# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.osv.expression import OR class PosConfig(models.Model): _inherit = 'pos.config' iface_discount = fields.Boolean(string='Order Discounts', help='Allow the cashier to give discounts on the whole order.') discount_pc = fields.Float(string='Discount Percentage', help='The default discount percentage when clicking on the Discount button', default=10.0) discount_product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Discount Product', domain="[('sale_ok', '=', True)]", help='The product used to apply the discount on the ticket.') @api.model def _default_discount_value_on_module_install(self): configs = self.env['pos.config'].search([]) open_configs = ( self.env['pos.session'] .search(['|', ('state', '!=', 'closed'), ('rescue', '=', True)]) .mapped('config_id') ) # Do not modify configs where an opened session exists. product = self.env.ref("point_of_sale.product_product_consumable", raise_if_not_found=False) for conf in (configs - open_configs): conf.discount_product_id = product if conf.module_pos_discount and product and (not product.company_id or product.company_id == conf.company_id) else False def open_ui(self): for config in self: if not self.current_session_id and config.module_pos_discount and not config.discount_product_id: raise UserError(_('A discount product is needed to use the Global Discount feature. Go to Point of Sale > Configuration > Settings to set it.')) return super().open_ui() def _get_special_products(self): res = super()._get_special_products() return res | self.env['pos.config'].search([]).mapped('discount_product_id') def _get_available_product_domain(self): domain = super()._get_available_product_domain() return OR([domain, [('id', '=', self.discount_product_id.id)]])