rating.rating.tree.project rating.rating primary 64 Task Project Assigned to rating.rating.form.project rating.rating primary 64 0 Task Task Project Project Assigned to 1 1 rating.rating.view.pivot.project rating.rating primary 64 project_rating_pivot 1 rating.rating.view.graph.project rating.rating primary 64 project_rating_graph rating.rating.kanban.project rating.rating primary 64 rating.rating.search.project rating.rating primary 64 Assigned to Project Task Task Assigned to {'group_by':'write_date:month'} [('write_date', '>', (context_today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))] [('write_date','>', (context_today() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))] [('write_date','>', (context_today() - relativedelta(months=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))] Ratings rating.rating kanban,tree,graph,pivot,form [('consumed','=',True), ('parent_res_model','=','project.project'), ('parent_res_id', '=', active_id)]

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{ 'search_default_last_month': 1, 'graph_groupbys': ['rated_partner_id'], }
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