# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _, api, models, fields from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools import html2plaintext, is_html_empty, email_normalize, plaintext2html from collections import defaultdict from markupsafe import Markup class ChatbotScriptStep(models.Model): _name = 'chatbot.script.step' _description = 'Chatbot Script Step' _order = 'sequence, id' _rec_name = 'message' message = fields.Text(string='Message', translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer(string='Sequence') chatbot_script_id = fields.Many2one( 'chatbot.script', string='Chatbot', required=True, ondelete='cascade') step_type = fields.Selection([ ('text', 'Text'), ('question_selection', 'Question'), ('question_email', 'Email'), ('question_phone', 'Phone'), ('forward_operator', 'Forward to Operator'), ('free_input_single', 'Free Input'), ('free_input_multi', 'Free Input (Multi-Line)'), ], default='text', required=True) # answers answer_ids = fields.One2many( 'chatbot.script.answer', 'script_step_id', copy=True, string='Answers') triggering_answer_ids = fields.Many2many( 'chatbot.script.answer', domain="[('script_step_id.sequence', '<', sequence)]", compute='_compute_triggering_answer_ids', readonly=False, store=True, copy=False, # copied manually, see chatbot.script#copy string='Only If', help='Show this step only if all of these answers have been selected.') # forward-operator specifics is_forward_operator_child = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_forward_operator_child') @api.depends('sequence') def _compute_triggering_answer_ids(self): for step in self.filtered('triggering_answer_ids'): update_command = [Command.unlink(answer.id) for answer in step.triggering_answer_ids if answer.script_step_id.sequence >= step.sequence] if update_command: step.triggering_answer_ids = update_command @api.depends('sequence', 'triggering_answer_ids', 'chatbot_script_id.script_step_ids.triggering_answer_ids', 'chatbot_script_id.script_step_ids.answer_ids', 'chatbot_script_id.script_step_ids.sequence') def _compute_is_forward_operator_child(self): parent_steps_by_chatbot = {} for chatbot in self.chatbot_script_id: parent_steps_by_chatbot[chatbot.id] = chatbot.script_step_ids.filtered( lambda step: step.step_type in ['forward_operator', 'question_selection'] ).sorted(lambda s: s.sequence, reverse=True) for step in self: parent_steps = parent_steps_by_chatbot[step.chatbot_script_id.id].filtered( lambda s: s.sequence < step.sequence ) parent = step while True: parent = parent._get_parent_step(parent_steps) if not parent or parent.step_type == 'forward_operator': break step.is_forward_operator_child = parent and parent.step_type == 'forward_operator' @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): """ Ensure we correctly assign sequences when creating steps. Indeed, sequences are very important within the script, and will break the whole flow if not correctly defined. This override will group created steps by chatbot_id and increment the sequence accordingly. It will also look for an existing step for that chatbot and resume from the highest sequence. This cannot be done in a default_value for the sequence field as we cannot search by runbot_id. It is also safer and more efficient to do it here (we can batch everything). It is still possible to manually pass the 'sequence' in the values, which will take priority. """ vals_by_chatbot_id = {} for vals in vals_list: chatbot_id = vals.get('chatbot_script_id') if chatbot_id: step_values = vals_by_chatbot_id.get(chatbot_id, []) step_values.append(vals) vals_by_chatbot_id[chatbot_id] = step_values read_group_results = self.env['chatbot.script.step']._read_group( [('chatbot_script_id', 'in', list(vals_by_chatbot_id))], ['chatbot_script_id'], ['sequence:max'], ) max_sequence_by_chatbot = { chatbot_script.id: sequence for chatbot_script, sequence in read_group_results } for chatbot_id, step_vals in vals_by_chatbot_id.items(): current_sequence = 0 if chatbot_id in max_sequence_by_chatbot: current_sequence = max_sequence_by_chatbot[chatbot_id] + 1 for vals in step_vals: if 'sequence' in vals: current_sequence = vals.get('sequence') else: vals['sequence'] = current_sequence current_sequence += 1 return super().create(vals_list) # -------------------------- # Business Methods # -------------------------- def _chatbot_prepare_customer_values(self, discuss_channel, create_partner=True, update_partner=True): """ Common method that allows retreiving default customer values from the discuss.channel following a chatbot.script. This method will return a dict containing the 'customer' values such as: { 'partner': The created partner (see 'create_partner') or the partner from the environment if not public 'email': The email extracted from the discuss.channel messages (see step_type 'question_email') 'phone': The phone extracted from the discuss.channel messages (see step_type 'question_phone') 'description': A default description containing the "Please contact me on" and "Please call me on" with the related email and phone numbers. Can be used as a default description to create leads or tickets for example. } :param record discuss_channel: the discuss.channel holding the visitor's conversation with the bot. :param bool create_partner: whether or not to create a res.partner is the current user is public. Defaults to True. :param bool update_partner: whether or not to set update the email and phone on the res.partner from the environment (if not a public user) if those are not set yet. Defaults to True. :return dict: a dict containing the customer values.""" partner = False user_inputs = discuss_channel._chatbot_find_customer_values_in_messages({ 'question_email': 'email', 'question_phone': 'phone', }) input_email = user_inputs.get('email', False) input_phone = user_inputs.get('phone', False) if self.env.user._is_public() and create_partner: partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': input_email, 'email': input_email, 'phone': input_phone, }) elif not self.env.user._is_public(): partner = self.env.user.partner_id if update_partner: # update email/phone value from partner if not set update_values = {} if input_email and not partner.email: update_values['email'] = input_email if input_phone and not partner.phone: update_values['phone'] = input_phone if update_values: partner.write(update_values) description = Markup('') if input_email: description += Markup('%s%s
') % (_('Please contact me on: '), input_email) if input_phone: description += Markup('%s%s
') % (_('Please call me on: '), input_phone) if description: description += Markup('
') return { 'partner': partner, 'email': input_email, 'phone': input_phone, 'description': description, } def _fetch_next_step(self, selected_answer_ids): """ Fetch the next step depending on the user's selected answers. If a step contains multiple triggering answers from the same step the condition between them must be a 'OR'. If is contains multiple triggering answers from different steps the condition between them must be a 'AND'. e.g: STEP 1 : A B STEP 2 : C D STEP 3 : E STEP 4 ONLY IF A B C E Scenario 1 (A C E): A in (A B) -> OK C in (C) -> OK E in (E) -> OK -> OK Scenario 2 (B D E): B in (A B) -> OK D in (C) -> NOK E in (E) -> OK -> NOK """ self.ensure_one() domain = [('chatbot_script_id', '=', self.chatbot_script_id.id), ('sequence', '>', self.sequence)] if selected_answer_ids: domain = expression.AND([domain, [ '|', ('triggering_answer_ids', '=', False), ('triggering_answer_ids', 'in', selected_answer_ids.ids)]]) steps = self.env['chatbot.script.step'].search(domain) for step in steps: if not step.triggering_answer_ids: return step answers_by_step = defaultdict(list) for answer in step.triggering_answer_ids: answers_by_step[answer.script_step_id.id].append(answer) if all(any(answer in step_triggering_answers for answer in selected_answer_ids) for step_triggering_answers in answers_by_step.values()): return step return self.env['chatbot.script.step'] def _get_parent_step(self, all_parent_steps): """ Returns the first preceding step that matches either the triggering answers or the possible answers the user can select """ self.ensure_one() if not self.chatbot_script_id.ids: return self.env['chatbot.script.step'] for step in all_parent_steps: if step.sequence >= self.sequence: continue if self.triggering_answer_ids: if not (all(answer in self.triggering_answer_ids for answer in step.triggering_answer_ids) or any(answer in self.triggering_answer_ids for answer in step.answer_ids)): continue elif step.triggering_answer_ids: continue return step return self.env['chatbot.script.step'] def _is_last_step(self, discuss_channel=False): self.ensure_one() discuss_channel = discuss_channel or self.env['discuss.channel'] # if it's not a question and if there is no