604 lines
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604 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, _, api, fields, models, registry
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero, html_escape
from odoo.tools.misc import split_every
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ProcurementException(Exception):
"""An exception raised by ProcurementGroup `run` containing all the faulty
def __init__(self, procurement_exceptions):
""":param procurement_exceptions: a list of tuples containing the faulty
procurement and their error messages
:type procurement_exceptions: list
self.procurement_exceptions = procurement_exceptions
class StockRule(models.Model):
""" A rule describe what a procurement should do; produce, buy, move, ... """
_name = 'stock.rule'
_description = "Stock Rule"
_order = "sequence, id"
_check_company_auto = True
def default_get(self, fields_list):
res = super().default_get(fields_list)
if 'company_id' in fields_list and not res['company_id']:
res['company_id'] = self.env.company.id
return res
name = fields.Char(
'Name', required=True, translate=True,
help="This field will fill the packing origin and the name of its moves")
active = fields.Boolean(
'Active', default=True,
help="If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the rule without removing it.")
group_propagation_option = fields.Selection([
('none', 'Leave Empty'),
('propagate', 'Propagate'),
('fixed', 'Fixed')], string="Propagation of Procurement Group", default='propagate')
group_id = fields.Many2one('procurement.group', 'Fixed Procurement Group')
action = fields.Selection(
selection=[('pull', 'Pull From'), ('push', 'Push To'), ('pull_push', 'Pull & Push')], string='Action',
required=True, index=True)
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=20)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', 'Company',
default=lambda self: self.env.company,
domain="[('id', '=?', route_company_id)]")
location_dest_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Destination Location', required=True, check_company=True, index=True)
location_src_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Source Location', check_company=True, index=True)
route_id = fields.Many2one('stock.route', 'Route', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True)
route_company_id = fields.Many2one(related='route_id.company_id', string='Route Company')
procure_method = fields.Selection([
('make_to_stock', 'Take From Stock'),
('make_to_order', 'Trigger Another Rule'),
('mts_else_mto', 'Take From Stock, if unavailable, Trigger Another Rule')], string='Supply Method', default='make_to_stock', required=True,
help="Take From Stock: the products will be taken from the available stock of the source location.\n"
"Trigger Another Rule: the system will try to find a stock rule to bring the products in the source location. The available stock will be ignored.\n"
"Take From Stock, if Unavailable, Trigger Another Rule: the products will be taken from the available stock of the source location."
"If there is no stock available, the system will try to find a rule to bring the products in the source location.")
route_sequence = fields.Integer('Route Sequence', related='route_id.sequence', store=True, compute_sudo=True)
picking_type_id = fields.Many2one(
'stock.picking.type', 'Operation Type',
required=True, check_company=True,
domain="[('code', '=?', picking_type_code_domain)]")
picking_type_code_domain = fields.Char(compute='_compute_picking_type_code_domain')
delay = fields.Integer('Lead Time', default=0, help="The expected date of the created transfer will be computed based on this lead time.")
partner_address_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.partner', 'Partner Address',
help="Address where goods should be delivered. Optional.")
propagate_cancel = fields.Boolean(
'Cancel Next Move', default=False,
help="When ticked, if the move created by this rule is cancelled, the next move will be cancelled too.")
propagate_carrier = fields.Boolean(
'Propagation of carrier', default=False,
help="When ticked, carrier of shipment will be propagated.")
warehouse_id = fields.Many2one('stock.warehouse', 'Warehouse', check_company=True, index=True)
propagate_warehouse_id = fields.Many2one(
'stock.warehouse', 'Warehouse to Propagate',
help="The warehouse to propagate on the created move/procurement, which can be different of the warehouse this rule is for (e.g for resupplying rules from another warehouse)")
auto = fields.Selection([
('manual', 'Manual Operation'),
('transparent', 'Automatic No Step Added')], string='Automatic Move',
default='manual', required=True,
help="The 'Manual Operation' value will create a stock move after the current one. "
"With 'Automatic No Step Added', the location is replaced in the original move.")
