# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import models, fields, api, tools class PosOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'pos.order' online_payment_method_id = fields.Many2one('pos.payment.method', compute="_compute_online_payment_method_id") next_online_payment_amount = fields.Float(string='Next online payment amount to pay', digits=0, required=False) # unlimited precision @api.depends('config_id.payment_method_ids') def _compute_online_payment_method_id(self): for order in self: order.online_payment_method_id = order.config_id._get_cashier_online_payment_method() def get_amount_unpaid(self): self.ensure_one() return self.currency_id.round(self._get_rounded_amount(self.amount_total) - self.amount_paid) def _clean_payment_lines(self): self.ensure_one() order_payments = self.env['pos.payment'].search(['&', ('pos_order_id', '=', self.id), ('online_account_payment_id', '=', False)]) order_payments.unlink() def get_and_set_online_payments_data(self, next_online_payment_amount=False): """ Allows to update the amount to pay for the next online payment and get online payments already made and how much remains to be paid. If next_online_payment_amount is different than False, updates the next online payment amount, otherwise, the next online payment amount is unchanged. If next_online_payment_amount is 0 and the order has no successful online payment, is in draft state, is not a restaurant order and the pos.config has no trusted config, then the order is deleted from the database, because it was probably added for the online payment flow. """ self.ensure_one() is_paid = self.state in ('paid', 'done', 'invoiced') if is_paid: return { 'id': self.id, 'paid_order': self._export_for_ui(self) } online_payments = self.sudo().env['pos.payment'].search_read(domain=['&', ('pos_order_id', '=', self.id), ('online_account_payment_id', '!=', False)], fields=['payment_method_id', 'amount'], load=False) return_data = { 'id': self.id, 'online_payments': online_payments, 'amount_unpaid': self.get_amount_unpaid(), } if not isinstance(next_online_payment_amount, bool): if tools.float_is_zero(next_online_payment_amount, precision_rounding=self.currency_id.rounding) and len(online_payments) == 0 and self.state == 'draft' and not self.config_id.module_pos_restaurant and len(self.config_id.trusted_config_ids) == 0: self.sudo()._clean_payment_lines() # Needed to delete the order self.sudo().unlink() return_data['deleted'] = True elif self._check_next_online_payment_amount(next_online_payment_amount): self.next_online_payment_amount = next_online_payment_amount return return_data def _send_online_payments_notification_via_bus(self): self.ensure_one() # The bus communication is only protected by the name of the channel. # Therefore, no sensitive information is sent through it, only a # notification to invite the local browser to do a safe RPC to # the server to check the new state of the order. self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(self.session_id._get_bus_channel_name(), 'ONLINE_PAYMENTS_NOTIFICATION', {'id': self.id}) def _check_next_online_payment_amount(self, amount): self.ensure_one() return tools.float_compare(amount, 0.0, precision_rounding=self.currency_id.rounding) >= 0 and tools.float_compare(amount, self.get_amount_unpaid(), precision_rounding=self.currency_id.rounding) <= 0 def _get_checked_next_online_payment_amount(self): self.ensure_one() amount = self.next_online_payment_amount return amount if self._check_next_online_payment_amount(amount) else False