/** @odoo-module **/ import { _t } from "@web/core/l10n/translation"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('order_lunch_tour', { url: "/web", test: true, steps: () => [{ trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="lunch.menu_lunch"]', content: _t("Start by accessing the lunch app."), position: 'bottom', }, { trigger: ".o_search_panel_filter_value .form-check-input", content: _t("Restrict your search using filters"), position: 'bottom', }, { trigger: "div[role=article]", extra_trigger: '.o_search_panel_filter_value .form-check-input:checked', content: _t("Click on a product you want to order and is available."), position: 'bottom', }, { trigger: 'textarea[name="note"]', extra_trigger: 'button[name="add_to_cart"]', content: _t("Add additionnal information about your order."), position: 'bottom', run: 'text allergy to peanuts', }, { trigger: 'button[name="add_to_cart"]', content: _t("Add your order to the cart."), position: 'bottom', }, { trigger: '.o_lunch_widget_order_button', content: _t("Validate your order"), position: 'left', run: 'click', }]});