rule_message = fields.Html(compute='_compute_action_message')
def copy(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
if 'name' not in default:
default['name'] = _("%s (copy)", self.name)
return super().copy(default=default)
def _onchange_picking_type(self):
""" Modify locations to the default picking type's locations source and
Enable the delay alert if the picking type is a delivery
self.location_src_id = self.picking_type_id.default_location_src_id.id
self.location_dest_id = self.picking_type_id.default_location_dest_id.id
@api.onchange('route_id', 'company_id')
def _onchange_route(self):
""" Ensure that the rule's company is the same than the route's company. """
if self.route_id.company_id:
self.company_id = self.route_id.company_id
if self.picking_type_id.warehouse_id.company_id != self.route_id.company_id:
self.picking_type_id = False
def _get_message_values(self):
""" Return the source, destination and picking_type applied on a stock
rule. The purpose of this function is to avoid code duplication in
_get_message_dict functions since it often requires those data.
source = self.location_src_id and self.location_src_id.display_name or _('Source Location')
destination = self.location_dest_id and self.location_dest_id.display_name or _('Destination Location')
operation = self.picking_type_id and self.picking_type_id.name or _('Operation Type')
return source, destination, operation
def _get_message_dict(self):
""" Return a dict with the different possible message used for the
rule message. It should return one message for each stock.rule action
(except push and pull). This function is override in mrp and
purchase_stock in order to complete the dictionary.
message_dict = {}
source, destination, operation = self._get_message_values()
if self.action in ('push', 'pull', 'pull_push'):
suffix = ""
if self.procure_method == 'make_to_order' and self.location_src_id:
suffix = _("<br>A need is created in <b>%s</b> and a rule will be triggered to fulfill it.", source)
if self.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto' and self.location_src_id:
suffix = _("<br>If the products are not available in <b>%s</b>, a rule will be triggered to bring products in this location.", source)
message_dict = {
'pull': _('When products are needed in <b>%s</b>, <br/> <b>%s</b> are created from <b>%s</b> to fulfill the need.', destination, operation, source) + suffix,
'push': _('When products arrive in <b>%s</b>, <br/> <b>%s</b> are created to send them in <b>%s</b>.', source, operation, destination)
return message_dict
@api.depends('action', 'location_dest_id', 'location_src_id', 'picking_type_id', 'procure_method')
def _compute_action_message(self):
""" Generate dynamicaly a message that describe the rule purpose to the
end user.
action_rules = self.filtered(lambda rule: rule.action)
for rule in action_rules:
message_dict = rule._get_message_dict()
message = message_dict.get(rule.action) and message_dict[rule.action] or ""
if rule.action == 'pull_push':
message = message_dict['pull'] + "<br/><br/>" + message_dict['push']
rule.rule_message = message
(self - action_rules).rule_message = None
def _compute_picking_type_code_domain(self):
self.picking_type_code_domain = False
def _run_push(self, move):
""" Apply a push rule on a move.
If the rule is 'no step added' it will modify the destination location
on the move.
If the rule is 'manual operation' it will generate a new move in order
to complete the section define by the rule.
