# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import namedtuple import logging import re import serial import threading import time from odoo import http from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.controllers.proxy import proxy_drivers from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.event_manager import event_manager from odoo.addons.hw_drivers.iot_handlers.drivers.SerialBaseDriver import SerialDriver, SerialProtocol, serial_connection _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Only needed to ensure compatibility with older versions of Odoo ACTIVE_SCALE = None new_weight_event = threading.Event() ScaleProtocol = namedtuple('ScaleProtocol', SerialProtocol._fields + ('zeroCommand', 'tareCommand', 'clearCommand', 'autoResetWeight')) # 8217 Mettler-Toledo (Weight-only) Protocol, as described in the scale's Service Manual. # e.g. here: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/861274/Mettler-Toledo-Viva.html?page=51#manual # Our recommended scale, the Mettler-Toledo "Ariva-S", supports this protocol on # both the USB and RS232 ports, it can be configured in the setup menu as protocol option 3. # We use the default serial protocol settings, the scale's settings can be configured in the # scale's menu anyway. Toledo8217Protocol = ScaleProtocol( name='Toledo 8217', baudrate=9600, bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN, timeout=1, writeTimeout=1, measureRegexp=b"\x02\\s*([0-9.]+)N?\\r", statusRegexp=b"\x02\\s*(\\?.)\\r", commandDelay=0.2, measureDelay=0.5, newMeasureDelay=0.2, commandTerminator=b'', measureCommand=b'W', zeroCommand=b'Z', tareCommand=b'T', clearCommand=b'C', emptyAnswerValid=False, autoResetWeight=False, ) # The ADAM scales have their own RS232 protocol, usually documented in the scale's manual # e.g at https://www.adamequipment.com/media/docs/Print%20Publications/Manuals/PDF/AZEXTRA/AZEXTRA-UM.pdf # https://www.manualslib.com/manual/879782/Adam-Equipment-Cbd-4.html?page=32#manual # Only the baudrate and label format seem to be configurable in the AZExtra series. ADAMEquipmentProtocol = ScaleProtocol( name='Adam Equipment', baudrate=4800, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, timeout=0.2, writeTimeout=0.2, measureRegexp=b"\s*([0-9.]+)kg", # LABEL format 3 + KG in the scale settings, but Label 1/2 should work statusRegexp=None, commandTerminator=b"\r\n", commandDelay=0.2, measureDelay=0.5, # AZExtra beeps every time you ask for a weight that was previously returned! # Adding an extra delay gives the operator a chance to remove the products # before the scale starts beeping. Could not find a way to disable the beeps. newMeasureDelay=5, measureCommand=b'P', zeroCommand=b'Z', tareCommand=b'T', clearCommand=None, # No clear command -> Tare again emptyAnswerValid=True, # AZExtra does not answer unless a new non-zero weight has been detected autoResetWeight=True, # AZExtra will not return 0 after removing products ) # Ensures compatibility with older versions of Odoo class ScaleReadOldRoute(http.Controller): @http.route('/hw_proxy/scale_read', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scale_read(self): if ACTIVE_SCALE: return {'weight': ACTIVE_SCALE._scale_read_old_route()} return None class ScaleDriver(SerialDriver): """Abstract base class for scale drivers.""" last_sent_value = None def __init__(self, identifier, device): super(ScaleDriver, self).__init__(identifier, device) self.device_type = 'scale' self._set_actions() self._is_reading = True # Ensures compatibility with older versions of Odoo # Only the last scale connected is kept global ACTIVE_SCALE ACTIVE_SCALE = self proxy_drivers['scale'] = ACTIVE_SCALE # Ensures compatibility with older versions of Odoo # and allows using the `ProxyDevice` in the point of sale to retrieve the status def get_status(self): """Allows `hw_proxy.Proxy` to retrieve the status of the scales""" status = self._status return {'status': status['status'], 'messages': [status['message_title'], ]} def _set_actions(self): """Initializes `self._actions`, a map of action keys sent by the frontend to backend action methods.""" self._actions.update({ 'read_once': self._read_once_action, 'set_zero': self._set_zero_action, 'set_tare': self._set_tare_action, 'clear_tare': self._clear_tare_action, 'start_reading': self._start_reading_action, 'stop_reading': self._stop_reading_action, }) def _start_reading_action(self, data): """Starts asking for the scale value.""" self._is_reading = True def _stop_reading_action(self, data): """Stops asking for the scale value.""" self._is_reading = False def _clear_tare_action(self, data): """Clears the scale current tare weight.""" # if the protocol has no clear tare command, we can just tare again clearCommand = self._protocol.clearCommand or self._protocol.tareCommand self._connection.write(clearCommand + self._protocol.commandTerminator) def _read_once_action(self, data): """Reads the scale current weight value and pushes it to the frontend.""" self._read_weight() self.last_sent_value = self.data['value'] event_manager.device_changed(self) def _set_zero_action(self, data): """Makes the weight currently applied to the scale the new zero.""" self._connection.write(self._protocol.zeroCommand + self._protocol.commandTerminator) def _set_tare_action(self, data): """Sets the scale's current weight value as tare weight.""" self._connection.write(self._protocol.tareCommand + self._protocol.commandTerminator) @staticmethod def _get_raw_response(connection): """Gets raw bytes containing the updated value of the device. :param connection: a connection to the device's serial port :type connection: pyserial.Serial :return: the raw response to a weight request :rtype: str """ answer = [] while True: char = connection.read(1) if not char: break else: answer.append(bytes(char)) return b''.join(answer) def _read_weight(self): """Asks for a new weight from the scale, checks if it is valid and, if it is, makes it the current value.""" protocol = self._protocol self._connection.write(protocol.measureCommand + protocol.commandTerminator) answer = self._get_raw_response(self._connection) match = re.search(self._protocol.measureRegexp, answer) if match: self.data = { 'value': float(match.group(1)), 'status': self._status } # Ensures compatibility with older versions of Odoo def _scale_read_old_route(self): """Used when the iot app is not installed""" with self._device_lock: self._read_weight() return self.data['value'] def _take_measure(self): """Reads the device's weight value, and pushes that value to the frontend.""" with self._device_lock: self._read_weight() if self.data['value'] != self.last_sent_value or self._status['status'] == self.STATUS_ERROR: self.last_sent_value = self.data['value'] event_manager.device_changed(self) class Toledo8217Driver(ScaleDriver): """Driver for the Toldedo 8217 serial scale.""" _protocol = Toledo8217Protocol def __init__(self, identifier, device): super(Toledo8217Driver, self).__init__(identifier, device) self.device_manufacturer = 'Toledo' @classmethod def supported(cls, device): """Checks whether the device, which port info is passed as argument, is supported by the driver. :param device: path to the device :type device: str :return: whether the device is supported by the driver :rtype: bool """ protocol = cls._protocol try: with serial_connection(device['identifier'], protocol, is_probing=True) as connection: connection.write(b'Ehello' + protocol.commandTerminator) time.sleep(protocol.commandDelay) answer = connection.read(8) if answer == b'\x02E\rhello': connection.write(b'F' + protocol.commandTerminator) return True except serial.serialutil.SerialTimeoutException: pass except Exception: _logger.exception('Error while probing %s with protocol %s' % (device, protocol.name)) return False class AdamEquipmentDriver(ScaleDriver): """Driver for the Adam Equipment serial scale.""" _protocol = ADAMEquipmentProtocol priority = 0 # Test the supported method of this driver last, after all other serial drivers def __init__(self, identifier, device): super(AdamEquipmentDriver, self).__init__(identifier, device) self._is_reading = False self._last_weight_time = 0 self.device_manufacturer = 'Adam' def _check_last_weight_time(self): """The ADAM doesn't make the difference between a value of 0 and "the same value as last time": in both cases it returns an empty string. With this, unless the weight changes, we give the user `TIME_WEIGHT_KEPT` seconds to log the new weight, then change it back to zero to avoid keeping it indefinetely, which could cause issues. In any case the ADAM must always go back to zero before it can weight again. """ TIME_WEIGHT_KEPT = 10 if self.data['value'] is None: if time.time() - self._last_weight_time > TIME_WEIGHT_KEPT: self.data['value'] = 0 else: self._last_weight_time = time.time() def _take_measure(self): """Reads the device's weight value, and pushes that value to the frontend.""" if self._is_reading: with self._device_lock: self._read_weight() self._check_last_weight_time() if self.data['value'] != self.last_sent_value or self._status['status'] == self.STATUS_ERROR: self.last_sent_value = self.data['value'] event_manager.device_changed(self) else: time.sleep(0.5) # Ensures compatibility with older versions of Odoo def _scale_read_old_route(self): """Used when the iot app is not installed""" time.sleep(3) with self._device_lock: self._read_weight() self._check_last_weight_time() return self.data['value'] @classmethod def supported(cls, device): """Checks whether the device at `device` is supported by the driver. :param device: path to the device :type device: str :return: whether the device is supported by the driver :rtype: bool """ protocol = cls._protocol try: with serial_connection(device['identifier'], protocol, is_probing=True) as connection: connection.write(protocol.measureCommand + protocol.commandTerminator) # Checking whether writing to the serial port using the Adam protocol raises a timeout exception is about the only thing we can do. return True except serial.serialutil.SerialTimeoutException: pass except Exception: _logger.exception('Error while probing %s with protocol %s' % (device, protocol.name)) return False