Старков Евгений Федорович 0b55e984cd odoo replaced to talisman
2024-05-21 15:09:17 +03:00

293 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Talisman . See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from pytz import timezone, UTC, utc
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import format_time
class HrEmployeeBase(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "hr.employee.base"
_description = "Basic Employee"
_order = 'name'
name = fields.Char()
active = fields.Boolean("Active")
color = fields.Integer('Color Index', default=0)
department_id = fields.Many2one('hr.department', 'Department', check_company=True)
member_of_department = fields.Boolean("Member of department", compute='_compute_part_of_department', search='_search_part_of_department',
help="Whether the employee is a member of the active user's department or one of it's child department.")
job_id = fields.Many2one('hr.job', 'Job Position', check_company=True)
job_title = fields.Char("Job Title", compute="_compute_job_title", store=True, readonly=False)
company_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Company')
address_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Work Address',
work_phone = fields.Char('Work Phone', compute="_compute_phones", store=True, readonly=False)
mobile_phone = fields.Char('Work Mobile', compute="_compute_work_contact_details", store=True, inverse='_inverse_work_contact_details')
work_email = fields.Char('Work Email', compute="_compute_work_contact_details", store=True, inverse='_inverse_work_contact_details')
work_contact_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Work Contact', copy=False)
work_location_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Work Location', domain="[('address_id', '=', address_id)]")
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users')
resource_id = fields.Many2one('resource.resource')
resource_calendar_id = fields.Many2one('resource.calendar', check_company=True)
parent_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', 'Manager', compute="_compute_parent_id", store=True, readonly=False,
coach_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee', 'Coach', compute='_compute_coach', store=True, readonly=False,
help='Select the "Employee" who is the coach of this employee.\n'
'The "Coach" has no specific rights or responsibilities by default.')
tz = fields.Selection(
string='Timezone', related='', readonly=False,
help="This field is used in order to define in which timezone the resources will work.")
hr_presence_state = fields.Selection([
('present', 'Present'),
('absent', 'Absent'),
('to_define', 'To Define')], compute='_compute_presence_state', default='to_define')
last_activity = fields.Date(compute="_compute_last_activity")
last_activity_time = fields.Char(compute="_compute_last_activity")
hr_icon_display = fields.Selection([
('presence_present', 'Present'),
('presence_absent_active', 'Present but not active'),
('presence_absent', 'Absent'),
('presence_to_define', 'To define'),
('presence_undetermined', 'Undetermined')], compute='_compute_presence_icon')
show_hr_icon_display = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_presence_icon')
newly_hired = fields.Boolean('Newly Hired', compute='_compute_newly_hired', search='_search_newly_hired')
def _get_new_hire_field(self):
return 'create_date'
def _compute_newly_hired(self):
new_hire_field = self._get_new_hire_field()
new_hire_date = - timedelta(days=90)
for employee in self:
if not employee[new_hire_field]:
employee.newly_hired = False
elif not isinstance(employee[new_hire_field], datetime):
employee.newly_hired = employee[new_hire_field] >
employee.newly_hired = employee[new_hire_field] > new_hire_date
def _search_newly_hired(self, operator, value):
new_hire_field = self._get_new_hire_field()
new_hires = self.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search([
(new_hire_field, '>', - timedelta(days=90))
op = 'in' if value and operator == '=' or not value and operator != '=' else 'not in'
return [('id', op, new_hires.ids)]
def _get_valid_employee_for_user(self):
user = self.env.user
# retrieve the employee of the current active company for the user
employee = user.employee_id
if not employee:
# search for all employees as superadmin to not get blocked by multi-company rules
user_employees = user.employee_id.sudo().search([
('user_id', '=',
# the default company employee is most likely the correct one, but fallback to the first if not available
employee = user_employees.filtered(lambda r: r.company_id == user.company_id) or user_employees[:1]
return employee
@api.depends_context('uid', 'company')
def _compute_part_of_department(self):
user_employee = self._get_valid_employee_for_user()
active_department = user_employee.department_id
if not active_department:
self.member_of_department = False
def get_all_children(department):
children = department.child_ids
if not children:
return self.env['hr.department']
return children + get_all_children(children)
child_departments = active_department + get_all_children(active_department)
for employee in self:
employee.member_of_department = employee.department_id in child_departments
def _search_part_of_department(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ('=', '!=') or not isinstance(value, bool):
raise UserError(_('Operation not supported'))
user_employee = self._get_valid_employee_for_user()
# Double negation
if not value:
operator = '!=' if operator == '=' else '='