Care this function is not call by method run. It is called explicitely
in stock_move.py inside the method _push_apply
new_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(move.date + relativedelta(days=self.delay))
if self.auto == 'transparent':
old_dest_location = move.location_dest_id
move.write({'date': new_date, 'location_dest_id': self.location_dest_id.id})
# make sure the location_dest_id is consistent with the move line location dest
if move.move_line_ids:
move.move_line_ids.location_dest_id = move.location_dest_id._get_putaway_strategy(move.product_id) or move.location_dest_id
# avoid looping if a push rule is not well configured; otherwise call again push_apply to see if a next step is defined
if self.location_dest_id != old_dest_location:
# TDE FIXME: should probably be done in the move model IMO
return move._push_apply()[:1]
new_move_vals = self._push_prepare_move_copy_values(move, new_date)
new_move = move.sudo().copy(new_move_vals)
if new_move._should_bypass_reservation():
new_move.write({'procure_method': 'make_to_stock'})
if not new_move.location_id.should_bypass_reservation():
move.write({'move_dest_ids': [(4, new_move.id)]})
return new_move
def _push_prepare_move_copy_values(self, move_to_copy, new_date):
company_id = self.company_id.id
if not company_id:
company_id = self.sudo().warehouse_id and self.sudo().warehouse_id.company_id.id or self.sudo().picking_type_id.warehouse_id.company_id.id
new_move_vals = {
'origin': move_to_copy.origin or move_to_copy.picking_id.name or "/",
'location_id': move_to_copy.location_dest_id.id,
'location_dest_id': self.location_dest_id.id,
'date': new_date,
'date_deadline': move_to_copy.date_deadline,
'company_id': company_id,
'picking_id': False,
'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_id.id,
'propagate_cancel': self.propagate_cancel,
'warehouse_id': self.warehouse_id.id,
'procure_method': 'make_to_order',
return new_move_vals
def _run_pull(self, procurements):
moves_values_by_company = defaultdict(list)
mtso_products_by_locations = defaultdict(list)
# To handle the `mts_else_mto` procure method, we do a preliminary loop to
# isolate the products we would need to read the forecasted quantity,
# in order to to batch the read. We also make a sanitary check on the
# `location_src_id` field.
for procurement, rule in procurements:
if not rule.location_src_id:
msg = _('No source location defined on stock rule: %s!', rule.name)
raise ProcurementException([(procurement, msg)])
if rule.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto':
# Get the forecasted quantity for the `mts_else_mto` procurement.
forecasted_qties_by_loc = {}
for location, product_ids in mtso_products_by_locations.items():
products = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_ids).with_context(location=location.id)
forecasted_qties_by_loc[location] = {product.id: product.free_qty for product in products}
# Prepare the move values, adapt the `procure_method` if needed.
procurements = sorted(procurements, key=lambda proc: float_compare(proc[0].product_qty, 0.0, precision_rounding=proc[0].product_uom.rounding) > 0)
for procurement, rule in procurements:
procure_method = rule.procure_method
if rule.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto':
qty_needed = procurement.product_uom._compute_quantity(procurement.product_qty, procurement.product_id.uom_id)
if float_compare(qty_needed, 0, precision_rounding=procurement.product_id.uom_id.rounding) <= 0:
procure_method = 'make_to_order'
for move in procurement.values.get('group_id', self.env['procurement.group']).stock_move_ids:
if move.rule_id == rule and float_compare(move.product_uom_qty, 0, precision_rounding=move.product_uom.rounding) > 0:
procure_method = move.procure_method
forecasted_qties_by_loc[rule.location_src_id][procurement.product_id.id] -= qty_needed
elif float_compare(qty_needed, forecasted_qties_by_loc[rule.location_src_id][procurement.product_id.id],
precision_rounding=procurement.product_id.uom_id.rounding) > 0:
procure_method = 'make_to_order'
forecasted_qties_by_loc[rule.location_src_id][procurement.product_id.id] -= qty_needed
procure_method = 'make_to_stock'
move_values = rule._get_stock_move_values(*procurement)
move_values['procure_method'] = procure_method
for company_id, moves_values in moves_values_by_company.items():
# create the move as SUPERUSER because the current user may not have the rights to do it (mto product launched by a sale for example)
moves = self.env['stock.move'].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).sudo().with_company(company_id).create(moves_values)
# Since action_confirm launch following procurement_group we should activate it.
return True
def _get_custom_move_fields(self):
""" The purpose of this method is to be override in order to easily add
fields from procurement 'values' argument to move data.
return []
def _get_stock_move_values(self, product_id, product_qty, product_uom, location_dest_id, name, origin, company_id, values):
''' Returns a dictionary of values that will be used to create a stock move from a procurement.
