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2024-05-03 09:40:35 +00:00
/* @odoo-module */
import { startServer } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_python_environment";
import { Composer } from "@mail/core/common/composer";
import { Command } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/command";
import { start } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/test_utils";
import { patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils";
import { click, contains, insertText } from "@web/../tests/utils";
QUnit.module("suggestion", {
async beforeEach() {
// Simulate real user interactions
patchWithCleanup(Composer.prototype, {
isEventTrusted() {
return true;
QUnit.test('display command suggestions on typing "/"', async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({
name: "General",
channel_type: "channel",
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open");
QUnit.test("use a command for a specific channel type", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_type: "chat" });
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 });
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/");
await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "who" });
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "/who " });
QUnit.test("command suggestion should only open if command is the first character", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({
name: "General",
channel_type: "channel",
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 });
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "bluhbluh ");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "bluhbluh " });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/");
// weak test, no guarantee that we waited long enough for the potential list to open
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 });
QUnit.test("Sort partner suggestions by recent chats", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const [partner_1, partner_2, partner_3] = pyEnv["res.partner"].create([
{ name: "User 1" },
{ name: "User 2" },
{ name: "User 3" },
{ partner_id: partner_1 },
{ partner_id: partner_2 },
{ partner_id: partner_3 },
name: "General",
channel_type: "channel",
channel_member_ids: [
Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_1 }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_2 }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_3 }),
channel_member_ids: [
last_interest_dt: "2023-01-01 00:00:00",
partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId,
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_1 }),
channel_type: "chat",
channel_member_ids: [
last_interest_dt: "2023-01-01 00:00:00",
partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId,
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_2 }),
channel_type: "chat",
channel_member_ids: [
last_interest_dt: "2023-01-01 00:00:00",
partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId,
Command.create({ partner_id: partner_3 }),
channel_type: "chat",
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await click(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { text: "User 2" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "This is a test");
await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled");
await contains(".o-mail-Message-content", { text: "This is a test" });
await click(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { text: "General" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message #General…']", "@");
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "User");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 3 });
await contains(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-Composer-suggestion) strong", { text: "User 2" });
await contains(":nth-child(2 of .o-mail-Composer-suggestion) strong", { text: "User 3" });
await contains(":nth-child(3 of .o-mail-Composer-suggestion) strong", { text: "User 1" });
QUnit.test("mention suggestion are shown after deleting a character", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "John Doe" });
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({
name: "General",
channel_type: "channel",
channel_member_ids: [
Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }),
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await openDiscuss(channelId);
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@John D");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "John Doe" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "a");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 0, text: "John D" });
// Simulate pressing backspace
const textarea = document.querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input");
textarea.value = textarea.value.slice(0, -1);
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "John Doe" });
QUnit.test("command suggestion are shown after deleting a character", async () => {
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "John Doe" });
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({
name: "General",
channel_type: "channel",
channel_member_ids: [
Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }),
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/he");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "help" });
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "e");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 0, text: "help" });
// Simulate pressing backspace
const textarea = document.querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input");
textarea.value = textarea.value.slice(0, -1);
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "help" });
2024-05-08 11:31:09 +03:00
QUnit.test("mention suggestion displays TalismanBot before archived partners", async () => {
2024-05-03 09:40:35 +00:00
const pyEnv = await startServer();
const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Jane", active: false });
const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({
name: "Our channel",
channel_type: "group",
channel_member_ids: [
Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }),
Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }),
Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.odoobotId }),
const { openDiscuss } = await start();
await openDiscuss(channelId);
await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@");
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { count: 3 });
await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", {
text: "Mitchell Admin",
before: [
2024-05-08 11:31:09 +03:00
text: "TalismanBot",
2024-05-03 09:40:35 +00:00
before: [".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { text: "Jane" }],