/* @odoo-module */ import { startServer } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_python_environment"; import { Command } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/command"; import { patchBrowserNotification } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/patch_notifications"; import { patchUiSize, SIZES } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/patch_ui_size"; import { start } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/test_utils"; import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser"; import { getFixture, makeDeferred, patchWithCleanup, triggerHotkey, } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { click, contains, insertText, triggerEvents } from "@web/../tests/utils"; QUnit.module("messaging menu"); QUnit.test("should have messaging menu button in systray", async () => { await start(); await contains(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages'].fa-comments"); }); QUnit.test("messaging menu should have topbar buttons", async () => { await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-header button", { count: 4 }); await contains("button.fw-bold", { text: "All" }); await contains("button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Chats" }); await contains("button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Channels" }); await contains("button", { text: "New Message" }); }); QUnit.test("counter is taking into account failure notification", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("denied"); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ display_name: "general" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, record_name: "general", res_model_name: "Channel", }); const [memberId] = pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].search([ ["channel_id", "=", channelId], ["partner_id", "=", pyEnv.currentPartnerId], ]); pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].write([memberId], { seen_message_id: messageId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }); await start(); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { text: "1" }); }); QUnit.test("rendering with TalismanBot has a request (default)", async (assert) => { patchBrowserNotification("default"); await start(); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { text: "1" }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); assert.ok( $(".o-mail-NotificationItem img") .data("src") .includes("/web/image?field=avatar_128&id=2&model=res.partner") ); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "TalismanBot has a request" }); }); QUnit.test("rendering without TalismanBot has a request (denied)", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("denied"); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("rendering without TalismanBot has a request (accepted)", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("granted"); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("respond to notification prompt (denied)", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("default", "denied"); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await contains(".o_notification.border-warning", { text: "Odoo will not send notifications on this device.", }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { count: 0 }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("respond to notification prompt (granted)", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("default", "granted"); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await contains(".o_notification.border-success", { text: "Odoo will send notifications on this device!", }); }); QUnit.test("no 'TalismanBot has a request' in mobile app", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("default"); // simulate AndroidTalismanApp patchWithCleanup(browser.navigator, { userAgent: "Chrome/0.0.0 Android (OdooMobile; Linux; Android 13;TalismanTestSuite)", }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("rendering with PWA installation request", async (assert) => { const target = getFixture(); patchWithCleanup(browser, { BeforeInstallPromptEvent: () => {}, }); patchWithCleanup(browser.localStorage, { getItem(key) { if (key === "pwa.installationState") { assert.step("getItem " + key); // in this test, installation has not yet proceeded return null; } return super.getItem(key); }, }); const { env } = await start(); // This event must be triggered to initialize the installPrompt service properly // as if it was run by a browser supporting PWA (never triggered in a test otherwise). browser.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("beforeinstallprompt")); patchWithCleanup(env.services.installPrompt, { show() { assert.step("show prompt"); }, }); assert.verifySteps(["getItem pwa.installationState"]); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { text: "1" }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); assert.containsOnce( target, ".o-mail-NotificationItem img[data-src*='/web/image?field=avatar_128&id=2&model=res.partner']" ); assert.strictEqual( target.querySelector(".o-mail-NotificationItem-name").textContent, "TalismanBot has a suggestion" ); assert.strictEqual( target.querySelector(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text").textContent, "Come here often? InstallTalismanon your device!" ); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem a.btn-primary"); assert.verifySteps(["show prompt"]); }); QUnit.test("installation of the PWA request can be dismissed", async (assert) => { patchWithCleanup(browser, { BeforeInstallPromptEvent: () => {}, }); patchWithCleanup(browser.localStorage, { getItem(key) { if (key === "pwa.installationState") { assert.step("getItem " + key); // in this test, installation has not yet proceeded return null; } return super.getItem(key); }, setItem(key, value) { if (key === "pwa.installationState") { assert.step("installationState value: " + value); } return super.setItem(key, value); }, }); const { env } = await start(); // This event must be triggered to initialize the installPrompt service properly // as if it was run by a browser supporting PWA (never triggered in a test otherwise). browser.