This function assumes that the given procurement has a rule (action == 'pull' or 'pull_push') set on it.
:param procurement: browse record
:rtype: dictionary
group_id = False
if self.group_propagation_option == 'propagate':
group_id = values.get('group_id', False) and values['group_id'].id
elif self.group_propagation_option == 'fixed':
group_id = self.group_id.id
date_scheduled = fields.Datetime.to_string(
fields.Datetime.from_string(values['date_planned']) - relativedelta(days=self.delay or 0)
date_deadline = values.get('date_deadline') and (fields.Datetime.to_datetime(values['date_deadline']) - relativedelta(days=self.delay or 0)) or False
partner = self.partner_address_id or (values.get('group_id', False) and values['group_id'].partner_id)
if partner:
product_id = product_id.with_context(lang=partner.lang or self.env.user.lang)
picking_description = product_id._get_description(self.picking_type_id)
if values.get('product_description_variants'):
picking_description += values['product_description_variants']
# it is possible that we've already got some move done, so check for the done qty and create
# a new move with the correct qty
qty_left = product_qty
move_dest_ids = []
if not self.location_dest_id.should_bypass_reservation():
move_dest_ids = values.get('move_dest_ids', False) and [(4, x.id) for x in values['move_dest_ids']] or []
# when create chained moves for inter-warehouse transfers, set the warehouses as partners
if not partner and move_dest_ids:
move_dest = values['move_dest_ids']
if location_dest_id == company_id.internal_transit_location_id:
partners = move_dest.location_dest_id.warehouse_id.partner_id
if len(partners) == 1:
partner = partners
move_dest.partner_id = self.location_src_id.warehouse_id.partner_id or self.company_id.partner_id
move_values = {
'name': name[:2000],
'company_id': self.company_id.id or self.location_src_id.company_id.id or self.location_dest_id.company_id.id or company_id.id,
'product_id': product_id.id,
'product_uom': product_uom.id,
'product_uom_qty': qty_left,
'partner_id': partner.id if partner else False,
'location_id': self.location_src_id.id,
'location_dest_id': location_dest_id.id,
'move_dest_ids': move_dest_ids,
'rule_id': self.id,
'procure_method': self.procure_method,
'origin': origin,
'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_id.id,
'group_id': group_id,
'route_ids': [(4, route.id) for route in values.get('route_ids', [])],
'warehouse_id': self.propagate_warehouse_id.id or self.warehouse_id.id,
'date': date_scheduled,
'date_deadline': False if self.group_propagation_option == 'fixed' else date_deadline,
'propagate_cancel': self.propagate_cancel,
'description_picking': picking_description,
'priority': values.get('priority', "0"),
'orderpoint_id': values.get('orderpoint_id') and values['orderpoint_id'].id,
'product_packaging_id': values.get('product_packaging_id') and values['product_packaging_id'].id,
for field in self._get_custom_move_fields():
if field in values:
move_values[field] = values.get(field)
return move_values
def _get_lead_days(self, product, **values):
"""Returns the cumulative delay and its description encountered by a
procurement going through the rules in `self`.
:param product: the product of the procurement
:type product: :class:`~odoo.addons.product.models.product.ProductProduct`
:return: the cumulative delay and cumulative delay's description
:rtype: tuple[defaultdict(float), list[str, str]]
delays = defaultdict(float)
delay = sum(self.filtered(lambda r: r.action in ['pull', 'pull_push']).mapped('delay'))
delays['total_delay'] += delay
global_visibility_days = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('stock.visibility_days')
if global_visibility_days:
delays['total_delay'] += int(global_visibility_days)
if self.env.context.get('bypass_delay_description'):
delay_description = []
delay_description = [
(_('Delay on %s', rule.name), _('+ %d day(s)', rule.delay))
for rule in self
if rule.action in ['pull', 'pull_push'] and rule.delay
if global_visibility_days:
delay_description.append((_('Global Visibility Days'), _('+ %d day(s)', int(global_visibility_days))))
return delays, delay_description
class ProcurementGroup(models.Model):
The procurement group class is used to group products together
when computing procurements. (tasks, physical products, ...)
