#!/bin/bash if [[ $(git branch --show-current) == master* || $(git branch --show-current) == 16.0* || $(git branch --show-current) == 17.0* ]]; then tooling_dir=$(cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" &> /dev/null && cd .. && pwd) if ! cmp -s -- "$tooling_dir/_package.json" package.json; then echo "Your package.json is out of date, reloading the tooling using the reload script" "$tooling_dir/reload.sh" elif ! cmp -s -- "$tooling_dir/_eslintignore" .eslintignore || ! cmp -s -- "$tooling_dir/_eslintrc.json" .eslintrc.json then echo "Some of your eslint/prettier config files are out of date, refreshing them using the refresh script" "$tooling_dir/refresh.sh" fi npm run format-staged fi