# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import Command from odoo.addons.sale_loyalty.tests.common import TestSaleCouponCommon from odoo.tests import Form, tagged @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestSaleCouponProgramRules(TestSaleCouponCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.iPadMini = cls.env['product.product'].create({'name': 'Large Cabinet', 'list_price': 320.0}) tax_15pc_excl = cls.env['account.tax'].create({ 'name': "15% Tax excl", 'amount_type': 'percent', 'amount': 15, }) cls.product_delivery_poste = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'The Poste', 'type': 'service', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('delivery.product_category_deliveries').id, 'sale_ok': False, 'purchase_ok': False, 'list_price': 20.0, 'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [tax_15pc_excl.id])], }) cls.carrier = cls.env['delivery.carrier'].create({ 'name': 'The Poste', 'fixed_price': 20.0, 'delivery_type': 'base_on_rule', 'product_id': cls.product_delivery_poste.id, }) cls.env['delivery.price.rule'].create([{ 'carrier_id': cls.carrier.id, 'max_value': 5, 'list_base_price': 20, }, { 'carrier_id': cls.carrier.id, 'operator': '>=', 'max_value': 5, 'list_base_price': 50, }, { 'carrier_id': cls.carrier.id, 'operator': '>=', 'max_value': 300, 'variable': 'price', 'list_base_price': 0, }]) # Test a free shipping reward + some expected behavior # (automatic line addition or removal) def test_free_shipping_reward(self): # Test case 1: The minimum amount is not reached, the reward should # not be created self.immediate_promotion_program.active = False program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': 'Free Shipping if at least 100 euros', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'minimum_amount': 100, 'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'incl', })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'shipping', })], }) order = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.steve.id, }) # Price of order will be 5*1.15 = 5.75 (tax included) order.write({'order_line': [ (0, False, { 'product_id': self.product_B.id, 'name': 'Product B', 'product_uom': self.uom_unit.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, }) ]}) self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1) # I add delivery cost in Sales order delivery_wizard = Form(self.env['choose.delivery.carrier'].with_context({ 'default_order_id': order.id, 'default_carrier_id': self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([])[1] })) choose_delivery_carrier = delivery_wizard.save() choose_delivery_carrier.button_confirm() self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2) # Test Case 1b: amount is not reached but is on a threshold # The amount of deliverable product + the one of the delivery exceeds the minimum amount # yet the program shouldn't be applied # Order price will be 5.75 + 81.74*1.15 = 99.75 order.write({'order_line': [ (0, False, { 'product_id': self.product_B.id, 'name': 'Product 1B', 'product_uom': self.uom_unit.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'price_unit': 81.74, }) ]}) self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3) # Test case 2: the amount is sufficient, the shipping should # be reimbursed order.write({'order_line': [ (0, False, { 'product_id': self.product_A.id, 'name': 'Product 1', 'product_uom': self.uom_unit.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'price_unit': 0.30, }) ]}) self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 5) # Test case 3: the amount is not sufficient now, the reward should be removed order.write({'order_line': [ (2, order.order_line.filtered(lambda line: line.product_id.id == self.product_A.id).id, False) ]}) self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3) def test_shipping_cost(self): # Free delivery should not be taken into account when checking for minimum required threshold p_minimum_threshold_free_delivery = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': 'free shipping if > 872 tax excl', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'minimum_amount': 872, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'shipping', })] }) p_2 = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': '10% reduction if > 872 tax excl', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'minimum_amount': 872, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount': 10, 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount_applicability': 'order', })] }) programs = (p_minimum_threshold_free_delivery | p_2) order = self.empty_order self.iPadMini.taxes_id = self.tax_10pc_incl sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.iPadMini.id, 'name': 'Large Cabinet', 'product_uom_qty': 3.0, 'order_id': order.id, }) self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "We should get the 10% discount line since we bought 872.73$ and a free shipping line with a value of 0") self.assertEqual(order.order_line.filtered(lambda l: l.reward_id.reward_type == 'shipping').price_unit, 0) self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 960 * 0.9) order.carrier_id = self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([])[1] # I add delivery cost in Sales order delivery_wizard = Form(self.env['choose.delivery.carrier'].with_context({ 'default_order_id': order.id, 'default_carrier_id': self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([])[1] })) choose_delivery_carrier = delivery_wizard.save() choose_delivery_carrier.button_confirm() self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 4, "We should get both rewards regardless of applying order.") p_minimum_threshold_free_delivery.sequence = 10 (order.order_line - sol1).unlink() # I add delivery cost in Sales order delivery_wizard = Form(self.env['choose.delivery.carrier'].with_context({ 'default_order_id': order.id, 'default_carrier_id': self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([])[1] })) choose_delivery_carrier = delivery_wizard.save() choose_delivery_carrier.button_confirm() self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 4, "We should get both rewards regardless of applying order.") def test_shipping_cost_numbers(self): # Free delivery should not be taken into account when checking for minimum required threshold p_1 = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': 'Free shipping if > 872 tax