from math import floor, log10 from odoo import api, models class CRMHelpers(models.Model): _name = 'crm.iap.lead.helpers' _description = 'Helper methods for crm_iap_mine modules' @api.model def notify_no_more_credit(self, service_name, model_name, notification_parameter): """ Notify about the number of credit. In order to avoid to spam people each hour, an ir.config_parameter is set """ already_notified = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(notification_parameter, False) if already_notified: return mail_template = self.env.ref('crm_iap_mine.lead_generation_no_credits') iap_account = self.env['iap.account'].search([('service_name', '=', service_name)], limit=1) # Get the email address of the creators of the records res = self.env[model_name].search_read([], ['create_uid']) uids = set(r['create_uid'][0] for r in res if r.get('create_uid')) res = self.env['res.users'].search_read([('id', 'in', list(uids))], ['email']) emails = set(r['email'] for r in res if r.get('email')) email_values = { 'email_to': ','.join(emails) } mail_template.send_mail(, force_send=True, email_values=email_values) self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param(notification_parameter, True) @api.model def lead_vals_from_response(self, lead_type, team_id, tag_ids, user_id, company_data, people_data): country_id = self.env[''].search([('code', '=', company_data['country_code'])]).id website_url = 'https://www.%s' % company_data['domain'] if company_data['domain'] else False lead_vals = { # Lead vals from record itself 'type': lead_type, 'team_id': team_id, 'tag_ids': [(6, 0, tag_ids)], 'user_id': user_id, 'reveal_id': company_data['clearbit_id'], # Lead vals from data 'name': company_data['name'] or company_data['domain'], 'partner_name': company_data['legal_name'] or company_data['name'], 'email_from': next(iter(company_data.get('email', [])), ''), 'phone': company_data['phone'] or (company_data['phone_numbers'] and company_data['phone_numbers'][0]) or '', 'website': website_url, 'street': company_data['location'], 'city': company_data['city'], 'zip': company_data['postal_code'], 'country_id': country_id, 'state_id': self._find_state_id(company_data['state_code'], country_id), } # If type is people then add first contact in lead data if people_data: lead_vals.update({ 'contact_name': people_data[0]['full_name'], 'email_from': people_data[0]['email'], 'function': people_data[0]['title'], }) return lead_vals @api.model def _find_state_id(self, state_code, country_id): state_id = self.env[''].search([('code', '=', state_code), ('country_id', '=', country_id)]) if state_id: return return False