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84 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
('not_done', 'Not done'),
('just_done', 'Just done'),
('done', 'Done'),
class OnboardingProgress(models.Model):
_name = 'onboarding.progress'
_description = 'Onboarding Progress Tracker'
_rec_name = 'onboarding_id'
onboarding_state = fields.Selection(
ONBOARDING_PROGRESS_STATES, string='Onboarding progress', compute='_compute_onboarding_state', store=True)
is_onboarding_closed = fields.Boolean('Was panel closed?')
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', ondelete='cascade')
onboarding_id = fields.Many2one(
'onboarding.onboarding', 'Related onboarding tracked', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
progress_step_ids = fields.Many2many('onboarding.progress.step', string='Progress Steps Trackers')
def init(self):
"""Make sure there aren't multiple records for the same onboarding and company."""
# not in _sql_constraint because COALESCE is not supported for PostgreSQL constraint
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS onboarding_progress_onboarding_company_uniq
ON onboarding_progress (onboarding_id, COALESCE(company_id, 0))
@api.depends('onboarding_id.step_ids', 'progress_step_ids', 'progress_step_ids.step_state')
def _compute_onboarding_state(self):
for progress in self:
progress.onboarding_state = (
'not_done' if (
len(progress.progress_step_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.step_state in {'just_done', 'done'}))
!= len(progress.onboarding_id.step_ids)
else 'done'
def _recompute_progress_step_ids(self):
"""Update progress steps when a step (with existing progress) is added to an onboarding."""
for progress in self:
progress.progress_step_ids = progress.onboarding_id.step_ids.current_progress_step_id
def action_close(self):
self.is_onboarding_closed = True
def action_toggle_visibility(self):
for progress in self:
progress.is_onboarding_closed = not progress.is_onboarding_closed
def _get_and_update_onboarding_state(self):
"""Fetch the progress of an onboarding for rendering its panel.
This method is expected to only be called by the onboarding controller.
It also has the responsibility of updating the 'just_done' state into
'done' so that the 'just_done' states are only rendered once.
onboarding_states_values = {}
progress_steps_to_consolidate = self.env['onboarding.progress.step']
# Iterate over onboarding step_ids and not self.progress_step_ids because 'not_done' steps
# may not have a progress_step record.
for step in self.onboarding_id.step_ids:
step_state = step.current_step_state
if step_state == 'just_done':
progress_steps_to_consolidate |= step.current_progress_step_id
onboarding_states_values[step.id] = step_state
if self.is_onboarding_closed:
onboarding_states_values['onboarding_state'] = 'closed'
elif self.onboarding_state == 'done':
onboarding_states_values['onboarding_state'] = 'just_done' if progress_steps_to_consolidate else 'done'
return onboarding_states_values