/** @odoo-module **/ import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { zip } from "@web/core/utils/arrays"; import { TourError } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils"; import { accessSurveysteps } from "./survey_tour_session_tools"; let rootWidget = null; /** * Since the chart is rendered using SVG, we can't use jQuery triggers to check if everything * is correctly rendered. * This helper method returns the chart data (Chartjs framework specific) in the following structure: * [{ value, backgroundColor, labelColor }] */ const getChartData = () => { const chartData = []; const surveyManagePublicWidget = rootWidget.publicWidgets.find((widget) => { return widget.$el.hasClass('o_survey_session_manage'); }); if (!surveyManagePublicWidget) { return chartData; } surveyManagePublicWidget.resultsChart.chart.data.datasets[0].data.forEach((value, index)=> { chartData.push({ value: value, backgroundColor: surveyManagePublicWidget.resultsChart._getBackgroundColor({dataIndex: index}), labelColor: surveyManagePublicWidget.resultsChart._getLabelColor({dataIndex: index}), }); }); return chartData; }; const nextScreen = () => { const e = $.Event('keydown'); e.key = "ArrowRight"; $(document).trigger(e); }; const previousScreen = () => { const e = $.Event('keydown'); e.key = "ArrowLeft"; $(document).trigger(e); }; const REGULAR_ANSWER_COLOR = '#212529'; const CORRECT_ANSWER_COLOR = '#2CBB70'; const WRONG_ANSWER_COLOR = '#D9534F'; const INDEX_TO_ORDINAL = { 0: 'First', 1: 'Second', 2: 'Third', 3: 'Fourth', }; /** * Check answer appearance (opacity and color). * * @param {string} answerLabel * @param {{backgroundColor: string, labelColor: string, value?: number}} shownAnswer * @param {"correct"|"incorrect"|"regular"} expectedAnswerType */ const checkAnswerAppearance = (answerLabel, shownAnswer, expectedAnswerType) => { if (expectedAnswerType === 'correct') { if (!shownAnswer.backgroundColor.includes('0.8') || shownAnswer.labelColor !== CORRECT_ANSWER_COLOR) { throw new TourError(`${answerLabel} should be shown as "correct"!`); } } else if (expectedAnswerType === 'incorrect') { if (!shownAnswer.backgroundColor.includes('0.2') || shownAnswer.labelColor !== WRONG_ANSWER_COLOR) { throw new TourError(`${answerLabel} should be shown as "incorrect"!`); } } else if (expectedAnswerType === 'regular') { if (!shownAnswer.backgroundColor.includes('0.8') || shownAnswer.labelColor !== REGULAR_ANSWER_COLOR) { throw new TourError(`${answerLabel} should not be shown as "correct" or "incorrect"!`); } } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported answer type.`); } }; const checkAnswerValue = (answerLabel, shownAnswerValue, expectedAnswerValue) => { if (shownAnswerValue !== expectedAnswerValue) { throw new TourError(expectedAnswerValue === 0 ? `${answerLabel} should not be picked by any user!` : `${answerLabel} should be picked by ${expectedAnswerValue} users!` ); } }; /** * Check the answers count, values and appearance. * * @param {{value: number, backgroundColor: string, color: string}[]} chartData Data returned by `getChartData`. * @param {{value: number, type: "correct" | "incorrect" | "regular"}[]} expectedAnswersData */ const checkAnswers = (chartData, expectedAnswersData) => { checkAnswersCount(chartData, expectedAnswersData.length); zip(chartData, expectedAnswersData).forEach(([shownAnswerData, expectedAnswerData], answerIndex) => { const answerLabel = `${INDEX_TO_ORDINAL[answerIndex]} answer`; checkAnswerValue(answerLabel, shownAnswerData.value, expectedAnswerData.value); checkAnswerAppearance(answerLabel, shownAnswerData, expectedAnswerData.type); }); }; const checkAnswersAllZeros = (chartData) => { if (chartData.find(answerData => answerData !== 0).length) { throw new TourError('Chart data should all be 0!'); } }; const checkAnswersCount = (chartData, expectedCount) => { if (chartData.length !== expectedCount) { throw new TourError(`Chart data should contain ${expectedCount} records!`); } }; /** * Tour that will test the whole survey session from the host point of view. * * Break down of the main points: * - Open the 'session manager' (the session was already created by a previous tour) * - Display the nickname question, and move to the next one (as answers are not displayed) * - Check answers are correctly displayed for the 3 'simple' question types (text, date, datetime) * - Move to the choice question and check that answers are displayed * (The check is rather complex, see 'getChartData' for details) * - If everything is correctly displayed, move to the next question * - On the scored choice question, check that the screens are correctly chained: * no results displayed -> results displayed -> correct/incorrect answers -> leaderboard * - On the scored + timed multiple choice question, check the same than previous question, * except that the results are supposed to be displayed automatically when the question timer runs out * - Test the 'back' behavior and check that screens are reversed correctly * - Check that our final leaderboard is correct based on attendees answers * - Close the survey session */ registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('test_survey_session_manage_tour', { url: "/web", test: true, steps: () => [].concat(accessSurveysteps, [{ trigger: 'button[name="action_open_session_manager"]', }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Nickname")', isCheck: true // check nickname question is displayed }, { trigger: 'body', run: async () => { rootWidget = await odoo.loader.modules.get('root.widget'); } }, { trigger: 'h1', run: nextScreen }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Text Question")', isCheck: true // check text question is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small:contains("3 / 3")', isCheck: true // check we have 3 answers }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 1 is the best")', isCheck: true // check attendee 1 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 2 rulez")', isCheck: true // check attendee 2 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 3 will crush you")', isCheck: true // check attendee 3 answer is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: nextScreen }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small:contains("2 / 3")', isCheck: true // check we have 2 answers }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("10/10/2010")', isCheck: true // check attendee 1 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("11/11/2011")', isCheck: true // check attendee 2 answer is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: previousScreen }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Text Question")', isCheck: true // check text question is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small:contains("3 / 3")', isCheck: true // check we have 3 answers }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 1 is the best")', isCheck: true // check attendee 1 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 2 rulez")', isCheck: true // check attendee 2 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("Attendee 3 will crush you")', isCheck: true // check attendee 3 answer is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: nextScreen }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small:contains("2 / 3")', isCheck: true // check we have 2 answers }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("10/10/2010")', isCheck: true // check attendee 1 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("11/11/2011")', isCheck: true // check attendee 2 answer is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: nextScreen }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small:contains("2 / 3")', isCheck: true // check we have 2 answers }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("10/10/2010 10:00:00")', isCheck: true // check attendee 2 answer is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_text_answer_container:contains("11/11/2011 15:55:55")', isCheck: true // check attendee 3 answer is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: nextScreen }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Regular Simple Choice")', // Wait for answers' data to be fetched (see commit message). extra_trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small[style*="width: 100%"]', run: () => { checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 2, type: "regular"}, {value: 1, type: "regular"}, {value: 0, type: "regular"}, ]); nextScreen(); } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Scored Simple Choice")', run: () => { const chartData = getChartData(); checkAnswersCount(chartData, 4); checkAnswersAllZeros(chartData); nextScreen(); } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Scored Simple Choice")', // Wait for progressbar to be updated ("late" enough DOM change after onNext() is triggered). extra_trigger: '.o_survey_session_progress_small[style*="width: 100%"]', run: () => { checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 1, type: "regular"}, {value: 1, type: "regular"}, {value: 1, type: "regular"}, {value: 0, type: "regular"}, ]); nextScreen(); } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Scored Simple Choice")', // Wait for Button to be updated ("late" enough DOM change after onNext() is triggered). extra_trigger: '.o_survey_session_navigation_next_label:contains("Show Leaderboard")', run: () => { checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 1, type: "correct"}, {value: 1, type: "incorrect"}, {value: 1, type: "incorrect"}, {value: 0, type: "incorrect"}, ]); nextScreen(); nextScreen(); } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Timed Scored Multiple Choice")', run: ()=> { const chartData = getChartData(); checkAnswersCount(chartData, 3); checkAnswersAllZeros(chartData); // after 1 second, results are displayed automatically because question timer runs out // we add 1 extra second because of the way the timer works: // it only triggers the time_up event 1 second AFTER the delay is passed setTimeout(() => { checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 2, type: "regular"}, {value: 2, type: "regular"}, {value: 1, type: "regular"}, ]); nextScreen(); checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 2, type: "correct"}, {value: 2, type: "correct"}, {value: 1, type: "incorrect"}, ]); nextScreen(); }, 2100); } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Final Leaderboard")', isCheck: true // Final Leaderboard is displayed }, { trigger: 'h1', run: () => { // previous screen testing previousScreen(); checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 2, type: "correct"}, {value: 2, type: "correct"}, {value: 1, type: "incorrect"}, ]); previousScreen(); checkAnswers(getChartData(), [ {value: 2, type: "regular"}, {value: 2, type: "regular"}, {value: 1, type: "regular"}, ]); previousScreen(); checkAnswersAllZeros(getChartData()); // Now we go forward to the "Final Leaderboard" again (3 times) for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { nextScreen(); } } }, { trigger: 'h1:contains("Final Leaderboard")', isCheck: true // Final Leaderboard is displayed }, { trigger: '.o_survey_session_close:has("i.fa-close")' }, { trigger: 'button[name="action_start_session"]', isCheck: true // check that we can start another session }])});