# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import _, api, Command, fields, models, tools from odoo.exceptions import UserError class MassMailingList(models.Model): """Model of a contact list. """ _name = 'mailing.list' _order = 'name' _description = 'Mailing List' _mailing_enabled = True _order = 'create_date DESC' # As this model has their own data merge, avoid to enable the generic data_merge on that model. _disable_data_merge = True name = fields.Char(string='Mailing List', required=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) contact_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string='Number of Contacts') contact_count_email = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Number of Emails") contact_count_opt_out = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Number of Opted-out") contact_pct_opt_out = fields.Float(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Percentage of Opted-out") contact_count_blacklisted = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Number of Blacklisted") contact_pct_blacklisted = fields.Float(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Percentage of Blacklisted") contact_pct_bounce = fields.Float(compute="_compute_mailing_list_statistics", string="Percentage of Bouncing") contact_ids = fields.Many2many( 'mailing.contact', 'mailing_subscription', 'list_id', 'contact_id', string='Mailing Lists', copy=False) mailing_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_mailing_count", string="Number of Mailing") mailing_ids = fields.Many2many( 'mailing.mailing', 'mail_mass_mailing_list_rel', string='Mass Mailings', copy=False) subscription_ids = fields.One2many( 'mailing.subscription', 'list_id', string='Subscription Information', copy=True, depends=['contact_ids']) is_public = fields.Boolean( string='Show In Preferences', default=False, help='The mailing list can be accessible by recipients in the subscription ' 'management page to allow them to update their preferences.') # ------------------------------------------------------ # COMPUTE / ONCHANGE # ------------------------------------------------------ @api.depends('mailing_ids') def _compute_mailing_count(self): data = {} if self.ids: self.env.cr.execute(''' SELECT mailing_list_id, count(*) FROM mail_mass_mailing_list_rel WHERE mailing_list_id IN %s GROUP BY mailing_list_id''', (tuple(self.ids),)) data = dict(self.env.cr.fetchall()) for mailing_list in self: mailing_list.mailing_count = data.get(mailing_list._origin.id, 0) @api.depends('contact_ids') def _compute_mailing_list_statistics(self): """ Computes various statistics for this mailing.list that allow users to have a global idea of its quality (based on blacklist, opt-outs, ...). As some fields depend on the value of each other (mainly percentages), we compute everything in a single method. """ # flush, notably to have email_normalized computed on contact model self.env.flush_all() # 1. Fetch contact data and associated counts (total / blacklist / opt-out) contact_statistics_per_mailing = self._fetch_contact_statistics() # 2. Fetch bounce data # Optimized SQL way of fetching the count of contacts that have # at least 1 message bouncing for passed mailing.lists """ bounce_per_mailing = {} if self.ids: sql = ''' SELECT list_sub.list_id, COUNT(DISTINCT mc.id) FROM mailing_contact mc LEFT OUTER JOIN mailing_subscription list_sub ON mc.id = list_sub.contact_id WHERE mc.message_bounce > 0 AND list_sub.list_id in %s GROUP BY list_sub.list_id ''' self.env.cr.execute(sql, (tuple(self.ids),)) bounce_per_mailing = dict(self.env.cr.fetchall()) # 3. Compute and assign all counts / pct fields for mailing_list in self: contact_counts = contact_statistics_per_mailing.get(mailing_list.id, {}) for field, value in contact_counts.items(): if field in self._fields: mailing_list[field] = value if mailing_list.contact_count != 0: mailing_list.contact_pct_opt_out = 100 * (mailing_list.contact_count_opt_out / mailing_list.contact_count) mailing_list.contact_pct_blacklisted = 100 * (mailing_list.contact_count_blacklisted / mailing_list.contact_count) mailing_list.contact_pct_bounce = 100 * (bounce_per_mailing.get(mailing_list.id, 0) / mailing_list.contact_count) else: mailing_list.contact_pct_opt_out = 0 mailing_list.contact_pct_blacklisted = 0 mailing_list.contact_pct_bounce = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------ # ORM overrides # ------------------------------------------------------ def write(self, vals): # Prevent archiving used mailing list if 'active' in vals and not vals.get('active'): mass_mailings = self.env['mailing.mailing'].search_count([ ('state', '!=', 'done'), ('contact_list_ids', 'in', self.ids), ]) if mass_mailings > 0: raise UserError(_("At least one of the mailing list you are trying to archive is used in an ongoing mailing campaign.")) return super(MassMailingList, self).write(vals) @api.depends('contact_count') def _compute_display_name(self): for mailing_list in self: mailing_list.display_name = f"{mailing_list.name} ({mailing_list.contact_count})" def copy(self, default=None): self.ensure_one() default = dict(default or {}, name=_('%s (copy)', self.name),) return super(MassMailingList, self).copy(default) # ------------------------------------------------------ # ACTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------ def action_open_import(self): """Open the mailing list contact import wizard.""" action = self.env['ir.actions.actions']._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.mailing_contact_import_action') action['context'] = { **self.env.context, 