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2024-05-03 09:40:35 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import itertools
import logging
from ast import literal_eval
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools, Command
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
from import is_html_empty
from import safe_eval, time
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailTemplate(models.Model):
"Templates for sending email"
_name = "mail.template"
_inherit = ['mail.render.mixin', 'template.reset.mixin']
_description = 'Email Templates'
_order = 'user_id,name,id'
_unrestricted_rendering = True
def default_get(self, fields):
res = super(MailTemplate, self).default_get(fields)
if res.get('model'):
res['model_id'] = self.env['ir.model']._get(res.pop('model')).id
return res
# description
name = fields.Char('Name', translate=True)
description = fields.Text(
'Template description', translate=True,
help="This field is used for internal description of the template's usage.")
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
template_category = fields.Selection(
[('base_template', 'Base Template'),
('hidden_template', 'Hidden Template'),
('custom_template', 'Custom Template')],
compute="_compute_template_category", search="_search_template_category")
model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Applies to')
model = fields.Char('Related Document Model', related='model_id.model', index=True, store=True, readonly=True)
subject = fields.Char('Subject', translate=True, prefetch=True, help="Subject (placeholders may be used here)")
email_from = fields.Char('From',
help="Sender address (placeholders may be used here). If not set, the default "
"value will be the author's email alias if configured, or email address.")
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', domain="[('share', '=', False)]", help='The template belongs to this user')
# recipients
use_default_to = fields.Boolean(
'Default recipients',
help="Default recipients of the record:\n"
"- partner (using id on a partner or the partner_id field) OR\n"
"- email (using email_from or email field)")
email_to = fields.Char('To (Emails)', help="Comma-separated recipient addresses (placeholders may be used here)")
partner_to = fields.Char('To (Partners)',
help="Comma-separated ids of recipient partners (placeholders may be used here)")
email_cc = fields.Char('Cc', help="Carbon copy recipients (placeholders may be used here)")
reply_to = fields.Char('Reply To', help="Email address to which replies will be redirected when sending emails in mass; only used when the reply is not logged in the original discussion thread.")
# content
body_html = fields.Html(
'Body', render_engine='qweb', render_options={'post_process': True},
prefetch=True, translate=True, sanitize=False)
attachment_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.attachment', 'email_template_attachment_rel', 'email_template_id',
'attachment_id', 'Attachments',
help="You may attach files to this template, to be added to all "
"emails created from this template")
report_template_ids = fields.Many2many(
'', relation='mail_template_ir_actions_report_rel',
string='Dynamic Reports',
domain="[('model', '=', model)]")
email_layout_xmlid = fields.Char('Email Notification Layout', copy=False)
# options
mail_server_id = fields.Many2one('ir.mail_server', 'Outgoing Mail Server', readonly=False,
help="Optional preferred server for outgoing mails. If not set, the highest "
"priority one will be used.")
scheduled_date = fields.Char('Scheduled Date', help="If set, the queue manager will send the email after the date. If not set, the email will be send as soon as possible. You can use dynamic expression.")
auto_delete = fields.Boolean(
'Auto Delete', default=True,
2024-05-08 11:31:09 +03:00
help="This option permanently removes any track of email after it's been sent, including from the Technical menu in the Settings, in order to preserve storage space of yourTalismandatabase.")
2024-05-03 09:40:35 +00:00
# contextual action
ref_ir_act_window = fields.Many2one('ir.actions.act_window', 'Sidebar action', readonly=True, copy=False,
help="Sidebar action to make this template available on records "
"of the related document model")
# access
can_write = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_can_write',
help='The current user can edit the template.')