if not user_employee.department_id:
return [('id', operator,]
return (['!'] if operator == '!=' else []) + [('department_id', 'child_of',]
def _compute_presence_state(self):
This method is overritten in several other modules which add additional
presence criterions. e.g. hr_attendance, hr_holidays
# Check on login
check_login = literal_eval(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('hr.hr_presence_control_login', 'False'))
employee_to_check_working = self.filtered(lambda e: e.user_id.im_status == 'offline')
working_now_list = employee_to_check_working._get_employee_working_now()
for employee in self:
state = 'to_define'
if check_login:
if employee.user_id.im_status in ['online', 'leave_online']:
state = 'present'
elif employee.user_id.im_status in ['offline', 'leave_offline'] and not in working_now_list:
state = 'absent'
employee.hr_presence_state = state
def _compute_last_activity(self):
presences = self.env['bus.presence'].search_read([('user_id', 'in', self.mapped('user_id').ids)], ['user_id', 'last_presence'])
# transform the result to a dict with this format { last_presence}
presences = {p['user_id'][0]: p['last_presence'] for p in presences}
for employee in self:
tz =
last_presence = presences.get(, False)
if last_presence:
last_activity_datetime = last_presence.replace(tzinfo=UTC).astimezone(timezone(tz)).replace(tzinfo=None)
employee.last_activity =
if employee.last_activity ==
employee.last_activity_time = format_time(self.env, last_presence, time_format='short')
employee.last_activity_time = False
employee.last_activity = False
employee.last_activity_time = False
def _compute_coach(self):
for employee in self:
manager = employee.parent_id
previous_manager = employee._origin.parent_id
if manager and (employee.coach_id == previous_manager or not employee.coach_id):
employee.coach_id = manager
elif not employee.coach_id:
employee.coach_id = False
def _compute_job_title(self):
for employee in self.filtered('job_id'):
employee.job_title =
def _compute_phones(self):
for employee in self:
if employee.address_id and
employee.work_phone =
employee.work_phone = False
@api.depends('work_contact_id', '', '')
def _compute_work_contact_details(self):
for employee in self:
if employee.work_contact_id:
employee.mobile_phone =
employee.work_email =
def _create_work_contacts(self):
if any(employee.work_contact_id for employee in self):
raise UserError(_('Some employee already have a work contact'))
work_contacts = self.env['res.partner'].create([{
'email': employee.work_email,
'mobile': employee.mobile_phone,
'image_1920': employee.image_1920,
} for employee in self])
for employee, work_contact in zip(self, work_contacts):
employee.work_contact_id = work_contact
def _inverse_work_contact_details(self):
employees_without_work_contact = self.env['hr.employee']
for employee in self:
if not employee.work_contact_id:
employees_without_work_contact += employee
'email': employee.work_email,
'mobile': employee.mobile_phone,
if employees_without_work_contact:
def _compute_address_id(self):
for employee in self:
address = employee.company_id.partner_id.address_get(['default'])
employee.address_id = address['default'] if address else False
def _compute_parent_id(self):
for employee in self.filtered('department_id.manager_id'):
employee.parent_id = employee.department_id.manager_id
@api.depends('resource_calendar_id', 'hr_presence_state')
def _compute_presence_icon(self):
This method compute the state defining the display icon in the kanban view.
It can be overriden to add other possibilities, like time off or attendances recordings.
working_now_list = self.filtered(lambda e: e.hr_presence_state == 'present')._get_employee_working_now()
for employee in self:
show_icon = True
if employee.hr_presence_state == 'present':
if in working_now_list:
icon = 'presence_present'
icon = 'presence_absent_active'
elif employee.hr_presence_state == 'absent':
# employee is not in the working_now_list and he has a user_id
icon = 'presence_absent'
# without attendance, default employee state is 'to_define' without confirmed presence/absence
# we need to check why they are not there
# Display an orange icon on internal users.
icon = 'presence_to_define'
if not employee.user_id:
# We don't want non-user employee to have icon.
show_icon = False
employee.hr_icon_display = icon
employee.show_hr_icon_display = show_icon
def _get_employee_working_now(self):
working_now = []
# We loop over all the employee tz and the resource calendar_id to detect working hours in batch.
all_employee_tz = set(self.mapped('tz'))
for tz in all_employee_tz:
employee_ids = self.filtered(lambda e: == tz)
resource_calendar_ids = employee_ids.mapped('resource_calendar_id')
for calendar_id in resource_calendar_ids:
res_employee_ids = employee_ids.filtered(lambda e: ==
start_dt =
stop_dt = start_dt + timedelta(hours=1)
from_datetime = utc.localize(start_dt).astimezone(timezone(tz or 'UTC'))
to_datetime = utc.localize(stop_dt).astimezone(timezone(tz or 'UTC'))
# Getting work interval of the first is working. Functions called on resource_calendar_id
# are waiting for singleton
work_interval = res_employee_ids[0].resource_calendar_id._work_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime)[False]
# Employee that is not supposed to work have empty items.
if len(work_interval._items) > 0:
# The employees should be working now according to their work schedule
working_now += res_employee_ids.ids
return working_now