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("beforeinstallprompt")); patchWithCleanup(env.services.installPrompt, { show() { assert.step("show prompt should not be triggered"); }, }); assert.verifySteps(["getItem pwa.installationState"]); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem .fa-close"); assert.verifySteps(["installationState value: dismissed"]); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("rendering with PWA installation request (dismissed)", async (assert) => { const target = getFixture(); patchWithCleanup(browser, { BeforeInstallPromptEvent: () => {}, }); patchWithCleanup(browser.localStorage, { getItem(key) { if (key === "pwa.installationState") { assert.step("getItem " + key); // in this test, installation has been previously dismissed by the user return "dismissed"; } return super.getItem(key); }, }); await start(); // This event must be triggered to initialize the installPrompt service properly // as if it was run by a browser supporting PWA (never triggered in a test otherwise). browser.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("beforeinstallprompt")); assert.verifySteps(["getItem pwa.installationState"]); assert.containsNone(target, ".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter"); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); assert.containsNone(target, ".o-mail-NotificationItem"); }); QUnit.test("rendering with PWA installation request (already running as PWA)", async (assert) => { const target = getFixture(); patchWithCleanup(browser, { BeforeInstallPromptEvent: () => {}, }); patchWithCleanup(browser.localStorage, { getItem(key) { if (key === "pwa.installationState") { assert.step("getItem " + key); // in this test, we remove any value that could contain localStorage so the service would be allowed to prompt return null; } return super.getItem(key); }, }); await start(); // The 'beforeinstallprompt' event is not triggered here, since the // browser wouldn't trigger it when the app is already launched assert.verifySteps(["getItem pwa.installationState"]); assert.containsNone(target, ".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter"); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); assert.containsNone(target, ".o-mail-NotificationItem"); }); QUnit.test("Is closed after clicking on new message", async () => { await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click("button", { text: "New Message" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("no 'New Message' button when discuss is open", async () => { const { openDiscuss, openView } = await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains("button", { text: "New Message" }); await openDiscuss(); await contains("button", { count: 0, text: "New Message" }); await openView({ res_model: "res.partner", views: [[false, "form"]], }); await contains("button", { text: "New Message" }); await openDiscuss(); await contains("button", { count: 0, text: "New Message" }); }); QUnit.test("grouped notifications by document", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [messageId_1, messageId_2] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: 31, res_model_name: "Partner", }, { message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: 31, res_model_name: "Partner", }, ]); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create([ { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, ]); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { count: 0 }); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Partner", contains: [".badge", { text: "2" }], }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow"); }); QUnit.test("grouped notifications by document model", async (assert) => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [messageId_1, messageId_2] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: 31, res_model_name: "Partner", }, { message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: 32, res_model_name: "Partner", }, ]); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create([ { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, ]); const { env } = await start(); patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, { doAction(action) { assert.step("do_action"); assert.strictEqual(action.name, "Mail Failures"); assert.strictEqual(action.type, "ir.actions.act_window"); assert.strictEqual(action.view_mode, "kanban,list,form"); assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(action.views), JSON.stringify([ [false, "kanban"], [false, "list"], [false, "form"], ]) ); assert.strictEqual(action.target, "current"); assert.strictEqual(action.res_model, "res.partner"); assert.strictEqual( JSON.stringify(action.domain), JSON.stringify([["message_has_error", "=", true]]) ); }, }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Partner", contains: [".badge", { text: "2" }], }); assert.verifySteps(["do_action"]); }); QUnit.test( "multiple grouped notifications by document model, sorted by the most recent message of each group", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [messageId_1, messageId_2] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: 31, res_model_name: "Partner", }, { message_type: "email", model: "res.company", res_id: 32, res_model_name: "Company", }, ]); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create([ { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, ]); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 2 }); await contains(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-NotificationItem)", { text: "Company" }); await contains(":nth-child(2 of .o-mail-NotificationItem)", { text: "Partner" }); } ); QUnit.test("non-failure notifications are ignored", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({}); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ message_type: "email", model: "res.partner", res_id: partnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "ready", notification_type: "email", }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("mark unread channel as read", async (assert) => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Demo" }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ message_unread_counter: 1, partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], name: "My Channel", }); const [messagId_1] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { