# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError class HrEmployeeBase(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = "hr.employee.base" child_all_count = fields.Integer( 'Indirect Subordinates Count', compute='_compute_subordinates', recursive=True, store=False, compute_sudo=True) department_color = fields.Integer("Department Color", related="department_id.color") child_count = fields.Integer( 'Direct Subordinates Count', compute='_compute_child_count', recursive=True, compute_sudo=True, ) def _get_subordinates(self, parents=None): """ Helper function to compute subordinates_ids. Get all subordinates (direct and indirect) of an employee. An employee can be a manager of his own manager (recursive hierarchy; e.g. the CEO is manager of everyone but is also member of the RD department, managed by the CTO itself managed by the CEO). In that case, the manager in not counted as a subordinate if it's in the 'parents' set. """ if not parents: parents = self.env[self._name] indirect_subordinates = self.env[self._name] parents |= self direct_subordinates = self.child_ids - parents child_subordinates = direct_subordinates._get_subordinates(parents=parents) if direct_subordinates else self.browse() indirect_subordinates |= child_subordinates return indirect_subordinates | direct_subordinates @api.depends('child_ids', 'child_ids.child_all_count') def _compute_subordinates(self): for employee in self: employee.subordinate_ids = employee._get_subordinates() employee.child_all_count = len(employee.subordinate_ids) @api.depends_context('uid', 'company') @api.depends('parent_id') def _compute_is_subordinate(self): subordinates = self.env.user.employee_id.subordinate_ids if not subordinates: self.is_subordinate = False else: for employee in self: employee.is_subordinate = employee in subordinates def _search_is_subordinate(self, operator, value): if operator not in ('=', '!=') or not isinstance(value, bool): raise UserError(_('Operation not supported')) # Double negation if not value: operator = '!=' if operator == '=' else '=' if not self.env.user.employee_id.subordinate_ids: return [('id', operator, self.env.user.employee_id.id)] return (['!'] if operator == '!=' else []) + [('id', 'in', self.env.user.employee_id.subordinate_ids.ids)] def _compute_child_count(self): employee_read_group = self._read_group( [('parent_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['parent_id'], ['id:count'], ) child_count_per_parent_id = dict(employee_read_group) for employee in self: employee.child_count = child_count_per_parent_id.get(employee._origin, 0)