184 lines
6.2 KiB
184 lines
6.2 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { stepUtils } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils";
function openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks(view, viewClass) {
return [{
trigger: '.o_project_updates_breadcrumb',
content: 'Open Project Update from view : ' + view,
extra_trigger: `.${viewClass}`,
}, {
trigger: ".o-kanban-button-new",
content: "Create a new update from project task view : " + view,
extra_trigger: '.o_project_update_kanban_view',
}, {
trigger: "button.o_form_button_cancel",
content: "Discard project update from project task view : " + view,
}, {
trigger: ".o_switch_view.o_list",
content: "Go to list of project update from view " + view,
}, {
trigger: '.o_back_button',
content: 'Go back to the task view : ' + view,
// extra_trigger: '.o_list_view', // FIXME: [XBO] uncomment it when the sample data will be displayed after discarding the creation of a project update record.
}, {
trigger: `.${viewClass}`,
content: 'Check the task view : ' + view,
isCheck: true,
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('project_update_tour', {
test: true,
url: '/web',
steps: () => [stepUtils.showAppsMenuItem(), {
trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="project.menu_main_pm"]',
}, {
trigger: '.o-kanban-button-new',
extra_trigger: '.o_project_kanban',
width: 200,
}, {
trigger: '.o_project_name input',
run: 'text New Project'
}, {
trigger: '.o_open_tasks',
run: function (actions) {
actions.auto('.modal:visible .btn.btn-primary');
}, {
trigger: ".o_kanban_project_tasks .o_column_quick_create .input-group",
run: function (actions) {
actions.text("New", this.$anchor.find("input"));
}, {
trigger: ".o_kanban_project_tasks .o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_add",
auto: true,
}, {
trigger: ".o_kanban_project_tasks .o_column_quick_create .input-group",
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_group',
run: function (actions) {
actions.text("Done", this.$anchor.find("input"));
}, {
trigger: ".o_kanban_project_tasks .o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_add",
auto: true,
}, {
trigger: '.o-kanban-button-new',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_group:eq(0)'
}, {
trigger: '.o_kanban_quick_create div.o_field_char[name=display_name] input',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_project_tasks',
run: 'text New task'
}, {
trigger: '.o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_project_tasks'
}, {
trigger: '.o-kanban-button-new',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_group:eq(0)'
}, {
trigger: '.o_kanban_quick_create div.o_field_char[name=display_name] input',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_project_tasks',
run: 'text Second task'
}, {
trigger: '.o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add',
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_project_tasks'
}, {
trigger: '.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_header',
run: function () {
document.querySelector('.o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_config.dropdown .dropdown-toggle').dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));
}, {
trigger: ".dropdown-item.o_column_edit",
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=fold] input",
}, {
trigger: ".modal-footer button",
}, {
trigger: ".o_kanban_record .oe_kanban_content",
extra_trigger: '.o_kanban_project_tasks',
run: "drag_and_drop .o_kanban_group:eq(1) ",
}, {
trigger: ".o_project_updates_breadcrumb",
content: 'Open Updates'
}, {
trigger: ".o_add_milestone a",
content: "Add a first milestone"
}, {
trigger: "div.o_field_widget[name=name] input",
run: 'text New milestone'
}, {
trigger: "input[data-field=deadline]",
run: 'text 12/12/2099'
}, {
trigger: ".modal-footer .o_form_button_save"
}, {
trigger: ".o_add_milestone a",
}, {
trigger: "div.o_field_widget[name=name] input",
run: 'text Second milestone'
}, {
trigger: "input[data-field=deadline]",
run: 'text 12/12/2022'
}, {
trigger: ".modal-footer .o_form_button_save"
}, {
trigger: ".o_rightpanel_milestone:eq(1) .o_milestone_detail",
}, {
trigger: "input[data-field=deadline]",
run: 'text 12/12/2100'
}, {
trigger: ".modal-footer .o_form_button_save"
}, {
trigger: ".o-kanban-button-new",
content: "Create a new update"
}, {
trigger: "div.o_field_widget[name=name] input",
run: 'text New update'
}, {
trigger: ".o_form_button_save"
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name='description'] h1:contains('Activities')",
run: function () {},
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name='description'] h3:contains('Milestones')",
run: function () {},
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name='description'] div[name='milestone'] ul li:contains('(12/12/2099 => 12/12/2100)')",
run: function () {},
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name='description'] div[name='milestone'] ul li:contains('(due 12/12/2022)')",
run: function () {},
}, {
trigger: ".o_field_widget[name='description'] div[name='milestone'] ul li:contains('(due 12/12/2100)')",
run: function () {},
}, {
trigger: '.o_back_button',
content: 'Go back to the kanban view the project',
}, {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_list',
content: 'Open List View of Project Updates',
}, {
trigger: '.o_back_button',
content: 'Go back to the kanban view the project',
extra_trigger: '.o_list_view',
}, {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_graph',
content: 'Open Graph View of Tasks',
}, ...openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks("Graph", "o_graph_view"), {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_list',
content: 'Open List View of Tasks',
extra_trigger: '.o_graph_view',
}, ...openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks("List", "o_list_view"), {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_pivot',
content: 'Open Pivot View of Tasks',
}, ...openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks("Pivot", "o_pivot_view"), {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_calendar',
content: 'Open Calendar View of Tasks',
}, ...openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks("Calendar", "o_calendar_view"), {
trigger: '.o_switch_view.o_activity',
content: 'Open Activity View of Tasks',
}, ...openProjectUpdateAndReturnToTasks("Activity", "o_activity_view"),