excl', 'trigger': 'with_code', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'mode': 'with_code', 'code': 'free_shipping', 'minimum_amount': 872, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'shipping', })], }) p_2 = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': 'Buy 4 large cabinet, get one for free', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'product_ids': self.iPadMini, 'minimum_qty': 4, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'product', 'reward_product_id': self.iPadMini.id, 'reward_product_qty': 1, 'required_points': 1, })], }) programs = (p_1 | p_2) order = self.empty_order self.iPadMini.taxes_id = self.tax_10pc_incl sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.iPadMini.id, 'name': 'Large Cabinet', 'product_uom_qty': 3.0, 'order_id': order.id, }) # I add delivery cost in Sales order delivery_wizard = Form(self.env['choose.delivery.carrier'].with_context({ 'default_order_id': order.id, 'default_carrier_id': self.carrier.id })) choose_delivery_carrier = delivery_wizard.save() choose_delivery_carrier.button_confirm() self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2) self.assertEqual(order.reward_amount, 0) # Shipping is 20 + 15%tax self.assertEqual(sum([line.price_total for line in order._get_no_effect_on_threshold_lines()]), 23) self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 872.73 + 20) self._apply_promo_code(order, 'free_shipping') self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "We should get the delivery line and the free delivery since we are below 872.73$") self.assertEqual(order.reward_amount, -20) self.assertEqual(sum([line.price_total for line in order._get_no_effect_on_threshold_lines()]), 0) self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 872.73) sol1.product_uom_qty = 4 self._auto_rewards(order, programs) self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 4, "We should get a free Large Cabinet") self.assertEqual(order.reward_amount, -20 - 320) self.assertEqual(sum([line.price_total for line in order._get_no_effect_on_threshold_lines()]), 0) self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 1163.64) programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': '20% reduction on large cabinet in cart', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {})], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount': 20, 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount_applicability': 'cheapest', })] }) self._auto_rewards(order, programs) # 872.73 - (20% of 1 iPad) = 872.73 - 58.18 = 814.55 self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 1105.46, 2, "One large cabinet should be discounted by 20%") def test_free_shipping_reward_last_line(self): """ The free shipping reward cannot be removed if it is the last item in the sale order. However, we calculate its sequence so that it is the last item in the sale order. This can create an error if a default sequence is not determined. """ self.immediate_promotion_program.active = False # Create a loyalty program loyalty_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': 'GIFT Free Shipping', 'program_type': 'loyalty', 'applies_on': 'both', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_point_mode': 'money', 'reward_point_amount': 1, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'shipping', 'required_points': 100, })], }) # Add points to a partner to trigger the promotion loyalty_card = self.env['loyalty.card'].create({ 'program_id': loyalty_program.id, 'partner_id': self.steve.id, 'points': 250, }) order = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.steve.id, }) # Check if we can claim the free shipping reward order._update_programs_and_rewards() claimable_rewards = order._get_claimable_rewards() self.assertEqual(len(claimable_rewards), 1) # Try to apply the loyalty card to the sale order self._apply_promo_code(order, loyalty_card.code) # Check if there is an error in the sequence # via `_apply_program_reward` in `apply_promo_code` method def test_nothing_delivered_nothing_to_invoice(self): program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': '10% reduction on all orders', 'trigger': 'auto', 'program_type': 'promotion', 'rule_ids': [Command.create({ 'minimum_amount': 50, })], 'reward_ids': [Command.create({ 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount': 10, 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount_applicability': 'order', })] }) product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Test product', 'type': 'product', 'list_price': 200.0, 'invoice_policy': 'delivery', }) order = self.empty_order self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': product.id, 'order_id': order.id, }) self._auto_rewards(order, program) self.assertNotEqual(order.reward_amount, 0) self.assertEqual(order.invoice_status, 'no') delivery_wizard = Form(self.env['choose.delivery.carrier'].with_context({ 'default_order_id': order.id, 'default_carrier_id': self.carrier.id })) choose_delivery_carrier = delivery_wizard.save() choose_delivery_carrier.button_confirm() order.action_confirm() self.assertEqual(order.delivery_set, True) self.assertEqual(order.invoice_status, 'no') def test_delivery_shant_count_toward_quantity_bought(self): # Create promotion: 10% for everything discount_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({ 'name': '10 percent off order with min. 2 products', 'trigger': 'auto', 'program_type': 'promotion', 'applies_on': 'current', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'minimum_qty': 2, 'minimum_amount':0, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount': 10.0, 'discount_applicability': 'order', })], }) # Create an order including: product and delivery order = self.empty_order self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.iPadMini.id, 'name': self.iPadMini.name, 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'order_id': order.id, }) self.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_delivery_poste.id, 'name': 'Free delivery charges\nFree Shipping', 'product_uom_qty': 1.0, 'order_id': order.id, 'is_delivery': True, }) # Calculate promotions self._auto_rewards(order, discount_program) # Make sure the promotion is NOT added err_msg = "No reward lines should be created as the delivery line shouldn't be included in the promotion calculation" self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, err_msg)