# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- { 'name': "delivery_mondialrelay", 'summary': """ Let's choose a Point RelaisĀ® as shipping address """, 'description': """ This module allow your customer to choose a Point RelaisĀ® and use it as shipping address. This module doesn't implement the WebService. It is only the integration of the widget. Delivery price pre-configured is an example, you need to adapt the pricing's rules. """, 'category': 'Inventory/Delivery', 'version': '0.1', 'depends': ['stock_delivery'], 'data': [ 'data/data.xml', 'views/views.xml', 'wizard/choose_delivery_carrier_views.xml', ], 'assets': { 'web.assets_backend': [ 'delivery_mondialrelay/static/src/components/**/*.js', 'delivery_mondialrelay/static/src/scss/mondialrelay.scss', ], }, 'license': 'LGPL-3', }