'default_mailing_list_ids': self.ids, 'default_subscription_ids': [ Command.create({'list_id': mailing_list.id}) for mailing_list in self ], } return action def action_send_mailing(self): """Open the mailing form view, with the current lists set as recipients.""" view = self.env.ref('mass_mailing.mailing_mailing_view_form_full_width') action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.mailing_mailing_action_mail') action.update({ 'context': { **self.env.context, 'default_contact_list_ids': self.ids, 'default_mailing_type': 'mail', 'default_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get_id('mailing.list'), }, 'target': 'current', 'view_type': 'form', 'views': [(view.id, 'form')], }) return action def action_view_contacts(self): action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("mass_mailing.action_view_mass_mailing_contacts") action['domain'] = [('list_ids', 'in', self.ids)] action['context'] = {'default_list_ids': self.ids} return action def action_view_contacts_email(self): action = self.action_view_contacts() action['context'] = dict(action.get('context', {}), search_default_filter_valid_email_recipient=1) return action def action_view_mailings(self): action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.mailing_mailing_action_mail') action['domain'] = [('contact_list_ids', 'in', self.ids)] action['context'] = {'default_mailing_type': 'mail', 'default_contact_list_ids': self.ids} return action def action_view_contacts_opt_out(self): action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.action_view_mass_mailing_contacts') action['domain'] = [('list_ids', 'in', self.id)] action['context'] = {'default_list_ids': self.ids, 'create': False, 'search_default_filter_opt_out': 1} return action def action_view_contacts_blacklisted(self): action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.action_view_mass_mailing_contacts') action['domain'] = [('list_ids', 'in', self.id)] action['context'] = {'default_list_ids': self.ids, 'create': False, 'search_default_filter_blacklisted': 1} return action def action_view_contacts_bouncing(self): action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id('mass_mailing.action_view_mass_mailing_contacts') action['domain'] = [('list_ids', 'in', self.id)] action['context'] = {'default_list_ids': self.ids, 'create': False, 'search_default_filter_bounce': 1} return action def action_merge(self, src_lists, archive): """ Insert all the contact from the mailing lists 'src_lists' to the mailing list in 'self'. Possibility to archive the mailing lists 'src_lists' after the merge except the destination mailing list 'self'. """ # Explanation of the SQL query with an example. There are the following lists # A (id=4): yti@odoo.com; yti@example.com # B (id=5): yti@odoo.com; yti@openerp.com # C (id=6): nothing # To merge the mailing lists A and B into C, we build the view st that looks # like this with our example: # # contact_id | email | row_number | list_id | # ------------+---------------------------+------------------------ # 4 | yti@odoo.com | 1 | 4 | # 6 | yti@odoo.com | 2 | 5 | # 5 | yti@example.com | 1 | 4 | # 7 | yti@openerp.com | 1 | 5 | # # The row_column is kind of an occurrence counter for the email address. # Then we create the Many2many relation between the destination list and the contacts # while avoiding to insert an existing email address (if the destination is in the source # for example) self.ensure_one() # Put destination is sources lists if not already the case src_lists |= self self.env.flush_all() self.env.cr.execute(""" INSERT INTO mailing_subscription (contact_id, list_id) SELECT st.contact_id AS contact_id, %s AS list_id FROM ( SELECT contact.id AS contact_id, contact.email AS email, list.id AS list_id, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY email ORDER BY email) AS rn FROM mailing_contact contact, mailing_subscription contact_list_rel, mailing_list list WHERE contact.id=contact_list_rel.contact_id AND COALESCE(contact_list_rel.opt_out,FALSE) = FALSE AND contact.email_normalized NOT IN (select email from mail_blacklist where active = TRUE) AND list.id=contact_list_rel.list_id AND list.id IN %s AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM mailing_contact contact2, mailing_subscription contact_list_rel2 WHERE contact2.email = contact.email AND contact_list_rel2.contact_id = contact2.id AND contact_list_rel2.list_id = %s ) ) st WHERE st.rn = 1;""", (self.id, tuple(src_lists.ids), self.id)) self.env.invalidate_all() if archive: (src_lists - self).action_archive() def close_dialog(self): return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} # ------------------------------------------------------ # SUBSCRIPTION MANAGEMENT # ------------------------------------------------------ def _update_subscription_from_email(self, email, opt_out=True, force_message=None): """ When opting-out: we have to switch opted-in subscriptions. We don't need to create subscription for other lists as opt-out = not being a member. When opting-in: we have to switch opted-out subscriptions and create subscription for other mailing lists id they are public. Indeed a contact is opted-in when being subscribed in a mailing list. :param str email: email address that should opt-in or opt-out from mailing lists; :param boolean opt_out: if True, opt-out from lists given by self if 'email' is member of it. If False, opt-in in lists givben by self and create membership if