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22 lines
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from odoo import models
class StockValuationLayer(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.valuation.layer'
def _get_layer_price_unit(self):
""" For a subcontracted product, we want a way to get the subcontracting cost (the price on the PO)
This override deducts the value of subcomponents from the layer price.
components_price = 0
production = self.stock_move_id.production_id
if production.subcontractor_id and production.state == 'done':
# each layer has a quantity and price for each move, to get the correct component price for each move
# we need to get the components used for each quantity
for move in production.move_raw_ids:
components_price += sum(move.sudo().stock_valuation_layer_ids.mapped('value')) / production.product_uom_qty
# the move valuation is negative (out moves) therefore we we add the negative components_price instead of subtracting
return super()._get_layer_price_unit() + components_price