The goal is that when you have one sales order of several products
and the products are pulled from the same or several location(s), to keep
having the moves grouped into pickings that represent the sales order.
Used in: sales order (to group delivery order lines like the so), pull/push
rules (to pack like the delivery order), on orderpoints (e.g. for wave picking
all the similar products together).
Grouping is made only if the source and the destination is the same.
Suppose you have 4 lines on a picking from Output where 2 lines will need
to come from Input (crossdock) and 2 lines coming from Stock -> Output As
the four will have the same group ids from the SO, the move from input will
have a stock.picking with 2 grouped lines and the move from stock will have
2 grouped lines also.
The name is usually the name of the original document (sales order) or a
sequence computed if created manually.
_name = 'procurement.group'
_description = 'Procurement Group'
_order = "id desc"
Procurement = namedtuple('Procurement', ['product_id', 'product_qty',
'product_uom', 'location_id', 'name', 'origin', 'company_id', 'values'])
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Partner')
name = fields.Char(
default=lambda self: self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('procurement.group') or '',
move_type = fields.Selection([
('direct', 'Partial'),
('one', 'All at once')], string='Delivery Type', default='direct',
stock_move_ids = fields.One2many('stock.move', 'group_id', string="Related Stock Moves")
def _skip_procurement(self, procurement):
return procurement.product_id.type not in ("consu", "product") or float_is_zero(
procurement.product_qty, precision_rounding=procurement.product_uom.rounding
def run(self, procurements, raise_user_error=True):
"""Fulfil `procurements` with the help of stock rules.
Procurements are needs of products at a certain location. To fulfil
these needs, we need to create some sort of documents (`stock.move`
by default, but extensions of `_run_` methods allow to create every
type of documents).
:param procurements: the description of the procurement
:type list: list of `~odoo.addons.stock.models.stock_rule.ProcurementGroup.Procurement`
:param raise_user_error: will raise either an UserError or a ProcurementException
:type raise_user_error: boolan, optional
:raises UserError: if `raise_user_error` is True and a procurement isn't fulfillable
:raises ProcurementException: if `raise_user_error` is False and a procurement isn't fulfillable
def raise_exception(procurement_errors):
if raise_user_error:
dummy, errors = zip(*procurement_errors)
raise UserError('\n'.join(errors))
raise ProcurementException(procurement_errors)
actions_to_run = defaultdict(list)
procurement_errors = []
for procurement in procurements:
procurement.values.setdefault('company_id', procurement.location_id.company_id)
procurement.values.setdefault('priority', '0')
procurement.values.setdefault('date_planned', procurement.values.get('date_planned', False) or fields.Datetime.now())
if self._skip_procurement(procurement):
rule = self._get_rule(procurement.product_id, procurement.location_id, procurement.values)
if not rule:
error = _('No rule has been found to replenish %r in %r.\nVerify the routes configuration on the product.',
procurement.product_id.display_name, procurement.location_id.display_name)
procurement_errors.append((procurement, error))
action = 'pull' if rule.action == 'pull_push' else rule.action
actions_to_run[action].append((procurement, rule))
if procurement_errors:
for action, procurements in actions_to_run.items():
if hasattr(self.env['stock.rule'], '_run_%s' % action):
getattr(self.env['stock.rule'], '_run_%s' % action)(procurements)
except ProcurementException as e:
procurement_errors += e.procurement_exceptions
_logger.error("The method _run_%s doesn't exist on the procurement rules" % action)
if procurement_errors:
return True
def _search_rule(self, route_ids, packaging_id, product_id, warehouse_id, domain):
""" First find a rule among the ones defined on the procurement
group, then try on the routes defined for the product, finally fallback
on the default behavior
if warehouse_id:
domain = expression.AND([['|', ('warehouse_id', '=', warehouse_id.id), ('warehouse_id', '=', False)], domain])
Rule = self.env['stock.rule']
res = self.env['stock.rule']
if route_ids:
res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', route_ids.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
if not res and packaging_id:
packaging_routes = packaging_id.route_ids
if packaging_routes:
res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', packaging_routes.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
if not res:
product_routes = product_id.route_ids | product_id.categ_id.total_route_ids
if product_routes:
res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', product_routes.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
if not res and warehouse_id:
warehouse_routes = warehouse_id.route_ids
if warehouse_routes:
res = Rule.search(expression.AND([[('route_id', 'in', warehouse_routes.ids)], domain]), order='route_sequence, sequence', limit=1)
return res
def _get_rule(self, product_id, location_id, values):
""" Find a pull rule for the location_id, fallback on the parent
locations if it could not be found.
