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69 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import Command
from odoo.tests import HttpCase, tagged
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestProjectSharingUi(HttpCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
user = cls.env['res.users'].with_context({'no_reset_password': True, 'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({
'name': 'Georges',
'login': 'georges1',
'password': 'georges1',
'email': 'georges@project.portal',
'signature': 'SignGeorges',
'notification_type': 'email',
'groups_id': [Command.set([cls.env.ref('base.group_portal').id])],
cls.partner_portal = cls.env['res.partner'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({
'name': 'Georges',
'email': 'georges@project.portal',
'company_id': False,
'user_ids': [user.id],
cls.project_portal = cls.env['project.project'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({
'name': 'Project Sharing',
'privacy_visibility': 'portal',
'alias_name': 'project+sharing',
'partner_id': cls.partner_portal.id,
'type_ids': [
Command.create({'name': 'To Do', 'sequence': 1}),
Command.create({'name': 'Done', 'sequence': 10})
def test_01_project_sharing(self):
""" Test Project Sharing UI with an internal user """
self.start_tour("/web", 'project_sharing_tour', login="admin")
def test_02_project_sharing(self):
""" Test project sharing ui with a portal user.
The additional data created here are the data created in the first test with the tour js.
Since a problem to logout Mitchell Admin to log in as Georges user, this test is created
to launch a tour with portal user.
project_share_wizard = self.env['project.share.wizard'].create({
'access_mode': 'edit',
'res_model': 'project.project',
'res_id': self.project_portal.id,
'partner_ids': [
'task_ids': [Command.create({
'name': "Test Project Sharing",
'stage_id': self.project_portal.type_ids.filtered(lambda stage: stage.sequence == 10)[:1].id,
self.start_tour("/my/projects", 'portal_project_sharing_tour', login='georges1')