# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import fields, models class ResPartnerIap(models.Model): """Technical model which stores the response returned by IAP. The goal of this model is to not enrich 2 times the same company. We do it in a separate model to not add heavy field (iap_enrich_info) on the model. We also save the requested domain, so whatever the values are on the , we will always retrieve the already enriched and the corresponding IAP information. """ _name = 'res.partner.iap' _description = 'Partner IAP' partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Partner', ondelete='cascade', required=True) iap_search_domain = fields.Char('Search Domain / Email', help='Domain used to find the company') iap_enrich_info = fields.Text('IAP Enrich Info', help='IAP response stored as a JSON string', readonly=True) _sql_constraints = [('unique_partner_id', 'UNIQUE(partner_id)', 'Only one partner IAP is allowed for one partner')]