result = self.env['stock.rule']
location = location_id
while (not result) and location:
domain = self._get_rule_domain(location, values)
result = self._search_rule(values.get('route_ids', False), values.get('product_packaging_id', False), product_id, values.get('warehouse_id', location.warehouse_id), domain)
location = location.location_id
return result
def _get_rule_domain(self, location, values):
domain = ['&', ('location_dest_id', '=', location.id), ('action', '!=', 'push')]
# In case the method is called by the superuser, we need to restrict the rules to the
# ones of the company. This is not useful as a regular user since there is a record
# rule to filter out the rules based on the company.
if self.env.su and values.get('company_id'):
domain_company = ['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', 'child_of', values['company_id'].ids)]
domain = expression.AND([domain, domain_company])
return domain
def _get_moves_to_assign_domain(self, company_id):
moves_domain = [
('state', 'in', ['confirmed', 'partially_available']),
('product_uom_qty', '!=', 0.0),
('reservation_date', '<=', fields.Date.today())
if company_id:
moves_domain = expression.AND([[('company_id', '=', company_id)], moves_domain])
return moves_domain
def _run_scheduler_tasks(self, use_new_cursor=False, company_id=False):
# Minimum stock rules
domain = self._get_orderpoint_domain(company_id=company_id)
orderpoints = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].search(domain)
# ensure that qty_* which depends on datetime.now() are correctly
# recomputed
if use_new_cursor:
orderpoints.sudo()._procure_orderpoint_confirm(use_new_cursor=use_new_cursor, company_id=company_id, raise_user_error=False)
# Search all confirmed stock_moves and try to assign them
domain = self._get_moves_to_assign_domain(company_id)
moves_to_assign = self.env['stock.move'].search(domain, limit=None,
order='reservation_date, priority desc, date asc, id asc')
for moves_chunk in split_every(1000, moves_to_assign.ids):
if use_new_cursor:
_logger.info("A batch of %d moves are assigned and committed", len(moves_chunk))
# Merge duplicated quants
if use_new_cursor:
_logger.info("_run_scheduler_tasks is finished and committed")
def run_scheduler(self, use_new_cursor=False, company_id=False):
""" Call the scheduler in order to check the running procurements (super method), to check the minimum stock rules
and the availability of moves. This function is intended to be run for all the companies at the same time, so
we run functions as SUPERUSER to avoid intercompanies and access rights issues. """
if use_new_cursor:
cr = registry(self._cr.dbname).cursor()
self = self.with_env(self.env(cr=cr)) # TDE FIXME
self._run_scheduler_tasks(use_new_cursor=use_new_cursor, company_id=company_id)
except Exception:
_logger.error("Error during stock scheduler", exc_info=True)
if use_new_cursor:
except Exception:
return {}
def _get_orderpoint_domain(self, company_id=False):
domain = [('trigger', '=', 'auto'), ('product_id.active', '=', True)]
if company_id:
domain += [('company_id', '=', company_id)]
return domain