next step, then we end the script if self.step_type != 'question_selection' and not self._fetch_next_step( discuss_channel.chatbot_message_ids.user_script_answer_id): return True return False def _process_answer(self, discuss_channel, message_body): """ Method called when the user reacts to the current chatbot.script step. For most chatbot.script.step#step_types it simply returns the next chatbot.script.step of the script (see '_fetch_next_step'). Some extra processing is done for steps of type 'question_email' and 'question_phone' where we store the user raw answer (the mail message HTML body) into the chatbot.message in order to be able to recover it later (see '_chatbot_prepare_customer_values'). :param discuss_channel: :param message_body: :return: script step to display next :rtype: 'chatbot.script.step' """ self.ensure_one() user_text_answer = html2plaintext(message_body) if self.step_type == 'question_email' and not email_normalize(user_text_answer): # if this error is raised, display an error message but do not go to next step raise ValidationError(_('"%s" is not a valid email.', user_text_answer)) if self.step_type in ['question_email', 'question_phone']: chatbot_message = self.env['chatbot.message'].search([ ('discuss_channel_id', '=', discuss_channel.id), ('script_step_id', '=', self.id), ], limit=1) if chatbot_message: chatbot_message.write({'user_raw_answer': message_body}) self.env.flush_all() return self._fetch_next_step(discuss_channel.chatbot_message_ids.user_script_answer_id) def _process_step(self, discuss_channel): """ When we reach a chatbot.step in the script we need to do some processing on behalf of the bot. Which is for most chatbot.script.step#step_types just posting the message field. Some extra processing may be required for special step types such as 'forward_operator', 'create_lead', 'create_ticket' (in their related bridge modules). Those will have a dedicated processing method with specific docstrings. Returns the mail.message posted by the chatbot's operator_partner_id. """ self.ensure_one() # We change the current step to the new step discuss_channel.chatbot_current_step_id = self.id if self.step_type == 'forward_operator': return self._process_step_forward_operator(discuss_channel) return discuss_channel._chatbot_post_message(self.chatbot_script_id, plaintext2html(self.message)) def _process_step_forward_operator(self, discuss_channel): """ Special type of step that will add a human operator to the conversation when reached, which stops the script and allow the visitor to discuss with a real person. In case we don't find any operator (e.g: no-one is available) we don't post any messages. The script will continue normally, which allows to add extra steps when it's the case (e.g: ask for the visitor's email and create a lead). """ human_operator = False posted_message = False if discuss_channel.livechat_channel_id: human_operator = discuss_channel.livechat_channel_id._get_operator( lang=discuss_channel.livechat_visitor_id.lang_id.code, country_id=discuss_channel.country_id.id ) # handle edge case where we found yourself as available operator -> don't do anything # it will act as if no-one is available (which is fine) if human_operator and human_operator != self.env.user: discuss_channel.sudo().add_members( human_operator.partner_id.ids, open_chat_window=True, post_joined_message=False) if self.message: # first post the message of the step (if we have one) posted_message = discuss_channel._chatbot_post_message(self.chatbot_script_id, plaintext2html(self.message)) # then post a small custom 'Operator has joined' notification discuss_channel._chatbot_post_message( self.chatbot_script_id, Markup('
') % _('%s has joined', human_operator.livechat_username or human_operator.partner_id.name)) discuss_channel._broadcast(human_operator.partner_id.ids) discuss_channel.channel_pin(pinned=True) return posted_message # -------------------------- # Tooling / Misc # -------------------------- def _format_for_frontend(self): """ Small utility method that formats the step into a dict usable by the frontend code. """ self.ensure_one() return { 'id': self.id, 'answers': [{ 'id': answer.id, 'label': answer.name, 'redirectLink': answer.redirect_link, } for answer in self.answer_ids], 'message': plaintext2html(self.message) if not is_html_empty(self.message) else False, 'isLast': self._is_last_step(), 'type': self.step_type }