is_template_editor = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_is_template_editor")
# Overrides of mail.render.mixin
def _compute_render_model(self):
for template in self:
template.render_model = template.model
def _compute_can_write(self):
writable_templates = self._filter_access_rules('write')
for template in self:
template.can_write = template in writable_templates
def _compute_is_template_editor(self):
self.is_template_editor = self.user_has_groups('mail.group_mail_template_editor')
@api.depends('active', 'description')
def _compute_template_category(self):
""" Base templates (or master templates) are active templates having
a description and an XML ID. User defined templates (no xml id),
templates without description or archived templates are not
base templates anymore. """
deactivated = self.filtered(lambda template: not
if deactivated:
deactivated.template_category = 'hidden_template'
remaining = self - deactivated
if remaining:
template_external_ids = remaining.get_external_id()
for template in remaining:
if bool(template_external_ids[]) and template.description:
template.template_category = 'base_template'
elif bool(template_external_ids[]):
template.template_category = 'hidden_template'
template.template_category = 'custom_template'
def _search_template_category(self, operator, value):
if operator in ['in', 'not in'] and isinstance(value, list):
value_templates = self.env['mail.template'].search([]).filtered(
lambda t: t.template_category in value
return [('id', operator, value_templates.ids)]
if operator in ['=', '!='] and isinstance(value, str):
value_templates = self.env['mail.template'].search([]).filtered(
lambda t: t.template_category == value
return [('id', 'in' if operator == "=" else 'not in', value_templates.ids)]
raise NotImplementedError(_('Operation not supported'))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _fix_attachment_ownership(self):
for record in self:
record.attachment_ids.write({'res_model': record._name, 'res_id':})
return self
def _check_abstract_models(self, vals_list):
model_names = self.sudo().env['ir.model'].browse(filter(None, (
vals.get('model_id') for vals in vals_list
for model in model_names:
if self.env[model]._abstract:
raise ValidationError(_('You may not define a template on an abstract model: %s', model))
def create(self, vals_list):
return super().create(vals_list)\
def write(self, vals):
return True
def open_delete_confirmation_modal(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self._name,
'target': 'new',
'view_id': self.env.ref('mail.mail_template_view_form_confirm_delete').id,
'context': {'dialog_size': 'medium'},
'name': _('Confirmation'),
def unlink(self):
return super(MailTemplate, self).unlink()
def cancel_unlink(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self._name,
'target': 'new',
'context': {'dialog_size': 'large'},
@api.returns('self', lambda value:
def copy(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {},
name=_("%s (copy)",
return super(MailTemplate, self).copy(default=default)
def unlink_action(self):
for template in self:
if template.ref_ir_act_window:
return True
def create_action(self):
ActWindow = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']
view = self.env.ref('mail.email_compose_message_wizard_form')
for template in self:
context = {
'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
'default_model': template.model,
'default_template_id' :,
button_name = _('Send Mail (%s)',
action = ActWindow.create({
'name': button_name,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'mail.compose.message',
'context': repr(context),
'view_mode': 'form,tree',
'target': 'new',
return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _generate_template_attachments(self, res_ids, render_fields,
""" Render attachments of template 'self', returning values for records
given by 'res_ids'. Note that ``report_template_ids`` returns values for
'attachments', as we have a list of tuple (report_name, base64 value)
for those reports. It is considered as being the job of callers to
transform those attachments into valid ``ir.attachment`` records.
:param list res_ids: list of record IDs on which template is rendered;
:param list render_fields: list of fields to render on template which
are specific to attachments, e.g. attachment_ids or report_template_ids;
:param dict render_results: res_ids-based dictionary of render values.
