# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from PIL import Image, ImageOps import logging from base64 import b64decode import io import win32print import ghostscript from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.controllers.proxy import proxy_drivers from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.driver import Driver from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.event_manager import event_manager from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.main import iot_devices from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.tools import helpers from odoo.tools.mimetypes import guess_mimetype _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS = { 'star': { 'center': b'\x1b\x1d\x61\x01', # ESC GS a n 'cut': b'\x1b\x64\x02', # ESC d n 'title': b'\x1b\x69\x01\x01%s\x1b\x69\x00\x00', # ESC i n1 n2 'drawers': [b'\x07', b'\x1a'] # BEL & SUB }, 'escpos': { 'center': b'\x1b\x61\x01', # ESC a n 'cut': b'\x1d\x56\x41\n', # GS V m 'title': b'\x1b\x21\x30%s\x1b\x21\x00', # ESC ! n 'drawers': [b'\x1b\x3d\x01', b'\x1b\x70\x00\x19\x19', b'\x1b\x70\x01\x19\x19'] # ESC = n then ESC p m t1 t2 } } class PrinterDriver(Driver): connection_type = 'printer' def __init__(self, identifier, device): super().__init__(identifier, device) self.device_type = 'printer' self.device_connection = 'network' self.device_name = device.get('identifier') self.printer_handle = device.get('printer_handle') self.state = { 'status': 'connecting', 'message': 'Connecting to printer', 'reason': None, } self.send_status() self._actions.update({ 'cashbox': self.open_cashbox, 'print_receipt': self.print_receipt, '': self._action_default, }) self.receipt_protocol = 'escpos' @classmethod def supported(cls, device): return True @classmethod def get_status(cls): status = 'connected' if any(iot_devices[d].device_type == "printer" and iot_devices[d].device_connection == 'direct' for d in iot_devices) else 'disconnected' return {'status': status, 'messages': ''} def disconnect(self): self.update_status('disconnected', 'Printer was disconnected') super(PrinterDriver, self).disconnect() def update_status(self, status, message, reason=None): """Updates the state of the current printer. Args: status (str): The new value of the status message (str): A comprehensive message describing the status reason (str): The reason fo the current status """ if self.state['status'] != status or self.state['reason'] != reason: self.state = { 'status': status, 'message': message, 'reason': reason, } self.send_status() def send_status(self): """ Sends the current status of the printer to the connected Odoo instance. """ self.data = { 'value': '', 'state': self.state, } event_manager.device_changed(self) def print_raw(self, data): win32print.StartDocPrinter(self.printer_handle, 1, ('', None, "RAW")) win32print.StartPagePrinter(self.printer_handle) win32print.WritePrinter(self.printer_handle, data) win32print.EndPagePrinter(self.printer_handle) win32print.EndDocPrinter(self.printer_handle) def print_report(self, data): helpers.write_file('document.pdf', data, 'wb') file_name = helpers.path_file('document.pdf') printer = self.device_name args = [ "-dPrinted", "-dBATCH", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dNOPROMPT" "-q", "-sDEVICE#mswinpr2", f'-sOutputFile#%printer%{printer}', f'{file_name}' ] ghostscript.Ghostscript(*args) def print_receipt(self, data): receipt = b64decode(data['receipt']) im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(receipt)) # Convert to greyscale then to black and white im = im.convert("L") im = ImageOps.invert(im) im = im.convert("1") print_command = getattr(self, 'format_%s' % self.receipt_protocol)(im) self.print_raw(print_command) def format_escpos(self, im): width = int((im.width + 7) / 8) raster_send = b'\x1d\x76\x30\x00' max_slice_height = 255 raster_data = b'' dots = im.tobytes() while dots: im_slice = dots[:width*max_slice_height] slice_height = int(len(im_slice) / width) raster_data += raster_send + width.to_bytes(2, 'little') + slice_height.to_bytes(2, 'little') + im_slice dots = dots[width*max_slice_height:] return raster_data + RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS['escpos']['cut'] def open_cashbox(self, data): """Sends a signal to the current printer to open the connected cashbox.""" commands = RECEIPT_PRINTER_COMMANDS[self.receipt_protocol] for drawer in commands['drawers']: self.print_raw(drawer) def _action_default(self, data): document = b64decode(data['document']) mimetype = guess_mimetype(document) if mimetype == 'application/pdf': self.print_report(document) else: self.print_raw(document) proxy_drivers['printer'] = PrinterDriver