# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import models class Event(models.Model): _inherit = "event.event" def action_mass_mailing_attendees(self): # Minimal override: set form view being the one mixing sms and mail (not prioritized one) action = super(Event, self).action_mass_mailing_attendees() action['view_id'] = self.env.ref('mass_mailing_sms.mailing_mailing_view_form_mixed').id return action def action_invite_contacts(self): # Minimal override: set form view being the one mixing sms and mail (not prioritized one) action = super(Event, self).action_invite_contacts() action['view_id'] = self.env.ref('mass_mailing_sms.mailing_mailing_view_form_mixed').id return action