147 lines
4.6 KiB
147 lines
4.6 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { stepUtils } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils";
import { boundariesIn, setSelection } from "@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/utils/utils";
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('mailing_editor_theme', {
test: true,
url: '/web',
steps: () => [
content: "Select the 'Email Marketing' app.",
trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="mass_mailing.mass_mailing_menu_root"]',
content: "Click on the create button to create a new mailing.",
trigger: 'button.o_list_button_add',
content: "Fill in Subject",
trigger: '#subject_0',
run: 'text Test Basic Theme',
content: "Fill in Mailing list",
trigger: '#contact_list_ids_0',
run: 'text Newsletter',
content: "Pick 'Newsletter' option",
trigger: '.o_input_dropdown a:contains(Newsletter)',
content: "Pick the basic theme",
trigger: 'iframe #basic',
extra_trigger: 'iframe .o_mail_theme_selector_new',
content: "Make sure the snippets menu is hidden",
trigger: 'iframe html:has(#oe_snippets.d-none)',
run: () => null, // no click, just check
content: "Click on the New button to create another mailing",
trigger: 'button.o_form_button_create',
content: "Fill in Subject",
trigger: '#subject_0',
extra_trigger: 'iframe .o_mail_theme_selector_new',
run: 'text Test Newsletter Theme',
content: "Fill in Mailing list",
trigger: '#contact_list_ids_0',
run: 'text Newsletter',
content: "Pick 'Newsletter' option",
trigger: '.o_input_dropdown a:contains(Newsletter)',
content: "Pick the newsletter theme",
trigger: 'iframe #newsletter',
content: "Make sure the snippets menu is displayed",
trigger: 'iframe #oe_snippets',
run: () => null, // no click, just check
content: 'Save form',
trigger: '.o_form_button_save',
content: 'Go back to previous mailing',
trigger: 'button.o_pager_previous',
content: "Make sure the snippets menu is hidden",
trigger: 'iframe html:has(#oe_snippets.d-none)',
run: () => null,
content: "Add some content to be selected afterwards",
trigger: 'iframe p',
run: 'text content',
content: "Select text",
trigger: 'iframe p:contains(content)',
run() {
setSelection(...boundariesIn(this.$anchor[0]), false);
content: "Make sure the floating toolbar is visible",
trigger: '#toolbar.oe-floating[style*="visible"]',
run: () => null,
content: "Open the color picker",
trigger: '#toolbar #oe-text-color',
content: "Pick a color",
trigger: '#toolbar button[data-color="o-color-1"]',
content: "Check that color was applied",
trigger: 'iframe p font.text-o-color-1',
run: () => null,
content: 'Save changes',
trigger: '.o_form_button_save',
content: "Go to 'Mailings' list view",
trigger: '.breadcrumb a:contains(Mailings)'
content: "Open newly created mailing",
trigger: 'td:contains("Test Basic Theme")',
content: "Make sure the snippets menu is hidden",
trigger: 'iframe html:has(#oe_snippets.d-none)',
run: () => null,
content: "Select content",
trigger: 'iframe p:contains(content)',
run() {
setSelection(...boundariesIn(this.$anchor[0]), false);
content: "Make sure the floating toolbar is visible",
trigger: '#toolbar.oe-floating[style*="visible"]',
run: () => null,