For each res_id, a dict of values based on render_fields is given
:return: updated (or new) render_results;
if render_results is None:
render_results = {}
# generating reports is done on a per-record basis, better ensure cache
# is filled up to avoid rendering and browsing in a loop
if res_ids and 'report_template_ids' in render_fields and self.report_template_ids:
for res_id in res_ids:
values = render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})
# link template attachments directly
if 'attachment_ids' in render_fields:
values['attachment_ids'] = self.attachment_ids.ids
# generate attachments (reports)
if 'report_template_ids' in render_fields and self.report_template_ids:
for report in self.report_template_ids:
# generate content
if report.report_type in ['qweb-html', 'qweb-pdf']:
report_content, report_format = self.env['']._render_qweb_pdf(report, [res_id])
render_res = self.env['']._render(report, [res_id])
if not render_res:
raise UserError(_('Unsupported report type %s found.', report.report_type))
report_content, report_format = render_res
report_content = base64.b64encode(report_content)
# generate name
if report.print_report_name:
report_name = safe_eval(
'object': self.env[self.model].browse(res_id),
'time': time,
report_name = _('Report')
extension = "." + report_format
if not report_name.endswith(extension):
report_name += extension
values.setdefault('attachments', []).append((report_name, report_content))
elif 'report_template_ids' in render_fields:
values['attachments'] = []
# hook for attachments-specific computation, used currently only for accounting
if hasattr(self.env[self.model], '_process_attachments_for_template_post'):
records_attachments = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids)._process_attachments_for_template_post(self)
for res_id, additional_attachments in records_attachments.items():
if not additional_attachments:
if additional_attachments.get('attachment_ids'):
render_results[res_id].setdefault('attachment_ids', []).extend(additional_attachments['attachment_ids'])
if additional_attachments.get('attachments'):
render_results[res_id].setdefault('attachments', []).extend(additional_attachments['attachments'])
return render_results
def _generate_template_recipients(self, res_ids, render_fields,
""" Render recipients of the template 'self', returning values for records
given by 'res_ids'. Default values can be generated instead of the template
values if requested by template (see 'use_default_to' field). Email fields
('email_cc', 'email_to') are transformed into partners if requested
(finding or creating partners). 'partner_to' field is transformed into
'partner_ids' field.
Note: for performance reason, information from records are transferred to
created partners no matter the company. For example, if we have a record of
company A and one of B with the same email and no related partner, a partner
will be created with company A or B but populated with information from the 2
records. So some info might be leaked from one company to the other through
the partner.
:param list res_ids: list of record IDs on which template is rendered;
:param list render_fields: list of fields to render on template which
are specific to recipients, e.g. email_cc, email_to, partner_to);
:param boolean find_or_create_partners: transform emails into partners
(calling ``find_or_create`` on partner model);
:param dict render_results: res_ids-based dictionary of render values.
For each res_id, a dict of values based on render_fields is given;
:return: updated (or new) render_results. It holds a 'partner_ids' key
holding partners given by ``_message_get_default_recipients`` and/or
generated based on 'partner_to'. If ``find_or_create_partners`` is
False emails are present, otherwise they are included as partners
contained in ``partner_ids``.
if render_results is None:
render_results = {}
ModelSudo = self.env[self.model].with_prefetch(res_ids).sudo()
# if using default recipients -> ``_message_get_default_recipients`` gives
# values for email_to, email_cc and partner_ids
if self.use_default_to and self.model:
default_recipients = ModelSudo.browse(res_ids)._message_get_default_recipients()
for res_id, recipients in default_recipients.items():
render_results.setdefault(res_id, {}).update(recipients)
# render fields dynamically which generates recipients
for field in set(render_fields) & {'email_cc', 'email_to', 'partner_to'}:
generated_field_values = self._render_field(field, res_ids)
for res_id in res_ids:
render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})[field] = generated_field_values[res_id]
