(tz=timezone) date = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self_tz, fields.Datetime.from_string(start)) date_deadline = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self_tz, fields.Datetime.from_string(stop)) # convert into string the date and time, using user formats to_text = pycompat.to_text date_str = to_text(date.strftime(format_date)) time_str = to_text(date.strftime(format_time)) if zallday: display_time = _("All Day, %(day)s", day=date_str) elif zduration < 24: duration = date + timedelta(minutes=round(zduration*60)) duration_time = to_text(duration.strftime(format_time)) display_time = _( u"%(day)s at (%(start)s To %(end)s) (%(timezone)s)", day=date_str, start=time_str, end=duration_time, timezone=timezone, ) else: dd_date = to_text(date_deadline.strftime(format_date)) dd_time = to_text(date_deadline.strftime(format_time)) display_time = _( u"%(date_start)s at %(time_start)s To\n %(date_end)s at %(time_end)s (%(timezone)s)", date_start=date_str, time_start=time_str, date_end=dd_date, time_end=dd_time, timezone=timezone, ) return display_time def _get_duration(self, start, stop): """ Get the duration value between the 2 given dates. """ if not start or not stop: return 0 duration = (stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600 return round(duration, 2) @api.model def _get_date_formats(self): """ get current date and time format, according to the context lang :return: a tuple with (format date, format time) """ lang = get_lang(self.env) return (lang.date_format, lang.time_format) @api.model def _get_recurrent_fields(self): return {'byday', 'until', 'rrule_type', 'month_by', 'event_tz', 'rrule', 'interval', 'count', 'end_type', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun', 'day', 'weekday'} @api.model def _get_time_fields(self): return {'start', 'stop', 'start_date', 'stop_date'} @api.model def _get_custom_fields(self): all_fields = self.fields_get(attributes=['manual']) return {fname for fname in all_fields if all_fields[fname]['manual']} @api.model def _get_public_fields(self): return self._get_recurrent_fields() | self._get_time_fields() | self._get_custom_fields() | { 'id', 'active', 'allday', 'duration', 'user_id', 'interval', 'partner_id', 'count', 'rrule', 'recurrence_id', 'show_as', 'privacy'}