not already member; :param str force_message: if given, post a note using that body on contact instead of generated update message. Give False to entirely skip the note step; """ email_normalized = tools.email_normalize(email) if not self or not email_normalized: return contacts = self.env['mailing.contact'].with_context(active_test=False).search( [('email_normalized', '=', email_normalized)] ) if not contacts: return # switch opted-in subscriptions if opt_out: current_opt_in = contacts.subscription_ids.filtered( lambda sub: not sub.opt_out and sub.list_id in self ) if current_opt_in: current_opt_in.write({'opt_out': True}) # switch opted-out subscription and create missing subscriptions else: subscriptions = contacts.subscription_ids.filtered(lambda sub: sub.list_id in self) current_opt_out = subscriptions.filtered('opt_out') if current_opt_out: current_opt_out.write({'opt_out': False}) # create a subscription (for a single contact) for missing lists missing_lists = self - subscriptions.list_id if missing_lists: self.env['mailing.subscription'].create([ {'contact_id': contacts[0].id, 'list_id': mailing_list.id} for mailing_list in missing_lists ]) for contact in contacts: # do not log if no opt-out / opt-in was actually done if opt_out: updated = current_opt_in.filtered(lambda sub: sub.contact_id == contact).list_id else: updated = current_opt_out.filtered(lambda sub: sub.contact_id == contact).list_id + missing_lists if not updated: continue if force_message is False: continue if force_message: body = force_message elif opt_out: body = Markup('


') % ( _('%(contact_name)s unsubscribed from the following mailing list(s)', contact_name=contact.display_name), Markup().join(Markup('
  • %s
  • ') % name for name in updated.mapped('name')), ) else: body = Markup('


    ') % ( _('%(contact_name)s subscribed to the following mailing list(s)', contact_name=contact.display_name), Markup().join(Markup('
  • %s
  • ') % name for name in updated.mapped('name')), ) contact.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).message_post( body=body, subtype_id=self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note'), ) # ------------------------------------------------------ # MAILING # ------------------------------------------------------ def _mailing_get_default_domain(self, mailing): return [('list_ids', 'in', mailing.contact_list_ids.ids)] def _mailing_get_opt_out_list(self, mailing): """ Check subscription on all involved mailing lists. If user is opt_out on one list but not on another if two users with same email address, one opted in and the other one opted out, send the mail anyway. """ # TODO DBE Fixme : Optimize the following to get real opt_out and opt_in subscriptions = self.subscription_ids if self else mailing.contact_list_ids.subscription_ids opt_out_contacts = subscriptions.filtered(lambda rel: rel.opt_out).mapped('contact_id.email_normalized') opt_in_contacts = subscriptions.filtered(lambda rel: not rel.opt_out).mapped('contact_id.email_normalized') opt_out = set(c for c in opt_out_contacts if c not in opt_in_contacts) return opt_out # ------------------------------------------------------ # UTILITY # ------------------------------------------------------ def _fetch_contact_statistics(self): """ Compute number of contacts matching various conditions. (see '_get_contact_count_select_fields' for details) Will return a dict under the form: { 42: { # 42 being the mailing list ID 'contact_count': 52, 'contact_count_email': 35, 'contact_count_opt_out': 5, 'contact_count_blacklisted': 2 }, ... } """ res = [] if self.ids: self.env.cr.execute(f''' SELECT {','.join(self._get_contact_statistics_fields().values())} FROM mailing_subscription r {self._get_contact_statistics_joins()} WHERE list_id IN %s GROUP BY list_id; ''', (tuple(self.ids), )) res = self.env.cr.dictfetchall() contact_counts = {} for res_item in res: mailing_list_id = res_item.pop('mailing_list_id') contact_counts[mailing_list_id] = res_item for mass_mailing in self: # adds default 0 values for ids that don't have statistics if mass_mailing.id not in contact_counts: contact_counts[mass_mailing.id] = { field: 0 for field in mass_mailing._get_contact_statistics_fields() } return contact_counts def _get_contact_statistics_fields(self): """ Returns fields and SQL query select path in a dictionnary. This is done to be easily overridable in subsequent modules. - mailing_list_id id of the associated mailing.list - contact_count: all contacts - contact_count_email: all valid emails - contact_count_opt_out: all opted-out contacts - contact_count_blacklisted: all blacklisted contacts """ return { 'mailing_list_id': 'list_id AS mailing_list_id', 'contact_count': 'COUNT(*) AS contact_count', 'contact_count_email': ''' SUM(CASE WHEN (c.email_normalized IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(r.opt_out,FALSE) = FALSE AND bl.id IS NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS contact_count_email''', 'contact_count_opt_out': ''' SUM(CASE WHEN COALESCE(r.opt_out,FALSE) = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS contact_count_opt_out''', 'contact_count_blacklisted': ''' SUM(CASE WHEN bl.id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS contact_count_blacklisted''' } def _get_contact_statistics_joins(self): """ Extracted to be easily overridable by sub-modules (such as mass_mailing_sms). """ return """ LEFT JOIN mailing_contact c ON (r.contact_id=c.id) LEFT JOIN mail_blacklist bl on c.email_normalized = bl.email and bl.active"""