# create partners from emails if asked to
if find_or_create_partners:
res_id_to_company = {}
if self.model and 'company_id' in ModelSudo._fields:
for read_record in ModelSudo.browse(res_ids).read(['company_id']):
company_id = read_record['company_id'][0] if read_record['company_id'] else False
res_id_to_company[read_record['id']] = company_id
all_emails = []
email_to_res_ids = {}
email_to_company = {}
for res_id in res_ids:
record_values = render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})
mails = tools.email_split(record_values.pop('email_to', '')) + \
tools.email_split(record_values.pop('email_cc', ''))
all_emails += mails
record_company = res_id_to_company.get(res_id)
for mail in mails:
email_to_res_ids.setdefault(mail, []).append(res_id)
if record_company:
email_to_company[mail] = record_company
if all_emails:
customers_information = ModelSudo.browse(res_ids)._get_customer_information()
partners = self.env['res.partner']._find_or_create_from_emails(
email: {
'company_id': email_to_company.get(email),
**customers_information.get(email, {}),
for email in itertools.chain(all_emails, [False])
for original_email, partner in zip(all_emails, partners):
if not partner:
for res_id in email_to_res_ids[original_email]:
render_results[res_id].setdefault('partner_ids', []).append(
# update 'partner_to' rendered value to 'partner_ids'
all_partner_to = {
for record_values in render_results.values()
for pid in self._parse_partner_to(record_values.get('partner_to', ''))
existing_pids = set()
if all_partner_to:
existing_pids = set(self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(list(all_partner_to)).exists().ids)
for res_id, record_values in render_results.items():
partner_to = record_values.pop('partner_to', '')
if partner_to:
tpl_partner_ids = set(self._parse_partner_to(partner_to)) & existing_pids
record_values.setdefault('partner_ids', []).extend(tpl_partner_ids)
return render_results
def _generate_template_scheduled_date(self, res_ids, render_results=None):
""" Render scheduled date based on template 'self'. Specific parsing is
done to ensure value matches ORM expected value: UTC but without
timezone set in value.
:param list res_ids: list of record IDs on which template is rendered;
:param dict render_results: res_ids-based dictionary of render values.
For each res_id, a dict of values based on render_fields is given;
:return: updated (or new) render_results;
if render_results is None:
render_results = {}
scheduled_dates = self._render_field('scheduled_date', res_ids)
for res_id in res_ids:
scheduled_date = self._process_scheduled_date(scheduled_dates.get(res_id))
render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})['scheduled_date'] = scheduled_date
return render_results
def _generate_template_static_values(self, res_ids, render_fields, render_results=None):
""" Return values based on template 'self'. Those are not rendered nor
dynamic, just static values used for configuration of emails.
:param list res_ids: list of record IDs on which template is rendered;
:param list render_fields: list of fields to render, currently limited
to a subset (i.e. auto_delete, mail_server_id, model, res_id);
:param dict render_results: res_ids-based dictionary of render values.
For each res_id, a dict of values based on render_fields is given;
:return: updated (or new) render_results;
if render_results is None:
render_results = {}
for res_id in res_ids:
values = render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})
# technical settings
if 'auto_delete' in render_fields:
values['auto_delete'] = self.auto_delete
if 'email_layout_xmlid' in render_fields:
values['email_layout_xmlid'] = self.email_layout_xmlid
if 'mail_server_id' in render_fields:
values['mail_server_id'] =
if 'model' in render_fields:
values['model'] = self.model
if 'res_id' in render_fields:
values['res_id'] = res_id or False
return render_results
def _generate_template(self, res_ids, render_fields,
""" Render values from template 'self' on records given by 'res_ids'.
Those values are generally used to create a mail.mail or a mail.message.
Model of records is the one defined on template.
:param list res_ids: list of record IDs on which template is rendered;
:param list render_fields: list of fields to render on template;
:param boolean find_or_create_partners: transform emails into partners
(see ``_generate_template_recipients``);
:returns: a dict of (res_ids, values) where values contains all rendered
fields asked in ``render_fields``. Asking for attachments adds an
'attachments' key using the format [(report_name, data)] where data
is base64 encoded. Asking for recipients adds a 'partner_ids' key.
