project.task 999 project.task primary 999 project.task primary 999 project.task primary 10 project.task.pivot project.task project.task.pivot.inherit project.task primary True Tasks project.task kanban,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph,activity [('project_id', '=', active_id), ('display_in_project', '=', True)] { 'default_project_id': active_id, 'show_project_update': True, 'search_default_open_tasks': 1, }

No tasks found. Let's create one!

Keep track of the progress of your tasks from creation to completion.
Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email.

kanban tree form calendar pivot graph activity Sub-tasks project.task tree,kanban,form,calendar,pivot,graph,activity [('id', 'child_of', active_id), ('id', '!=', active_id)] {'show_project_update': False, 'default_parent_id': active_id}

No tasks found. Let's create one!

Keep track of the progress of your tasks from creation to completion.
Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email.

Send Email mail.compose.message form new list project.task.form project.task

Share portal.share form {'dialog_size': 'medium'} new form {'dialog_size': 'medium'} project.task.form.quick_create project.task 1000 project.task
To transform a task into a sub-task, select a parent task. Alternatively, leave the parent task field blank to convert a sub-task into a standalone task.
project.task.kanban project.task Set Cover Image Share
    project.task.view.tree.main.base project.task project.task.view.tree.base project.task primary 1 project.task.tree project.task primary 2 project_task_list stage_id project.task.calendar project.task project.task.all.calendar project.task primary project_id 1 project.task.graph project.task project.task.activity project.task
    Tasks project.task kanban,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph,activity {'search_default_my_tasks': 1} [('project_id', '!=', False), ('display_in_project', '=', True)]

    No tasks found. Let's create one!

    Keep track of the progress of your tasks from creation to completion.
    Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email. project.task primary personal_stage_type_id project.task.kanban.inherit.all.task project.task primary project_id project.task primary personal_stage_type_id open.view.all.tasks.list.view project.task primary 0 project.task primary project.quick_create_task_form_inherit_view_default_project project.task primary 0 My Tasks project.task kanban,tree,form,calendar,pivot,graph,activity { 'search_default_open_tasks': 1, 'all_task': 0, 'default_user_ids': [(4, uid)], } [('user_ids', 'in', uid)]

    No tasks found. Let's create one!

    Organize your tasks by dispatching them across the pipeline.
    Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email.

    kanban tree kanban tree calendar All Tasks project.task tree,kanban,form,calendar,pivot,graph,activity [('display_in_project', '=', True)] {'search_default_open_tasks': 1, 'default_user_ids': [(4, uid)]}

    No tasks found. Let's create one!

    Organize your tasks by dispatching them across the pipeline.
    Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email.

    tree kanban calendar menu view My Tasks code model._ensure_personal_stages(); action = env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("project.action_view_my_task") Convert to Task/Sub-Task form code action = record.action_convert_to_subtask() Tasks project.task kanban,tree,form Overpassed Tasks project.task tree,form,calendar,graph,kanban [('state', 'in', ['01_in_progress', '02_changes_requested', '03_approved', '04_waiting_normal']), ('date_deadline','<',time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), ('project_id', '!=', False), ('display_in_project', '=', True)] project.task Project's tasks tree,form,calendar,graph,kanban [('project_id', '=', active_id), ('display_in_project', '=', True)] {'project_id':active_id} Tasks project.task kanban,tree,calendar,pivot,graph,activity,form {'default_milestone_id': active_id} [('milestone_id', '=', active_id)]

    No tasks found. Let's create one!

    Keep track of the progress of your tasks from creation to completion.
    Collaborate efficiently by chatting in real-time or via email.

    Assigned Tasks project.task tree,form,calendar,graph {'search_default_user_ids': [active_id], 'default_user_ids': [(6, 0, [active_id])]} [('project_id', '!=', False), ('display_in_project', '=', True)] form