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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from typing import Dict
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class PosConfig(models.Model):
_inherit = 'pos.config'
self_order_online_payment_method_id = fields.Many2one('pos.payment.method', string='Self Online Payment', help="The online payment method to use when a customer pays a self-order online.", domain=[('is_online_payment', '=', True)], store=True, readonly=False)
def _check_self_order_online_payment_method_id(self):
for config in self:
if config.self_ordering_mode == 'mobile' and config.self_ordering_service_mode == 'each' and config.self_order_online_payment_method_id and not config.self_order_online_payment_method_id._get_online_payment_providers(config.id, error_if_invalid=True):
raise ValidationError(_("The online payment method used for self-order in a POS config must have at least one published payment provider supporting the currency of that POS config."))
def _get_self_ordering_data(self):
res = super()._get_self_ordering_data()
payment_methods = self._get_self_ordering_payment_methods_data(self.self_order_online_payment_method_id)
res['pos_payment_methods'] += payment_methods
return res
def _get_allowed_payment_methods(self):
if self.self_ordering_mode == 'kiosk':
return self.payment_method_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.use_payment_terminal in self._ALLOWED_PAYMENT_METHODS or p.is_online_payment)
return self.payment_method_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.is_online_payment)