# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'Sales', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Sales/Sales', 'sequence': 5, 'summary': 'From quotations to invoices', 'description': """ Manage sales quotations and orders ================================== This application allows you to manage your sales goals in an effective and efficient manner by keeping track of all sales orders and history. It handles the full sales workflow: * **Quotation** -> **Sales order** -> **Invoice** Preferences (only with Warehouse Management installed) ------------------------------------------------------ If you also installed the Warehouse Management, you can deal with the following preferences: * Shipping: Choice of delivery at once or partial delivery * Invoicing: choose how invoices will be paid * Incoterms: International Commercial terms With this module you can personnalize the sales order and invoice report with categories, subtotals or page-breaks. The Dashboard for the Sales Manager will include ------------------------------------------------ * My Quotations * Monthly Turnover (Graph) """, 'website': 'https://www.odoo.com/app/sales', 'depends': ['sale', 'digest'], 'data': [ 'data/digest_data.xml', 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'security/sale_management_security.xml', 'report/sale_report_templates.xml', # Define SO template views & actions before their place of use 'views/sale_order_template_views.xml', 'views/digest_views.xml', 'views/res_config_settings_views.xml', 'views/sale_order_views.xml', 'views/sale_portal_templates.xml', 'views/sale_management_menus.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'data/sale_order_template_demo.xml', ], 'assets': { 'web.assets_frontend': [ 'sale_management/static/src/js/**/*', ], }, 'application': True, 'pre_init_hook': 'pre_init_hook', 'post_init_hook': 'post_init_hook', 'uninstall_hook': 'uninstall_hook', 'license': 'LGPL-3', }