from collections import defaultdict from odoo import _, fields, models class MailTrackingDurationMixin(models.AbstractModel): _name = "mail.tracking.duration.mixin" _description = "Mixin to compute the time a record has spent in each value a many2one field can take" duration_tracking = fields.Json( string="Status time", compute="_compute_duration_tracking", help="JSON that maps ids from a many2one field to seconds spent") def _compute_duration_tracking(self): """ Computes duration_tracking, a Json field stored as { : } e.g. {"1": 1230, "2": 2220, "5": 14} `_track_duration_field` must be present in the model that uses the mixin to specify on what field to compute time spent. Besides, tracking must be activated for that field. e.g. class MyModel(models.Model): _track_duration_field = "tracked_field" tracked_field = fields.Many2one('tracked.model', tracking=True) """ field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].sudo().search_fetch([ ('model', '=', self._name), ('name', '=', self._track_duration_field), ], ['id'], limit=1) if ( self._track_duration_field not in self._track_get_fields() or self._fields[self._track_duration_field].type != 'many2one' ): self.duration_tracking = False raise ValueError(_( 'Field "(field)r on model %(model)r must be of type Many2one and have tracking=True for the computation of duration.', field=self._track_duration_field, model=self._name )) self.env['mail.tracking.value'].flush_model() self.env['mail.message'].flush_model() query = """ SELECT m.res_id, v.create_date, v.old_value_integer FROM mail_tracking_value v LEFT JOIN mail_message m ON = v.mail_message_id AND v.field_id = %(field_id)s WHERE m.model = %(model_name)s AND m.res_id IN %(record_ids)s ORDER BY """, {"field_id":, "model_name": self._name, "record_ids": tuple(self.ids)}) trackings = for record in self: record_trackings = [tracking for tracking in trackings if tracking['res_id'] ==] record.duration_tracking = record._get_duration_from_tracking(record_trackings) def _get_duration_from_tracking(self, trackings): """ Calculates the duration spent in each value based on the provided list of trackings. It adds a "fake" tracking at the end of the trackings list to account for the time spent in the current value. Args: trackings (list): A list of dictionaries representing the trackings with: - 'create_date': The date and time of the tracking. - 'old_value_integer': The ID of the previous value. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the keys are the IDs of the values, and the values are the durations in seconds """ self.ensure_one() json = defaultdict(lambda: 0) previous_date = self.create_date # add "fake" tracking for time spent in the current value trackings.append({ 'create_date':, 'old_value_integer': self[self._track_duration_field].id, }) for tracking in trackings: json[tracking['old_value_integer']] += int((tracking['create_date'] - previous_date).total_seconds()) previous_date = tracking['create_date'] return json