import json import logging import time import urllib.parse import urllib3 import websocket from threading import Thread from odoo.addons.hw_drivers import main from import helpers _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) websocket.enableTrace(True, level=logging.getLevelName(_logger.getEffectiveLevel())) def send_to_controller(print_id, device_identifier): server = helpers.get_odoo_server_url() try: urllib3.disable_warnings() http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE') http.request( 'POST', server + "/iot/printer/status", body=json.dumps( {'params': { 'print_id': print_id, 'device_identifier': device_identifier, }}).encode('utf8'), headers={ 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain', }, ) except Exception: _logger.exception('Could not reach configured server: %s', server) def on_message(ws, messages): """ When a message is receive, this function is triggered The message is load and if its type is 'print', is sent to the printer """ messages = json.loads(messages) for document in messages: if (document['message']['type'] == 'print'): payload = document['message']['payload'] if helpers.get_mac_address() in payload['iotDevice']['iotIdentifiers']: #send box confirmation for device in payload['iotDevice']['identifiers']: if device['identifier'] in main.iot_devices: main.iot_devices[device["identifier"]]._action_default(payload) send_to_controller(payload['print_id'], device['identifier']) def on_error(ws, error): _logger.error("websocket received an error: %s", error) def on_close(ws, close_status_code, close_msg): _logger.debug("websocket closed with status: %s", close_status_code) class WebsocketClient(Thread): iot_channel = "" def on_open(self, ws): """ When the client is setup, this function send a message to subscribe to the iot websocket channel """ ws.send( json.dumps({'event_name': 'subscribe', 'data': {'channels': [self.iot_channel], 'last': 0}}) ) def __init__(self, url): url_parsed = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) scheme = url_parsed.scheme.replace("http", "ws", 1) self.url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme, url_parsed.netloc, 'websocket', '', '')) Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.url, on_open=self.on_open, on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close) # The IoT synchronised servers can stop in 2 ways that we need to handle: # A. Gracefully: # In this case a disconnection signal is sent to the IoT-box # The websocket is properly closed, but it needs to be established a new connection when # the server will be back. # # B. Forced/killed: # In this case there is no disconnection signal received # # This will also happen with the graceful quit as `reconnect` will trigger if the server # is offline while attempting the new connection while True: try: run_res = _logger.debug("websocket run_forever return with %s", run_res) except Exception: _logger.exception("An unexpected exception happened when running the websocket") _logger.debug('websocket will try to restart in 10 seconds') time.sleep(10)