/* @odoo-module */ import { startServer } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_python_environment"; import { addModelNamesToFetch } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/model_definitions_helpers"; import { start } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/test_utils"; import { fileUploadService } from "@web/core/file_upload/file_upload_service"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { getFixture, nextTick } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { click, contains, createFile, inputFiles } from "@web/../tests/utils"; import { setupViewRegistries } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers"; addModelNamesToFetch(["mrp.document"]); const serviceRegistry = registry.category("services"); let target; let pyEnv; QUnit.module('Views', {}, function () { QUnit.module('MrpDocumentsKanbanView', { beforeEach: async function () { serviceRegistry.add("file_upload", fileUploadService); this.ORIGINAL_CREATE_XHR = fileUploadService.createXhr; this.patchDocumentXHR = (mockedXHRs, customSend) => { fileUploadService.createXhr = () => { const xhr = new window.EventTarget(); Object.assign(xhr, { upload: new window.EventTarget(), open() {}, send(data) { customSend && customSend(data); }, }); mockedXHRs.push(xhr); return xhr; }; }; pyEnv = await startServer(); const irAttachment = pyEnv['ir.attachment'].create({ mimetype: 'image/png', name: 'test.png', }) pyEnv['mrp.document'].create([ {name: 'test1', priority: 2, ir_attachment_id: irAttachment, mimetype: "image/png"}, {name: 'test2', priority: 1}, {name: 'test3', priority: 3}, ]); target = getFixture(); setupViewRegistries(); }, afterEach() { fileUploadService.createXhr = this.ORIGINAL_CREATE_XHR; }, }, function () { QUnit.test('MRP documents kanban basic rendering', async function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const views = { 'mrp.document,false,kanban': `
` }; const { openView } = await start({ serverData: { views }, }); await openView({ res_model: 'mrp.document', views: [[false, 'kanban']], }); assert.ok(target.querySelector('.o_mrp_documents_kanban_upload'), "should have upload button in kanban buttons"); assert.containsN(target, '.o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)', 3, "should have 3 records in the renderer"); // check control panel buttons assert.containsN(target, '.o_cp_buttons .btn-primary', 1, "should have only 1 primary button i.e. Upload button"); assert.equal(target.querySelector(".o_cp_buttons .btn-primary").innerText.trim().toUpperCase(), 'UPLOAD', "should have a primary 'Upload' button"); }); QUnit.test('mrp: upload multiple files', async function (assert) { const mockedXHRs = []; this.patchDocumentXHR(mockedXHRs, data => assert.step('xhrSend')); const views = { 'mrp.document,false,kanban': `
` }; const { openView } = await start({ serverData: { views }, }); await openView({ res_model: 'mrp.document', views: [[false, 'kanban']], }); await inputFiles(".o_control_panel_collapsed_create .o_input_file", [ await createFile({ name: "text1.txt", content: "hello, world", contentType: "text/plain", }), ]); assert.verifySteps(["xhrSend"]); await inputFiles(".o_control_panel_collapsed_create .o_input_file", [ await createFile({ name: "text2.txt", content: "hello, world", contentType: "text/plain", }), await createFile({ name: "text3.txt", content: "hello, world", contentType: "text/plain", }), ]); assert.verifySteps(["xhrSend"]); }); QUnit.test('mrp: upload progress bars', async function (assert) { const mockedXHRs = []; this.patchDocumentXHR(mockedXHRs, data => assert.step('xhrSend')); const views = { 'mrp.document,false,kanban': `
` }; const { openView } = await start({ serverData: { views }, }); await openView({ res_model: 'mrp.document', views: [[false, 'kanban']], }); await inputFiles(".o_control_panel_collapsed_create .o_input_file", [ await createFile({ name: "text1.txt", content: "hello, world", contentType: "text/plain", }), ]); assert.verifySteps(["xhrSend"]); const progressEvent = new Event('progress', { bubbles: true }); progressEvent.loaded = 250000000; progressEvent.total = 500000000; progressEvent.lengthComputable = true; mockedXHRs[0].upload.dispatchEvent(progressEvent); await nextTick(); assert.strictEqual( target.querySelector('.o_file_upload_progress_text_left').innerText, "Uploading... (50%)", "the current upload progress should be at 50%" ); progressEvent.loaded = 350000000; mockedXHRs[0].upload.dispatchEvent(progressEvent); await nextTick(); assert.strictEqual( target.querySelector('.o_file_upload_progress_text_right').innerText, "(350/500MB)", "the current upload progress should be at (350/500Mb)" ); }); QUnit.test("mrp: click on image opens attachment viewer", async function (assert) { const views = { "mrp.document,false,kanban": `
` }; const { openView } = await start({ serverData: { views } }); openView({ res_model: "mrp.document", views: [[false, "kanban"]], }); await click(".o_kanban_previewer"); await contains(".o-FileViewer"); await click(".o-FileViewer-headerButton .fa-times"); await contains(".o-FileViewer", { count: 0 }); }); }); });