2024-05-03 12:04:23 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2024-05-21 15:09:16 +03:00
# Part of Talisman . See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2024-05-03 12:04:23 +00:00
import itertools
import random
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import fields
from odoo.addons.mail.tests import common as mail_test
class TestDigestCommon(mail_test.MailCommon):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.company_1 = cls.env.company
cls.company_2 = cls.env['res.company'].create({'name': 'Digest Company 2'})
context = {
'start_datetime': datetime.now() - relativedelta(days=1),
'end_datetime': datetime.now() + relativedelta(days=1),
cls.all_digests = cls.env['digest.digest'].with_context(context).create([{
'name': 'Digest 1',
'company_id': cls.env.company.id,
'kpi_mail_message_total': True,
'kpi_res_users_connected': True,
'periodicity': 'daily',
}, {
'name': 'Digest 2',
'company_id': cls.company_2.id,
}, {
'name': 'Digest 3',
'company_id': False,
cls.digest_1, cls.digest_2, cls.digest_3 = cls.all_digests
def _setup_messages(cls):
""" Remove all existing messages, then create a bunch of them on random
partners with the correct types in correct time-bucket:
- 3 in the previous 24h
- 5 more in the 6 days before that for a total of 8 in the previous week
- 7 more in the 20 days before *that* (because digest doc lies and is
based around weeks and months not days), for a total of 15 in the
previous month
# regular employee can't necessarily access "private" addresses
partners = cls.env['res.partner'].search([])
messages = cls.env['mail.message']
counter = itertools.count()
now = fields.Datetime.now()
for count, (low, high) in [
(3, (0 * 24, 1 * 24)),
(5, (1 * 24, 7 * 24)),
(7, (7 * 24, 27 * 24)),
for __ in range(count):
create_date = now - relativedelta(hours=random.randint(low + 1, high - 1))
messages += random.choice(partners).message_post(
body=f"Awesome Partner! ({next(counter)})",
# adjust top and bottom by 1h to avoid overlapping with the
# range limit and dropping out of the digest's selection thing