/** @odoo-module **/ import { TourError } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('test_detailed_op_no_save_1', { test: true, steps: () => [ {trigger: '.o_field_x2many_list_row_add > a'}, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input", run: 'text Lot', }, {trigger: ".ui-menu-item > a:contains('Product Lot')"}, {trigger: ".btn-primary[name=action_confirm]"}, {trigger: ".fa-list"}, {trigger: "h4:contains('Stock move')"}, {trigger: '.o_field_x2many_list_row_add > a'}, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=lot_name] input", run: 'text lot1', }, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=quantity] input", run: 'text 4', }, {trigger: ".o_form_button_save"}, {trigger: ".o_optional_columns_dropdown_toggle"}, { trigger: 'input[name="picked"]', content: 'Check the picked field to display the column on the list view.', run: function (actions) { if (!this.$anchor.prop('checked')) { actions.click(this.$anchor); } }, }, {trigger: ".o_data_cell[name=picked]"}, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=picked] input", run: function (actions) { if (!this.$anchor.prop('checked')) { actions.click(this.$anchor); } } }, {trigger: ".btn-primary[name=button_validate]"}, { trigger: ".o_control_panel_actions button:contains('Traceability')", isCheck: true, }, ]}); registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('test_generate_serial_1', { test: true, steps: () => [ {trigger: '.o_field_x2many_list_row_add > a'}, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input", run: 'text Serial', }, {trigger: ".ui-menu-item > a:contains('Product Serial')"}, {trigger: ".btn-primary[name=action_confirm]"}, {trigger: ".fa-list"}, {trigger: "h4:contains('Stock move')"}, {trigger: '.o_widget_generate_serials > button'}, {trigger: "h4:contains('Generate Serials numbers')"}, { trigger: "div[name=next_serial] input", run: 'text serial_n_1', }, { trigger: "div[name=next_serial_count] input", run: 'text 5', }, {trigger: ".btn-primary:contains('Generate')"}, { trigger: "span[data-tooltip=Quantity]:contains('5')", run: () => { const nbLines = document.querySelectorAll(".o_field_cell[name=lot_name]").length; if (nbLines !== 5){ throw new TourError("wrong number of move lines generated. " + nbLines + " instead of 5"); } }, }, {trigger: ".o_form_button_save"}, {trigger: ".o_optional_columns_dropdown_toggle"}, { trigger: 'input[name="picked"]', content: 'Check the picked field to display the column on the list view.', run: function (actions) { if (!this.$anchor.prop('checked')) { actions.click(this.$anchor); } }, }, {trigger: ".o_data_cell[name=picked]"}, { trigger: ".o_field_widget[name=picked] input", run: function (actions) { if (!this.$anchor.prop('checked')) { actions.click(this.$anchor); } } }, {trigger: ".btn-primary[name=button_validate]"}, { trigger: ".o_control_panel_actions button:contains('Traceability')", isCheck: true, }, ]});