author_id: partnerId, body: "not empty", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId }, { author_id: partnerId, body: "not empty", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId }, ]); const [currentMemberId] = pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].search([ ["channel_id", "=", channelId], ["partner_id", "=", pyEnv.currentPartnerId], ]); pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].write([currentMemberId], { seen_message_id: messagId_1 }); await start({ async mockRPC(route, args) { if (route.includes("set_last_seen_message")) { assert.step("set_last_seen_message"); } }, }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await triggerEvents(".o-mail-NotificationItem", ["mouseenter"]); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem [title='Mark As Read']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem.text-muted"); assert.verifySteps(["set_last_seen_message"]); await triggerEvents(".o-mail-NotificationItem", ["mouseenter"]); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem [title='Mark As Read']", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("mark failure as read", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ message_type: "email", res_model_name: "Channel", }); pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ message_ids: [messageId], channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, seen_message_id: messageId }), ], }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await triggerEvents(".o-mail-NotificationItem", ["mouseenter"], { contains: [ [".o-mail-NotificationItem-name", { text: "Channel" }], [".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "An error occurred when sending an email" }], ], }); await click("[title='Mark As Read']", { parent: [".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Channel" }], }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0, text: "Channel" }); await contains("o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0, text: "An error occurred when sending an email", }); }); QUnit.test("different discuss.channel are not grouped", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [channelId_1, channelId_2] = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create([ { name: "Channel_1" }, { name: "Channel_2" }, ]); const [messageId_1, messageId_2] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { message_type: "email", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId_1, res_model_name: "Channel", }, { message_type: "email", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId_2, res_model_name: "Channel", }, ]); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create([ { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_1, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, { mail_message_id: messageId_2, notification_status: "bounce", notification_type: "email", }, ]); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 4 }); await click(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-NotificationItem)", { text: "Channel" }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow"); }); QUnit.test("mobile: active icon is highlighted", async () => { patchUiSize({ size: SIZES.SM }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-tab", { text: "Chat" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-tab.fw-bolder", { text: "Chat" }); }); QUnit.test("open chat window from preview", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "test" }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow"); }); QUnit.test('"Start a conversation" in mobile shows channel selector (+ click away)', async () => { patchUiSize({ height: 360, width: 640 }); const { openDiscuss } = await start(); await openDiscuss(); await click("button", { text: "Chat" }); await contains("button", { text: "Start a conversation" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Start a conversation']", { count: 0 }); await click("button", { text: "Start a conversation" }); await contains("button", { count: 0, text: "Start a conversation" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Start a conversation']"); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu"); await contains("button", { text: "Start a conversation" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Start a conversation']", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test('"New Channel" in mobile shows channel selector (+ click away)', async () => { patchUiSize({ height: 360, width: 640 }); const { openDiscuss } = await start(); await openDiscuss(); await click("button", { text: "Channel" }); await contains("button", { text: "New Channel" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Add or join a channel']", { count: 0 }); await click("button", { text: "New Channel" }); await contains("button", { count: 0, text: "New Channel" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Add or join a channel']"); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu"); await contains("button", { text: "New Channel" }); await contains("input[placeholder='Add or join a channel']", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("'Start a conversation' button should open a thread in mobile", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Demo" }); pyEnv["res.users"].create({ partner_id: partnerId }); patchUiSize({ height: 360, width: 640 }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click("button", { text: "Start a conversation" }); await insertText("input[placeholder='Start a conversation']", "demo"); await click(".o-discuss-ChannelSelector-suggestion", { text: "Demo" }); triggerHotkey("enter"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { text: "Demo" }); }); QUnit.test("Counter is updated when receiving new message", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Albert" }); const userId = pyEnv["res.users"].create({ partner_id: partnerId }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "General", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); const { env, openDiscuss } = await start(); await openDiscuss(); pyEnv.withUser(userId, () => env.services.rpc("/mail/message/post", { thread_id: channelId, thread_model: "discuss.channel", post_data: { body: "Hello world", message_type: "comment", }, context: { partnerId, }, }) ); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-counter", { text: "1" }); }); QUnit.test("basic rendering", async (assert) => { patchWithCleanup(browser, { Notification: { ...browser.Notification, permission: "denied", }, }); await start(); await contains(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); assert.doesNotHaveClass( $('.o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label="Messages"])'), "show" ); await contains(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains('.o_menu_systray i[aria-label="Messages"].fa-comments'); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu", { count: 0 }); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains('.o_menu_systray .dropdown:has(i[aria-label="Messages"]).show'); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-header"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu-header button", { count: 4 }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button.fw-bold", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Channels" }); await contains("button", { text: "New Message" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu div.text-muted", { text: "No conversation yet..." }); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); assert.doesNotHaveClass( $('.o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label="Messages"])'), "show" ); }); QUnit.test("switch tab", async () => { await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button.fw-bold", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Channels" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button.fw-bold", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Channels" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Channels" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button.fw-bold", { text: "Channels" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button.fw-bold", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button:not(.fw-bold)", { text: "Channels" }); }); QUnit.test("channel preview: basic rendering", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Demo" }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "General", }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "
", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem img"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-name", { text: "General" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Demo: test" }); }); QUnit.test("filtered previews", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [channelId_1, channelId_2] = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create([ { channel_type: "chat" }, { name: "channel1" }, ]); pyEnv["mail.message"].create([ { model: "discuss.channel", // to link message to channel res_id: channelId_1, // id of related channel }, { model: "discuss.channel", // to link message to channel res_id: channelId_2, // id of related channel }, ]); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 2 }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "channel1" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Channels" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "channel1" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "All" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 2 }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Channels" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "channel1" }); }); QUnit.test("no code injection in message body preview", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({}); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "&shoulnotberaised
", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "You: &shoulnotberaisedthrow new Error('CodeInjectionError');", }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text script", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("no code injection in message body preview from sanitized message", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({}); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "<em>&shoulnotberaised</em><script>throw new Error('CodeInjectionError');</script>
", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "You: &shoulnotberaised", }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text script", { count: 0 }); }); QUnit.test("a
", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Demo User" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { textContent: "Hey!" }); }); QUnit.test( "Group chat should be displayed inside the chat section of the messaging menu", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ channel_type: "group" }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray .dropdown-toggle:has(i[aria-label='Messages'])"); await click(".o-mail-MessagingMenu button", { text: "Chats" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); } ); QUnit.test("click on preview should mark as read and open the thread", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Frodo Baggins" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ model: "res.partner", body: "not empty", author_id: pyEnv.odoobotId, needaction: true, needaction_partner_ids: [pyEnv.currentPartnerId], res_id: partnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "sent", notification_type: "inbox", res_partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Frodo Baggins" }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { count: 0 }); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Frodo Baggins" }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow"); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { count: 0, text: "Frodo Baggins" }); }); QUnit.test( "click on expand from chat window should close the chat window and open the form view", async (assert) => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Frodo Baggins" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ model: "res.partner", body: "not empty", author_id: pyEnv.odoobotId, needaction: true, needaction_partner_ids: [pyEnv.currentPartnerId], res_id: partnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "sent", notification_type: "inbox", res_partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, }); const { env } = await