67 lines
2.7 KiB
67 lines
2.7 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { markup } from "@odoo/owl";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { stepUtils } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils";
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('mass_mailing_code_view_tour', {
url: '/web?debug=tests',
test: true,
steps: () => [
trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="mass_mailing.mass_mailing_menu_root"]',
}, {
trigger: 'button.o_list_button_add',
}, {
trigger: 'input#subject_0',
content: markup('Pick the <b>email subject</b>.'),
position: 'bottom',
run: 'text Test'
}, {
trigger: 'div[name="contact_list_ids"] .o_input_dropdown input[type="text"]',
content: 'Click on the dropdown to open it and then start typing to search.',
}, {
trigger: 'div[name="contact_list_ids"] .ui-state-active',
content: 'Select item from dropdown',
run: 'click',
}, {
trigger: 'div[name="body_arch"] iframe #default',
content: markup('Choose this <b>theme</b>.'),
run: 'click',
}, {
trigger: 'iframe .o_codeview_btn',
content: markup('Click here to switch to <b>code view</b>'),
run: 'click'
}, {
trigger: 'iframe .o_codeview',
content: ('Remove all content from codeview'),
run: function () {
const iframe = document.querySelector('.wysiwyg_iframe');
const iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;
let element = iframeDocument.querySelector(".o_codeview");
element.value = '';
}, {
trigger: 'iframe .o_codeview_btn',
content: markup('Click here to switch back from <b>code view</b>'),
run: 'click'
}, {
trigger: '[name="body_arch"] iframe .o_mail_wrapper_td',
content: 'Verify that the dropable zone was not removed',
run: () => {},
}, {
trigger: '[name="body_arch"] iframe #email_designer_default_body [name="Title"] .oe_snippet_thumbnail',
content: 'Drag the "Title" snippet from the design panel and drop it in the editor',
run: function (actions) {
actions.drag_and_drop_native('[name="body_arch"] iframe .o_editable', this.$anchor);
}, {
trigger: '[name="body_arch"] iframe .o_editable h1',
content: 'Verify that the title was inserted properly in the editor',
run: () => {},