
171 lines
6.6 KiB

/** @odoo-module */
import { Model } from "@odoo/o-spreadsheet";
import { getBasicData } from "@spreadsheet/../tests/utils/data";
import { createBasicChart } from "@spreadsheet/../tests/utils/commands";
import { makeTestEnv } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_env";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { menuService } from "@web/webclient/menus/menu_service";
import { actionService } from "@web/webclient/actions/action_service";
const chartId = "uuid1";
"spreadsheet > ir.ui.menu chart plugin",
beforeEach: function () {
this.serverData = {};
this.serverData.menus = {
root: {
id: "root",
children: [1, 2],
name: "root",
appID: "root",
1: {
id: 1,
children: [],
name: "test menu 1",
xmlid: "documents_spreadsheet.test.menu",
appID: 1,
actionID: "menuAction",
2: {
id: 2,
children: [],
name: "test menu 2",
xmlid: "documents_spreadsheet.test.menu2",
appID: 1,
actionID: "menuAction2",
this.serverData.actions = {
menuAction: {
id: 99,
xml_id: "ir.ui.menu",
name: "menuAction",
res_model: "ir.ui.menu",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [[false, "list"]],
menuAction2: {
id: 100,
xml_id: "ir.ui.menu",
name: "menuAction2",
res_model: "ir.ui.menu",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [[false, "list"]],
this.serverData.views = {};
this.serverData.views["ir.ui.menu,false,list"] = `<tree></tree>`;
this.serverData.views["ir.ui.menu,false,search"] = `<search></search>`;
this.serverData.models = {
"ir.ui.menu": {
fields: {
name: { string: "Name", type: "char" },
action: { string: "Action", type: "char" },
groups_id: {
string: "Groups",
type: "many2many",
relation: "res.group",
records: [
id: 1,
name: "test menu 1",
action: "action1",
groups_id: [10],
id: 2,
name: "test menu 2",
action: "action2",
groups_id: [10],
"res.users": {
fields: {
name: { string: "Name", type: "char" },
groups_id: {
string: "Groups",
type: "many2many",
relation: "res.group",
records: [{ id: 1, name: "Raoul", groups_id: [10] }],
"ir.actions": {
fields: {
name: { string: "Name", type: "char" },
records: [{ id: 1 }],
"res.group": {
fields: { name: { string: "Name", type: "char" } },
records: [{ id: 10, name: "test group" }],
registry.category("services").add("menu", menuService).add("action", actionService);
() => {
"Links between charts and ir.menus are correctly imported/exported",
async function (assert) {
const env = await makeTestEnv({ serverData: this.serverData });
const model = new Model({}, { custom: { env } });
createBasicChart(model, chartId);
model.dispatch("LINK_ODOO_MENU_TO_CHART", {
odooMenuId: 1,
const exportedData = model.exportData();
"Link to odoo menu is exported"
const importedModel = new Model(exportedData, { custom: { env } });
const chartMenu = importedModel.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId);
assert.equal(chartMenu.id, 1, "Link to odoo menu is imported");
QUnit.test("Can undo-redo a LINK_ODOO_MENU_TO_CHART", async function (assert) {
const env = await makeTestEnv({ serverData: this.serverData });
const model = new Model({}, { custom: { env } });
createBasicChart(model, chartId);
model.dispatch("LINK_ODOO_MENU_TO_CHART", {
odooMenuId: 1,
assert.equal(model.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId).id, 1);
assert.equal(model.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId), undefined);
assert.equal(model.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId).id, 1);
QUnit.test("link is removed when figure is deleted", async function (assert) {
const env = await makeTestEnv({ serverData: this.serverData });
const model = new Model({}, { custom: { env } });
createBasicChart(model, chartId);
model.dispatch("LINK_ODOO_MENU_TO_CHART", {
odooMenuId: 1,
assert.equal(model.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId).id, 1);
model.dispatch("DELETE_FIGURE", {
sheetId: model.getters.getActiveSheetId(),
id: chartId,
assert.equal(model.getters.getChartOdooMenu(chartId), undefined);