start(); patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, { doAction(action) { assert.step("do_action"); assert.strictEqual(action.res_id, partnerId); assert.strictEqual(action.res_model, "res.partner"); }, }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Frodo Baggins" }); await click(".o-mail-ChatWindow-command i.fa-expand"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { count: 0 }); assert.verifySteps(["do_action"], "should have done an action to open the form view"); } ); QUnit.test( "preview should display last needaction message preview even if there is a more recent message that is not needaction in the thread", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Stranger" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "I am the oldest but needaction", model: "res.partner", needaction: true, needaction_partner_ids: [pyEnv.currentPartnerId], res_id: partnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, body: "I am more recent", model: "res.partner", res_id: partnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "sent", notification_type: "inbox", res_partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Stranger: I am the oldest but needaction", }); } ); QUnit.test("single preview for channel if it has unread and needaction messages", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner1" }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "Test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ message_unread_counter: 2, partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }), ], }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "Message with needaction", model: "discuss.channel", needaction: true, needaction_partner_ids: [pyEnv.currentPartnerId], res_id: channelId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_status: "sent", notification_type: "inbox", res_partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "Most-recent Message", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-name", { text: "Test" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem .badge", { text: "1" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Partner1: Message with needaction" }); }); QUnit.test("chat should show unread counter on receiving new messages", async () => { // unread and needaction are conceptually the same in chat // however message_needaction_counter is not updated // so special care for chat to simulate needaction with unread const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner1" }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ channel_type: "chat", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ message_unread_counter: 0, partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "Partner1" }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem .badge", { count: 0, text: "1" }); // simulate receiving a new message const channel = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].searchRead([["id", "=", channelId]])[0]; pyEnv["bus.bus"]._sendone(channel, "discuss.channel/new_message", { id: channelId, message: { author_id: partnerId, body: "new message", id: 126, model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }, }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem .badge", { text: "1" }); }); QUnit.test("preview for channel should show latest non-deleted message", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner1" }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "Test" }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "message-1", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); const messageId_2 = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "message-2", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); const { env } = await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem"); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Partner1: message-2" }); // Simulate deletion of message-2 env.services.rpc("/mail/message/update_content", { message_id: messageId_2, body: "", attachment_ids: [], }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Partner1: message-1" }); }); QUnit.test("failure notifications are shown before channel preview", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner1" }); const failedMessageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ message_type: "email", res_model_name: "Channel", }); const channelId = pyEnv["discuss.channel"].create({ name: "Test" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: partnerId, body: "message", model: "discuss.channel", res_id: channelId, }); pyEnv["discuss.channel"].write([channelId], { message_ids: [messageId, failedMessageId] }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: failedMessageId, notification_status: "exception", notification_type: "email", }); const [memberId] = pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].search([ ["channel_id", "=", channelId], ["partner_id", "=", pyEnv.currentPartnerId], ]); pyEnv["discuss.channel.member"].write([memberId], { seen_message_id: messageId }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "An error occurred when sending an email", before: [".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "Partner1: message" }], }); }); QUnit.test("messaging menu should show new needaction messages from chatter", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Frodo Baggins" }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { count: 0, text: "@Mitchell Admin" }); // simulate receiving a new needaction message pyEnv["bus.bus"]._sendone(pyEnv.currentPartner, "mail.message/inbox", { author_id: partnerId, body: "@Mitchell Admin", id: 100, needaction_partner_ids: [pyEnv.currentPartnerId], model: "res.partner", res_id: partnerId, record_name: "Frodo Baggins", }); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem-text", { text: "@Mitchell Admin" }); }); QUnit.test("can open messaging menu even if messaging is not initialized", async () => { patchBrowserNotification("default"); await startServer(); const def = makeDeferred(); await start({ async mockRPC(route) { if (route === "/mail/init_messaging") { await def; } }, }); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSystray", { text: "No conversation yet..." }); def.resolve(); await contains(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "TalismanBot has a request" }); });