Note that 2many fields contain a list of IDs, not commands.
render_fields_set = set(render_fields)
fields_specific = {
'attachment_ids', # attachments
'email_cc', # recipients
'email_to', # recipients
'partner_to', # recipients
'report_template_ids', # attachments
'scheduled_date', # specific
# not rendered (static)
render_results = {}
for _lang, (template, template_res_ids) in self._classify_per_lang(res_ids).items():
# render fields not rendered by sub methods
fields_torender = {
field for field in render_fields_set
if field not in fields_specific
for field in fields_torender:
generated_field_values = template._render_field(
field, template_res_ids
for res_id, field_value in generated_field_values.items():
render_results.setdefault(res_id, {})[field] = field_value
# render recipients
if render_fields_set & {'email_cc', 'email_to', 'partner_to'}:
template_res_ids, render_fields_set,
# render scheduled_date
if 'scheduled_date' in render_fields_set:
# add values static for all res_ids
# generate attachments if requested
if render_fields_set & {'attachment_ids', 'report_template_ids'}:
return render_results
def _parse_partner_to(cls, partner_to):
partner_to = literal_eval(partner_to or '[]')
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
partner_to = partner_to.split(',')
if not isinstance(partner_to, (list, tuple)):
partner_to = [partner_to]
return [
int(pid.strip()) if isinstance(pid, str) else int(pid) for pid in partner_to
if (isinstance(pid, str) and pid.strip().isdigit()) or (pid and not isinstance(pid, str))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _send_check_access(self, res_ids):
records = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids)
def send_mail(self, res_id, force_send=False, raise_exception=False, email_values=None,
""" Generates a new mail.mail. Template is rendered on record given by
res_id and model coming from template.
:param int res_id: id of the record to render the template
:param bool force_send: send email immediately; otherwise use the mail
queue (recommended);
:param dict email_values: update generated mail with those values to further
customize the mail;
:param str email_layout_xmlid: optional notification layout to encapsulate the
generated email;
:returns: id of the mail.mail that was created """
# Grant access to send_mail only if access to related document
Attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'] # TDE FIXME: should remove default_type from context
# create a mail_mail based on values, without attachments
values = self._generate_template(
values['recipient_ids'] = [ for pid in values.get('partner_ids', list())]
values['attachment_ids'] = [ for aid in values.get('attachment_ids', list())]
values.update(email_values or {})
attachment_ids = values.pop('attachment_ids', [])
attachments = values.pop('attachments', [])
# add a protection against void email_from
if 'email_from' in values and not values.get('email_from'):
# encapsulate body
email_layout_xmlid = email_layout_xmlid or self.email_layout_xmlid
if email_layout_xmlid and values['body_html']:
record = self.env[self.model].browse(res_id)
model = self.env['ir.model']._get(record._name)
if self.lang:
lang = self._render_lang([res_id])[res_id]
model = model.with_context(lang=lang)
template_ctx = {
# message
'message': self.env['mail.message'].sudo().new(dict(body=values['body_html'], record_name=record.display_name)),
'subtype': self.env['mail.message.subtype'].sudo(),
# record
'model_description': model.display_name,
'record': record,
'record_name': False,
'subtitles': False,
# user / environment
'company': 'company_id' in record and record['company_id'] or,
'email_add_signature': False,
'signature': '',
'website_url': '',
# tools
'is_html_empty': is_html_empty,
body = model.env['ir.qweb']._render(email_layout_xmlid, template_ctx, minimal_qcontext=True, raise_if_not_found=False)
if not body:
'QWeb template %s not found when sending template %s. Sending without layout.',
values['body_html'] = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(body)
if 'body_html' in values:
values['body'] = values['body_html']
mail = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().create(values)
# manage attachments
for attachment in attachments:
attachment_data = {
'name': attachment[0],
'datas': attachment[1],
'type': 'binary',
'res_model': 'mail.message',
attachment_ids.append((4, Attachment.create(attachment_data).id))
if attachment_ids:
mail.write({'attachment_ids': attachment_ids})
if force_send:
return # TDE CLEANME: return mail + api.returns ?