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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.osv import expression
class StockPickingType(models.Model):
_inherit = "stock.picking.type"
def _get_default_weight_uom(self):
return self.env['product.template']._get_weight_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter()
batch_group_by_carrier = fields.Boolean('Carrier', help="Automatically group batches by carriers")
batch_max_weight = fields.Integer("Maximum weight per batch",
help="A transfer will not be automatically added to batches that will exceed this weight if the transfer is added to it.\n"
"Leave this value as '0' if no weight limit.")
weight_uom_name = fields.Char(string='Weight unit of measure label', compute='_compute_weight_uom_name', readonly=True, default=_get_default_weight_uom)
def _compute_weight_uom_name(self):
for picking_type in self:
picking_type.weight_uom_name = self.env['product.template']._get_weight_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter()
def _get_batch_group_by_keys(self):
return super()._get_batch_group_by_keys() + ['batch_group_by_carrier']
class StockPicking(models.Model):
_inherit = "stock.picking"
def _get_possible_pickings_domain(self):
domain = super()._get_possible_pickings_domain()
if self.picking_type_id.batch_group_by_carrier:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('carrier_id', '=', self.carrier_id.id if self.carrier_id else False)]])
return domain
def _get_possible_batches_domain(self):
domain = super()._get_possible_batches_domain()
if self.picking_type_id.batch_group_by_carrier:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('picking_ids.carrier_id', '=', self.carrier_id.id if self.carrier_id else False)]])
return domain
def _is_auto_batchable(self, picking=None):
""" Verifies if a picking can be put in a batch with another picking without violating auto_batch constrains.
res = super()._is_auto_batchable(picking)
if not picking:
picking = self.env['stock.picking']
if self.picking_type_id.batch_max_weight:
res = res and (self.weight + picking.weight <= self.picking_type_id.batch_max_weight)
return res