mailing.mailing primary My SMS Marketing mailing.mailing.view.form.inherit.sms mailing.mailing mailing_type != 'mail' or state in ('in_queue', 'sending', 'processing', 'done') mailing_type != 'mail' SMS Text Message have been canceled and will not be sent. mailing_type != 'mail' SMS Text Messages are in queue and will be sent soon. mailing_type != 'mail' SMS Text Messages are being processed. mailing_type != 'mail' SMS Text Messages have been sent. mailing_type != 'mail' SMS Text Messages could not be delivered. mailing_type != 'mail' This SMS marketing is scheduled for mailing_type != 'mail' or state in ('draft', 'test') mailing_type != 'mail' or state in ('draft', 'test') mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' state in ('sending', 'done') mailing_type == 'mail' For an Email, Subject your Recipients will see in their inbox. For an SMS Text Message, internal Title of the Message. mailing_type != 'mail' or favorite mailing_type != 'mail' or not favorite mailing_type != 'mail' state in ('sending', 'done') mailing_type != 'mail' {'mailing_sms' : context.get('mailing_sms'), 'form_view_ref': 'mass_mailing.mailing_list_view_form_simplified'} mailing_type != 'mail' state in ('sending', 'done') mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' or not mail_server_available state in ('sending', 'done') not ab_testing_enabled or ab_testing_mailings_count < 2 and ab_testing_mailings_sms_count < 2 not is_ab_test_sent or ab_testing_completed or ab_testing_winner_selection == 'manual' or ab_testing_sms_winner_selection == 'manual' not ab_testing_enabled or ab_testing_mailings_count >= 2 or ab_testing_mailings_sms_count >= 2 mailing.mailing.view.form.mixed mailing.mailing primary 30 0 mailing.mailing.view.kanban.inherit.sms mailing.mailing mailing_type != 'mail' mailing_type != 'mail' mailing.mailing.view.tree.sms mailing.mailing 20 SMS Marketing mailing.mailing tree,kanban,form,calendar,graph [('mailing_type', '=', 'sms')] { 'search_default_assigned_to_me': 1, 'default_user_id': uid, 'default_mailing_type': 'sms', 'mailing_sms': True }

Create a SMS Marketing Mailing

Write an appealing SMS Text Message, define recipients and track its results.

1 tree 2 kanban